for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression

Given you hate me for repeating Jesus, you must really hate Jesus. You should stop being anti-Christian.

Find this Christiananality Islamophobia Pedophilia of a fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception pseudo science within the laws of nature & nature's God.
Public Christian speech is essentially illegal in Israel. But, you'll never hear complaints about that from Zionist scum "Christians" who "love" Israel. Jesus pointed out the obvious, Jews are the spawn of Satan. It's hard to imagine any supporter of Israel not being the spawn of Satan.

Never in some 60 years would have guessed public American display & speech basis would be essentially illegal in this Christian Nation USA where the cross is higher than the flag & "serve the Pope or die" has been law of the land in their thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists crusades from all the clues clucks duh clans.
You're quoting one small time when the Jews were out of favor with YHWH.
And pretending it was a permanent situation!
You're either dishonest or ignorant

You're attempting to rip a page out of your Bible, rather than think about what it means. Pathetic.

And, yes, it is a permanent situation. God didn't momentarily change.
It doesn't sit right with me that a lot of Christians attempt to put the lion's share of the blame on the Jews for the crucifixion of Jesus, and in some case Pontius Pilate is held out as a man of reason who did not really want to execute Jesus.

He didn’t want to ... but he did. He was a moral coward not willing to stand up against the envy of the Jews in power at that time. Yes, it was the Jews that wanted Jesus dead. It was the Jews that held an illegal trial...Matt 26:57ff. And it was the Jews Pilate was afraid would riot if he didn’t carry out the execution. And it was the Jews whose religion was supplanted with Christianity as the legitimate religion of the day.

It was to those same Jews Salvation was offered and many of them accepted it on God’s terms...Acts 2. It was many of the Jews who were converted to Christianity and added to the church upon their obedience...Acts 2:47. But Jewish leadership always had a problem with Jesus. A few of the higher ups, like Nicodemus the Pharisee, recognized that Jesus was sent from God...John 3. So it was the unrepentant Jews on whom God carried out judgment in AD 70, using the Roman army led by Titus as a tool of destruction so that the religion of Judaism could never again be legitimately followed as God had instructed in the old law.
He didn’t want to ... but he did. He was a moral coward not willing to stand up against the envy of the Jews in power at that time. Yes, it was the Jews that wanted Jesus dead. It was the Jews that held an illegal trial...Matt 26:57ff. And it was the Jews Pilate was afraid would riot if he didn’t carry out the execution. And it was the Jews whose religion was supplanted with Christianity as the legitimate religion of the day.

Yep, Pilate didn't want a riot, or even a full scale rebellion, on his shift. Yet, he still tried mightily to save Jesus, while avoiding rebellion. The people who blame Rome for killing Jesus are sick, racist bastards.

It was to those same Jews Salvation was offered and many of them accepted it on God’s terms...Acts 2. It was many of the Jews who were converted to Christianity and added to the church upon their obedience...Acts 2:47. But Jewish leadership always had a problem with Jesus. A few of the higher ups, like Nicodemus the Pharisee, recognized that Jesus was sent from God...John 3. So it was the unrepentant Jews on whom God carried out judgment in AD 70, using the Roman army led by Titus as a tool of destruction so that the religion of Judaism could never again be legitimately followed as God had instructed in the old law.

Those sick, racist bastards who blame Rome think Jews practice the same religion of the Jews in the Bible. My question is, can Christians who gravely sin by supporting the synagogue of Satan, the Jews, be saved? Can Jesus die a second time to take away their sin, after they have already come to the saving knowledge of God but then gravely sinned?

BTW, that sick, racist bastard Miss Margot Frank who dismissed God's word as insignificant when he declared that the house of Israel is not his people hasn't yet explained what she thinks God really meant when he declared that they were not his people.
He didn’t want to ... but he did. He was a moral coward not willing to stand up against the envy of the Jews in power at that time. Yes, it was the Jews that wanted Jesus dead. It was the Jews that held an illegal trial...Matt 26:57ff. And it was the Jews Pilate was afraid would riot if he didn’t carry out the execution. And it was the Jews whose religion was supplanted with Christianity as the legitimate religion of the day.

It was to those same Jews Salvation was offered and many of them accepted it on God’s terms...Acts 2. It was many of the Jews who were converted to Christianity and added to the church upon their obedience...Acts 2:47. But Jewish leadership always had a problem with Jesus. A few of the higher ups, like Nicodemus the Pharisee, recognized that Jesus was sent from God...John 3. So it was the unrepentant Jews on whom God carried out judgment in AD 70, using the Roman army led by Titus as a tool of destruction so that the religion of Judaism could never again be legitimately followed as God had instructed in the old law.

Why did God return Israel to the Jews in 1948?
So you think it's just a coincidence ,that 6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust then a mere few years Israel is reborn after 2000.
But God wasn't involved!
That's your claim?

Not a coincidence. Premillennialist “Christians” were misguided in that they believe(d) that Jesus was coming back to this earth to reign and it would be from Jerusalem. The believe(d) in the perpetuity of Israel stemming from a misunderstanding of several OT verses like Jeremiah 24:5-6. Because they thought that piece of land was religiously important and that the “Jews” were divinely the right possessors of that land, the powers that were decided to help God out by giving it to them. The rest is tragic history.
Going back to the original subject, the cross was a disgusting and humiliating way to kill people devised by the Roman imperialists. Yes, it's always been a symbol of oppression.
He didn’t want to ... but he did. He was a moral coward not willing to stand up against the envy of the Jews in power at that time. Yes, it was the Jews that wanted Jesus dead. It was the Jews that held an illegal trial...Matt 26:57ff. And it was the Jews Pilate was afraid would riot if he didn’t carry out the execution. And it was the Jews whose religion was supplanted with Christianity as the legitimate religion of the day.

It was to those same Jews Salvation was offered and many of them accepted it on God’s terms...Acts 2. It was many of the Jews who were converted to Christianity and added to the church upon their obedience...Acts 2:47. But Jewish leadership always had a problem with Jesus. A few of the higher ups, like Nicodemus the Pharisee, recognized that Jesus was sent from God...John 3. So it was the unrepentant Jews on whom God carried out judgment in AD 70, using the Roman army led by Titus as a tool of destruction so that the religion of Judaism could never again be legitimately followed as God had instructed in the old law.

^^ Another conservative intent on blaming the Jews for the death of Jesus.

First of all, a handful of Jewish leaders with political motivations do not represent all the Jewish people and they can not be cited to assign collective responsibility to "the Jews"

Next, if one looks at the Gospels in chronological order, there is clearly an attempt to make the Jews look more and more guilty for the execution of Jesus, and to make Pontius Pilate and the Romans less and less culpable.

In historical terms, this almost undoubtedly represents attempts by early Christians to demonize the Jews and exaggerate their culpability in the death of Jesus.

The Gospel accounts of the crowds at the trial do not pass the criterion of contextual credibility. We know from Josephus that Pilate was a brutal ruler who did not cater to the whim of the populace.

The idea of the crowds calling for Jesus’ blood does not pass the criterion of dissimilarity; later Christians telling the story may have wanted to emphasize the culpability of the Jewish people.

We can trace this tendency through the Gospels in chronological order (Mark, Luke, Matthew, John, and the
non-canonical Peter). This trend was carried out in church traditions in the second century, including accounts of Pilate’s conversion. In other words, Pilate and the Romans became more innocent, and the Jews became more guilty as time passed. This overlooks the important fact that the Jewish leaders, not the Jewish people, instigated the arrest of Jesus.

source credit: -Bart D. Ehrman, Ph.D., Professor of Religious History, University of North Carolina
Going back to the original subject, the cross was a disgusting and humiliating way to kill people devised by the Roman imperialists. Yes, it's always been a symbol of oppression.

And why it was such a huge stumbling block, not a symbol of oppression, for the Jews to accept Christ.

Deuteronomy 21:23 — accursed is he who hangeth on a tree..

1 Corinthians 1:23 — but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness, ...
^^ Another conservative intent on blaming the Jews for the death of Jesus.

I’ll own that. It’s what the Bible teaches when one takes the “whole counsel of God” on the matter.

First of all, a handful of Jewish leaders with political motivations do not represent all the Jewish people and they can not be cited to assign collective responsibility to "the Jews"

Next, if one looks at the Gospels in chronological order, there is clearly an attempt to make the Jews look more and more guilty for the execution of Jesus, and to make Pontius Pilate and the Romans less and less culpable.

In historical terms, this almost undoubtedly represents attempts by early Christians to demonize the Jews and exaggerate their culpability in the death of Jesus.

The rest of this I dismiss as the teaching of men.

Colossians 2:8
Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.
^^ Another conservative intent on blaming the Jews for the death of Jesus.

First of all, a handful of Jewish leaders with political motivations do not represent all the Jewish people and they can not be cited to assign collective responsibility to "the Jews"

Next, if one looks at the Gospels in chronological order, there is clearly an attempt to make the Jews look more and more guilty for the execution of Jesus, and to make Pontius Pilate and the Romans less and less culpable.

In historical terms, this almost undoubtedly represents attempts by early Christians to demonize the Jews and exaggerate their culpability in the death of Jesus.

I think they were both guilty. The times in which Jesus supposedly lived were tumultuous times and Rome was quick to put down decent. The Jewish leaders did not like anyone rocking the boat, challenging their authority. The itinerant preacher, Jesus was teaching that the law was made for man, not man for the law. He talked of a kingdom, even though it was not of this world. He presented a problem to both, so they got rid of him.
Why did God return Israel to the Jews in 1948?

God didn't return Israel to the Jews in 1948. Just because those bastards call their country Israel doesn't make it the Israel of God.

1) Fcktard, why did God return Israel to the Jews in 1948? I bet you're too stupid to understand the question.
2) Fcktard, why do you think it's the Israel of God? I bet you're too stupid to even attempt to answer the question without begging the question.

(I could wait until you fail to answer the question, or I could just go ahead and call you a fcktard before you demonstrate yourself to be one.)
So you think it's just a coincidence ,that 6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust then a mere few years Israel is reborn after 2000.
But God wasn't involved!
That's your claim?

Everybody rightfully hates Jews, except religious morons who understand neither Christianity or Jews. The Jews had been kicked out of one country after another (for killing Jesus and exploiting gentiles). And, then the Jews were kicked out of nazi Germany (fcktards believe six million were killed). So, the world decided on a solution, give them a jewish state so they'll leave our countries without going to one of our other countries. Too bad the Palestinians didn't have any pull when that decision was made.
^^ Another conservative intent on blaming the Jews for the death of Jesus.

First of all, a handful of Jewish leaders with political motivations do not represent all the Jewish people and they can not be cited to assign collective responsibility to "the Jews"

It wasn't just a handful of Jewish leaders, you pathetic lying worm. Any Christian is obligated to trust the Bible which blames "the Jews" and the Judean "countrymen." And, Jews collectively and individually refuse to condemn the murder of Jesus by Jews, showing themselves to accept responsibility.