For the Betterment of Our Forum

Not only did I groan you you liplicking goddam commie wanna be cunt, I reported the fucking post and I hope you're immature cunt ass is permabanned.

That is not me. That's the owner of the forum playing troll. He hacked my password protected photobucket account and created a sock acct.

I was aware of it as was the mods of this forum.


So someone else posted this pic under your name?
And you and the mods were aware of it, but no one else was?
So it looks as though you posted a pic?
And the pic is still up?

Why would that get him banned?
Are you really that fucking dumb?

I stated what seemed obvious to me.

Are you saying that I could hack your account, post a pic, and if someone else (who didn't know you were hacked) reposted the pic they would be banned?

I am asking questions. I know you prefer not to answer them, but give it a shot.
Because she posted personal information on an individual she knew was a member of this forum, you stupid motherfucker.

He reposted information that it appeared YOU posted.

If Rose was unaware of whatever little game was being played, he will not be held responsible, you ignorant drama queen.
Not only did I groan you you liplicking goddam commie wanna be cunt, I reported the fucking post and I hope you're immature cunt ass is permabanned.

That is not me. That's the owner of the forum playing troll. He hacked my password protected photobucket account and created a sock acct.

I was aware of it as was the mods of this forum.



Oh. I thought it was USF or somebody else you pissed off on this site. Good luck with the permaban and whatnot. I'm rooting for you, comrade!
He reposted information that it appeared YOU posted.

If Rose was unaware of whatever little game was being played, he will not be held responsible, you ignorant drama queen.

First Poet and now Howard?
Why do homosexuals think that everyone has fucked one of the other, of their mothers??

By the way, that is Howard.
You should see what JB looks like. :palm:
This post of mine -= - was edited by ThoughtThieves (I assume to add bolding to Howey's comment) without my permission.

I really dislike people changing my posts.

76 member forum owner says what?

Say what's the upkeep on that beauty?

Are you talking about my forum? THE FORUM I CAN'T DEFEND WHEN SOME ASSHOLE BRINGS IT UP?We have something like 165 members, many who've known each other personally, partied together, gone on cruises together, shared life's joys and heartaches together for over 15 years spanning two forums.

We're not like this place and don't want to be. We also don't have any trolls. If you think about it, if the trolls all left this forum, it would be about half the size of mine.

[mod edit]

Yeah...that's strange...except what Grind did was add something to my post...
Funny thing is a thread started to implore posters on this forum to ignore a troll turned out to be a troll flame fest spanning two forums with rampant posting of personal information, a twitter request from a mod imploring me to ignore the trolls, and then the same mod trolling and changing one of my posts as well as one of Telly's... Man, I tell ya this place has my head spinning!
Howey has a right to be mad in this situation, he has presumably a stalker somewhere impersonating him and posting his personal photos, of which howey claims he hasn't posted before.

Rose however couldn't have known (or at least I don't see much evidence of) the fact that the howey on the other forum that he linked wasn't the real howey. So from rose's perspective he probably already thought it was out in the open and wasn't a big deal.

I just think it's a misunderstanding.