for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression

Not a coincidence. Premillennialist “Christians” were misguided in that they believe(d) that Jesus was coming back to this earth to reign and it would be from Jerusalem.

Jesus is clear, his kingdom is not of this world. Premillennialist "Christians" follow perverted imitation of Jesus.

The believe(d) in the perpetuity of Israel stemming from a misunderstanding of several OT verses like Jeremiah 24:5-6. Because they thought that piece of land was religiously important and that the “Jews” were divinely the right possessors of that land, the powers that were decided to help God out by giving it to them. The rest is tragic history.

Premillennialist "Christians" are satanic liars and idiots, not followers of Jesus. Jeremiah 24:5-6 was literally and physically fulfilled decades later when the Jews returned from Babylonian exile. It was spiritually fulfilled when Jesus established the Church at Pentecost.
I think they were both guilty. The times in which Jesus supposedly lived were tumultuous times and Rome was quick to put down decent. The Jewish leaders did not like anyone rocking the boat, challenging their authority. The itinerant preacher, Jesus was teaching that the law was made for man, not man for the law. He talked of a kingdom, even though it was not of this world. He presented a problem to both, so they got rid of him.

The "Jewish leaders" were more concerned with trouble-making anti-Jesus common Jews than with any threat to their own authority. Jesus didn't challenge or threaten the authority of the Jewish leaders (only only the most pathetic of lying worms would claim Jesus threatened Rome).
I think they were both guilty. The times in which Jesus supposedly lived were tumultuous times and Rome was quick to put down decent. The Jewish leaders did not like anyone rocking the boat, challenging their authority. The itinerant preacher, Jesus was teaching that the law was made for man, not man for the law. He talked of a kingdom, even though it was not of this world. He presented a problem to both, so they got rid of him.

That is a balanced and thoughtful answer.

Careful scholarship of all existing documented sources and the historical record is pretty clear - the order for Jesus' execution came from Pontius Pilate, without hesitation. Later Christian writers and the chronologically later Gospels attempt to make him look more innocent notwithstanding.

No question the historical record suggests that there were Jewish leaders from whom it would be convenient if Jesus of Nazareth were removed from the picture - and that Pontius Pilate, who was a brutal Roman overlord with a penchant for crucifying people, ordered the execution after deeming Jesus to be a radical and possible threat to the Roman state.

The Jewish people, however, do not bear collective responsibility for the involvement of a handful of Jewish leaders. That is my objection to conservatives when they attempt to make the claim that "the Jews" are responsible for killing Jesus.
It wasn't just a handful of Jewish leaders, you pathetic lying worm. Any Christian is obligated to trust the Bible which blames "the Jews" and the Judean "countrymen." And, Jews collectively and individually refuse to condemn the murder of Jesus by Jews, showing themselves to accept responsibility.

^^ A overtly anti-Semitic Trump supporter who will not now - or ever - be confronted or called out by conservative posters.
That is a balanced and thoughtful answer.

Careful scholarship of all existing documented sources and the historical record is pretty clear - the order for Jesus' execution came from Pontius Pilate, without hesitation. Later Christian writers and the chronologically later Gospels attempt to make him look more innocent notwithstanding.

No question the historical record suggests that there were Jewish leaders from whom it would be convenient if Jesus of Nazareth were removed from the picture - and that Pontius Pilate, who was a brutal Roman overlord with a penchant for crucifying people, ordered the execution after deeming Jesus to be a radical and possible threat to the Roman state.

The Jewish people, however, do not bear collective responsibility for the involvement of a handful of Jewish leaders. That is my objection to conservatives when they attempt to make the claim that "the Jews" are responsible for killing Jesus.

So where in Jewish written history is this account of Jesus from over 2,000 years ago ?
^^ A overtly anti-Semitic Trump supporter who will not now - or ever - be confronted or called out by conservative posters.

Hey liar, when you're reduced to nothing but name-calling, you revealed that you're a loser, loser.
Everybody rightfully hates Jews, except religious morons who understand neither Christianity or Jews. The Jews had been kicked out of one country after another (for killing Jesus and exploiting gentiles). And, then the Jews were kicked out of nazi Germany (fcktards believe six million were killed). So, the world decided on a solution, give them a jewish state so they'll leave our countries without going to one of our other countries. Too bad the Palestinians didn't have any pull when that decision was made.

No one gave them a Jewish state, they took it..... The UN/USA merely went w/ what was on the ground... No one was really clear what that meant, other than the realities on the ground.......... It was confusing enough already w/out the conflicting lies & treachery of the brits which only makes matters worse..


Will you now bombard the board w/ your denials & lies??
It wasn't just a handful of Jewish leaders, you pathetic lying worm. Any Christian is obligated to trust the Bible which blames "the Jews" and the Judean "countrymen." And, Jews collectively and individually refuse to condemn the murder of Jesus by Jews, showing themselves to accept responsibility.

Did you condemn it?? WHen, any witnesses?? I have actually never heard anyone, Jew or Gentile do so, nor have I ever read this as being a tenets of CHristianity nor a requirement to becoming one............
No one gave them a Jewish state, they took it..... The UN/USA merely went w/ what was on the ground... No one was really clear what that meant, other than the realities on the ground.......... It was confusing enough already w/out the conflicting lies & treachery of the brits which only makes matters worse..


Will you now bombard the board w/ your denials & lies??

There's probably no one who is pro-Israel who isn't also a blatant liar. Contrary to your blatant lie, imperial Britain and the UN gave the Jews land in 1948 for an apartheid state. It's true that the thieving Jews have taken land, by force, beyond what was legally given them.

Whatever the Jews took, all of the land or some of it, what they take, they have no right to it. One day justice will be done. Until then, may Israel continue to be the most hated country in the world.
I am an atheist and had little hesitation about dropping the Catholicism into which I was raised as an Italian-American child.

That being said, I don't know a soul among my many Catholic acquaintances who are anti-Semetic.

For whatever that's worth, I thought that I'd mention it.
^^ Another conservative intent on blaming the Jews for the death of Jesus.

First of all, a handful of Jewish leaders with political motivations do not represent all the Jewish people and they can not be cited to assign collective responsibility to "the Jews"

Next, if one looks at the Gospels in chronological order, there is clearly an attempt to make the Jews look more and more guilty for the execution of Jesus, and to make Pontius Pilate and the Romans less and less culpable.

In historical terms, this almost undoubtedly represents attempts by early Christians to demonize the Jews and exaggerate their culpability in the death of Jesus.

It's so simple,Jesus died for sinners.
Sinners are guilty of killing Christ!
There's probably no one who is pro-Israel who isn't also a blatant liar. Contrary to your blatant lie, imperial Britain and the UN gave the Jews land in 1948 for an apartheid state. It's true that the thieving Jews have taken land, by force, beyond what was legally given them.

Whatever the Jews took, all of the land or some of it, what they take, they have no right to it. One day justice will be done. Until then, may Israel continue to be the most hated country in the world.

LOL.... I am not pro-Israel... I know ppl that are pro-Israel & they lie as much as the next one to protect their interests.:dunno:

Yes, britian gave away land they didn't own......... Will you be surprising us w/ the Balfour Declaration that was actually 20 years prior??:thinking:

Who decides who has right to that land, or any land for that matter?? You can pick an arbitrator @ any space in time but the final arbitrator will always be might, & it is might that makes it right, if we agree or not.........

THey will hold that land until they can't, then someone else will...... Or you wanna roll the clock back to the Turks?? The Arabs? The Canaanites? Persians, Greeks, Egyptians or Assyrians??

From your posts it's clear your hate isn't about some pieces of land but the ppl living there.


So now that we have that out of the way:upvote:
LOL.... I am not pro-Israel...

Then you're not all bad.

Who decides who has right to that land, or any land for that matter??

In the case of Israel, the UN decided. But, you seem to agree that the UN didn't have a right to give the land to the Jews, not unless you're a fat of British imperialism.

THey will hold that land until they can't, then someone else will......

Yep, it's just a matter of time.

From your posts it's clear your hate isn't about some pieces of land but the ppl living there.

Yep, just like blacks hate the KKK.
Don't hold your breath.

As if Jesus second coming is going to happen in this USA Christian Nation where holding your breath waiting for equal justice under law would possibly be a higher statistical probability by an infinitesimal pause.