for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression

I am not Jewish, I just generally do not let barely educated anti-Semites lie about Jews.

The cannonical Gospels are not consistent with each other regarding the events that transpired between Jesus of Nazereth and Pontius Pilate. If sentient human beings have any hope of understanding what happened, we have to turn to the use of reason and the principles of historical scholarship.

The claims of the later Gospels do not pass the criterion of contextual credibility. We know from the first century Jewish historian Josepheus that Pontius Pilate was a brutal Roman overlord who executed opponents on a whim and without trial, and he would not have been so meek as to cater to the whims of his Jewish underlings, or to their cries for blood. Pontius would have had no problem - none, nada, zilch - issuing an order to execute Jesus as a threat to Roman interests. First century Jewish historians attribute the execution of Jesus to Pontius Pilate and make no mention of him playing the good guy and attempting to spare Jesus.

The earliest Gospel chronologicaly, aka Mark, comports fairly well with the narrative of the Jewish historians - aka, Pontius Pilate was not the good guy, did not lift a finger to spare Jesus, and gave the order to execute him without giving it a second thought.

As noted earlier, the idea of the crowds calling for Jesus’ blood in chronologically later Gospels does not pass the criterion of dissimilarity; later Christians telling the story may have wanted to emphasize the culpability of the Jewish people.

Last, any attempt to hold all the Jewish people accountable in perpetuity for the actions of a handful of Jewish leaders in the thrall of Roman authorities is something that would only occur to an anti-semite. It is not something that would occur to a normal, ethical, thinking human being.

I think Pilate recognised Jesus standing before him was not just your average person.
?? How is he bashing the bible??

The Jew claims the four books of the Bible that give the crucifixion account are fraudulent. (The lying, anti-Christ Jew was asked to support that claim, but the lying Jew just cried about racism and claimed to choose not to answer.)

Whatever Pilate felt is what he felt, it changes nothing..

By falsely claiming that Pilate followed his own desire, Cypress the Jew is whitewashing that disgusting brotherhood, the Jews.
It's as if one's acceptance of a self aggrandizing scholarship on a fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception is the national religion of terrorism avoidance of the laws of nature & nature's God. Nazi's exterminated 6 million + Jews for not accepting Jesus & never found another to forgive them scientifically; which seems is still that "serve the Pope or die" discount.
Well now, all that & I dunno what the hell you're rambling off about..

You are not denying the 6+ million murders?

You believe they were murdered for not accepting Jesus as the messiah??
The Jew claims the four books of the Bible that give the crucifixion account are fraudulent. (The lying, anti-Christ Jew was asked to support that claim, but the lying Jew just cried about racism and claimed to choose not to answer.)

By falsely claiming that Pilate followed his own desire, Cypress the Jew is whitewashing that disgusting brotherhood, the Jews.

He isn't Jewish... Everyone that opposes what you are saying isn't Jewish.

Pilates culpability has what to do w/ it?

Pilate, as well as members of the Sanhedrin believed & perhaps doubted, none the less they did the deed.

Pilate's washing did not cleanse him nor his participation condemn all Romans, Italians, just as participation by members of the Sanhedrin condemned them, not all Jews..

@ least that is what I think.. :|
Did you get my message Pastor??

Not used a sock since 98' but it is legal here, do you have a problem w/ that??

Yeah....right. The sock was in reference of YOU pasting every left leaning piece of propaganda that you can find and using it to phish and race bait....A Sock does require the use of stings being manipulated via someone. Via the objective testable words in your use of a very limited vocabulary in an attempt to articulate the English language...its clear, you are the manipulated sock and not the string master. You have no capacity for independent critical thinking and reasoning. All it takes is the allowance of the words that you present to be used to base a logical and reasonable are SOMEONE'S SOCK PUPPET. Do you really thing that anyone believes the words you often present are based upon your own reasoned thoughts? :palm:
Well now, all that & I dunno what the hell you're rambling off about..

You are not denying the 6+ million murders?

You believe they were murdered for not accepting Jesus as the messiah??

History of WW II Nazi concentration camp Holocaust murders of 6+ million are well documented since they seemed to have a pedophilia factory business, much of just what this Christian Nation of one nation under God with equal justice under law super egos refuses to accept that a fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception not within the laws of nature & nature's God as suicidal to avoid eliciting homicidal responses to no end.
History of WW II Nazi concentration camp Holocaust murders of 6+ million are well documented since they seemed to have a pedophilia factory business, much of just what this Christian Nation of one nation under God with equal justice under law super egos refuses to accept that a fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception not within the laws of nature & nature's God as suicidal to avoid eliciting homicidal responses to no end.

You need help.........
You are either pretending to be stupid, or you're not pretending.:|

When will the real vanguard, the smarter ones get here??
You are either pretending to be stupid, or you're not pretending.:|

When will the real vanguard, the smarter ones get here??

Expecting a division of Christian lynching enforcement to ensure Christiananality pedophilia of the 20th century is insured with the cross is higher than the flag Christiananality Islamophobia pedophilia for the 21st century must be ingenious !
WTF is this bullshit?

Why the face as who'd expect that way too dang lily brilliant white cross is higher than the flag Christian Nation Nationalism compulsive Christiananality pedophilia obsession of one nation under God for thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists that has evolved into avoidance of now being Islamophobia pedophilia Christiananality oppression throwing lit bags at persons in acceptance while trying to fight their way out of a soiled paper bag.
Expecting a division of Christian lynching enforcement to ensure Christiananality pedophilia of the 20th century is insured with the cross is higher than the flag Christiananality Islamophobia pedophilia for the 21st century must be ingenious !

That claim well documents you as an idiot.

The USA Christian Nation Islamidiotocracy of denying documented Nazi Germany history where WW II Germans took great care to log death totals & methods of exterminations; where killing the parents in concentration camps first to be better pedophiles under the swastika was standard; which of course is of no consequence to a supreme swastika up Uranus court of business law standing. Reincarnation of yet another of Rehnquist's thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists Reichquest for vile Christiananality Islamophobia pedophilia as law of the land claims.
The USA Christian Nation Islamidiotocracy of denying documented Nazi Germany history where WW II Germans took great care to log death totals & methods of exterminations; where killing the parents in concentration camps first to be better pedophiles under the swastika was standard; which of course is of no consequence to a supreme swastika up Uranus court of business law standing. Reincarnation of yet another of Rehnquist's thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists Reichquest for vile Christiananality Islamophobia pedophilia as law of the land claims.

The fcktards who believe the "Holocaust" are stupid enough to believe your claim Germans took great care to log death totals & methods of exterminations as proof of the Holocaust. But, you are right, Germans took great care to log death totals and methods, and there's no Holocaust shown in their logs and records.
The fcktards who believe the "Holocaust" are stupid enough to believe your claim Germans took great care to log death totals & methods of exterminations as proof of the Holocaust. But, you are right, Germans took great care to log death totals and methods, and there's no Holocaust shown in their logs and records.

Oh ! So Bob Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom of West Nazi Germany Virginia which stole a partially completed draft of Holocaust research & another absentee voting ballot while gassing the lungs during attending college still thinks it got the original while there's other copies with bibliography references ? Too bad it's called one nation under God.