For Lorax and Cypress

Loopholes, BB....Loopholes

I was honest and posted my IQ as post yours bimbo...and by the way it runs in my family...albeit I may be at the bottom rung and bro WCGrouch was tested at 160...however I have more common sense then he...sorry scott...but your getting me into fights was a bummer!:cof1:

Common sense? What's that?

My hypothesis is that people who ordinarily would be concerned about global warming and who would be thinking and acting as engaged citizens in the policy discussions following the achievement of scientific consensus are not doing so. they need to do nothing.

Al Gore presented his movie to the UN as the Scientific Consensus on Global Warming. A consensus at the UN agreed with the consensus as presented in Al Gore's movie.

Impressed me so much that I ordered the movie. What a farce!
The very first "fact" presented in the movie is an outright lie. I didn't watch the rest of the movie. Tried to get my money back but they don't refund just because a movie isn't's entertainment!

If man caused global warming is a fact, why does the consensus need to lie?

Common sense? What's that?

Loopholes ya ass ya know the only loopholes I have are found on my Levi-Strauss jeans...but hey blame it on me not being a mensa...who cares anyhoo...I can buy jeans with zippers...:cof1:
the weather like 'down under' any major increases from the normal hot-hot-hot!
Put another shrimp on the barbee and chill bro!;)

We've got a frigging heat wave this week - the weather is a fair bastard. It's autumn, it's supposed to be nice and pleasant and even a bit cool. There's only one thing for it - :clink:
I did. Their explanation of the findings is speculation.

There's published work on the knowledge-deficit model in the communication of science and how it can have unexpected effects. This piece is following that tradition.

For the sake of the casual reader of the thread - the research wasn't on global warming/global climate change itself, it was about the non-science community's (ie public) attitude towards climate change. It has as much relevance to the proof of existence of climate change as does a survey of churchgoing and non-churchgoing people towards the existence of God. It's about attitudes, not proof.
Al Gore presented his movie to the UN as the Scientific Consensus on Global Warming. A consensus at the UN agreed with the consensus as presented in Al Gore's movie.

Impressed me so much that I ordered the movie. What a farce!
The very first "fact" presented in the movie is an outright lie. I didn't watch the rest of the movie. Tried to get my money back but they don't refund just because a movie isn't's entertainment!

If man caused global warming is a fact, why does the consensus need to lie?

If you read the piece which provoked this thread you'll read that the scientific consensus is that global climate change is a threat to our environment. That's what the scientists are saying. What the research piece MAY indicate is that among Americans there has been such obfuscation by vested interests which have made a scientific phenomenon the subject of political ideology (the left says it exists, the right says it doesn't exist) so that Americans seem to be oblivious of the reality of global climate change.

The scienctific community (save for a few paid voices in opposition) is clear that global climate change exists as a result of human activity, that it threatens our environment and that humans need to do something about their behaviour in order to reduce or eliminate the threat.

You can believe what you wish. Your belief has no effect on the objective reality.
If you read the piece which provoked this thread you'll read that the scientific consensus is that global climate change is a threat to our environment. That's what the scientists are saying. What the research piece MAY indicate is that among Americans there has been such obfuscation by vested interests which have made a scientific phenomenon the subject of political ideology (the left says it exists, the right says it doesn't exist) so that Americans seem to be oblivious of the reality of global climate change.

The scienctific community (save for a few paid voices in opposition) is clear that global climate change exists as a result of human activity, that it threatens our environment and that humans need to do something about their behaviour in order to reduce or eliminate the threat.

You can believe what you wish. Your belief has no effect on the objective reality.

It's not that we're oblivious, we've just had so much of this nonsense in the last forty years that we just don't give a shit any more.
In the seventies, the consensus told us that a new ice age had started and we were all going to freeze to death.
In the eighties, the consensus told us that AIDS was going to wipe out mankind by the year 2000.
In the nineties the consensus told us that if Saddam set the Kuwaiti oil fields on fire it would cause "nuclear winter" that would destroy civilization. He did and it didn't...and don't forget Y2K!

Now, let's get back to another consensus pot of hogwash. The consensus tells us that Lake Chad is drying up because of "Man Caused Global Warming".

1. Lake Chad is a big mud hole. It's maximum depth is twenty feet. It's fed by the the Chari and Logone rivers. The water from those rivers has been diverted for agriculture. Scientists back in the eighties warned that diverting the rivers would result in the lake drying up. The warnings were ignored.

2. The geologic record clearly shows that for the last 50,000 years Lake Chad has dried up approximately every 800 years. It has been 800 years since the last dry cycle.

Again...if the consensus is right, why do they need to lie to us?
Loopholes ya ass ya know the only loopholes I have are found on my Levi-Strauss jeans...but hey blame it on me not being a mensa...who cares anyhoo...I can buy jeans with zippers...:cof1:

Yeah, but zippers can be painful if you aren't careful.
Mensa is for dorks who can't get laid...
Diuretic. The truth is that manmade global warming is a statist lie. The truth is not a democratic process, it just is.