Football Picks

steelers beat miami
seahawks beat detroit (but they wont cover spread)
no opinion on oakland game tbh.
giants will beat greenbay because that's the way the universe works
Giants knocked Packers out in 2011, I believe. Also, it would give them a chance to go 3-0 against the Cowgirls this season, and to further go 3-0 against Brady in Super Bowls. I really like that there are four NFC playoff contenders (Seattle, Green Bay, New Jersey, and Detroit) that I would love to see win the SB. Of course, I loathe the Cowgirls (would root for Pittsburgh over them), and don't want to see Atlanta get-in, either.
Giants knocked Packers out in 2011, I believe. Also, it would give them a chance to go 3-0 against the Cowgirls this season, and to further go 3-0 against Brady in Super Bowls. I really like that there are four NFC playoff contenders (Seattle, Green Bay, New Jersey, and Detroit) that I would love to see win the SB. Of course, I loathe the Cowgirls (would root for Pittsburgh over them), and don't want to see Atlanta get-in, either.

Anyone but Brady.
I understand cow pokie hate but for me the shit list starts with NE, then PIT then anyone not SEA.
I hope NE and PIT lose their first games.

I can't really hate on a team from New England, called the Patriots, for very long. Once Bellichick croaks/retires, I'll go back to liking them again.
The Patriots have ruined my life. I can't stand that team.

But this year, they will not be denied. They get #5 while the rest of us suffer.

Everything else is inconsequential.
The Patriots have ruined my life. I can't stand that team.

But this year, they will not be denied. They get #5 while the rest of us suffer.

Everything else is inconsequential.

Cowgirls and Falcons are pretty lethal teams. Packers have become hot at the right moment. Giants own the Patriots in the SB. It's not automatic for the Patriots.
We had a great time at the game. We had really good seats, and the Texans won. I even ate a hot dogs, I never eat hot dogs, but they taste different at sporting events.
We had a great time at the game. We had really good seats, and the Texans won. I even ate a hot dogs, I never eat hot dogs, but they taste different at sporting events.

Glad you had a good time. I'd love to have an all Texas Super Bowl but would also be completely satisfied with Dallas vs. KC in Houston. Wishful thinking, I'm sure but a guy can dream.