For Lorax and Cypress

Then you have bought into the strawman designed to distract from the real question. Is the current warming trend natural variation in the cycles of climate, or is it completely caused by man made emmissions. You have fallen for the easiest argument that could possibly be made.

OMG they don't think global warming exists!!

In short waterdork, you're a fucking gullible moron who can't even understand what the controversey is even about. Stick to playing with your peter, Jr.

This is probably the only time any of us has seen stirfry make a rational argument in 2 or 3 years.
funny thread...onoculous is on a rampage defending green whatever...just for the record...cow,pig and chicken caca and farts are the biggest contributors to global warming...I ain't going to become a veggie to stop the progress..:cof1:

And here I thought it was volcanic activity and the hot air that comes out of out three branches of government, lately! :eek:
We are bringing everyone out, watermark; tinfoil is achieving his higher self. The New Age is upon us. We are all gods now.
Well, stirfry shore has garnered the support of all the intelligent posters here; AHZ & BB really carry the ol' mensa torch.....

Party Pooper...

Well, stirfry shore has garnered the support of all the intelligent posters here; AHZ & BB really carry the ol' mensa torch.....


No Mensa IQ is only 137...however about 37 points higher than yours...;) and I can laugh at myself...unlike you...:cof1:
hahahh Lorax has absolutely nothing to say about the article. It figures. The consensus argument is worthless on this topic.

It's too bad , really. I was hoping for Lorax to tell us all those who were polled are shills for Exxon or something. Or maybe that they're all knuckledragging rubes who can't possibly understand the science.
hahahh Lorax has absolutely nothing to say about the article. It figures. The consensus argument is worthless on this topic.

It's too bad , really. I was hoping for Lorax to tell us all those who were polled are shills for Exxon or something. Or maybe that they're all knuckledragging rubes who can't possibly understand the science.

Told ya - can't open the link.

Probably a good thing. 'member what happened to that ol' ice core study of yours back on FP? Don't see that one too much anymore.

Here's the best part of the study. Directly quoted from their conclusions:

"...Perhaps ironically, and certainly contrary to the assumptions underlying the knowledge-deficit model, as well as the marketing of movies like Ice Age and An Inconvenient Truth, the effects of information on both concern for global warming and responsibility for it are exactly the opposite of what were expected. Directly, the more information a person has about global warming, the less responsible he or she feel for it; and indirectly, the more information a person has about global warming, the less concerned he or she is for it. These information effects, while striking, are consistent with the findings of Durant and Legge(47) with respect to genetically modified foods, and with those of Evans and Durant(48) with respect to embryo research.11 Thus, we contribute another parcel of evidence that the knowledge-deficit model is inadequate for understanding mass attitudes about scientific controversies...."
It's funny how they ignore the possibility that people understand the science and recognize they are being scammed by the UN.
So, in summary, the research seems to be saying that people recognise global climate change is a serious threat but feel confident that science can do something about it.
So, in summary, the research seems to be saying that people recognise global climate change is a serious threat but feel confident that science can do something about it.

Did they ask the respondants if they believed science would find a solution to the problem? I didn't see where this was asked. Did you do some mind reading?

The study states "...the more information a person has about global warming, the less concerned he or she is for it...."

So the more informed persons do not find it to be a SERIOUS problem.

That's the exact opposite of what you are trying to spin it as. You're trying to say they believe it's a serious problem despite having little fear of said problem.
And you base this assumption on another assumption, that being that people believe science will find a solution.

The study does not say that at all. Can you tell me where you got the "science will find a solution" from?
Did they ask the respondants if they believed science would find a solution to the problem? I didn't see where this was asked. Did you do some mind reading?

The study states "...the more information a person has about global warming, the less concerned he or she is for it...."

So the more informed persons do not find it to be a SERIOUS problem.

That's the exact opposite of what you are trying to spin it as. You're trying to say they believe it's a serious problem despite having little fear of said problem.
And you base this assumption on another assumption, that being that people believe science will find a solution.

The study does not say that at all. Can you tell me where you got the "science will find a solution" from?

I had to trawl through every post in this thread to try and find some sort of theme in it. I don't know if I succeeded but I'm starting to see something come out. I have to ask, since you introduced the article with a "LOL", is the research on global climate change itself or is it research into attitudes of Americans towards global climate change? I think it's the latter and I read the article in that frame of mind.

This research also has implications for the evolving relationship between scientists and the mass public.12 For despite the overwhelming scientific consensus that global warming and climate change are real phenomena that create risks for the earth's future, among the mass public, the more confidence an individual has in scientists, the less responsible he or she tends to feel for global warming, and the less concerned he or she is about the problem. Perhaps this simply reflects an abundance of confidence that scientists can engineer a set of solutions to mitigate any harmful effects of global warming. But it can not be comforting to the researchers in the scientific community that the more trust people have in them as scientists, the less concerned they are about their findings.
It reflects that smart people understand that man made global warming is a lie. Many scientists believe this, it's part of their findings.