For the Betterment of Our Forum

You were a shill then and you are a shill now. Legion is at least 30 IQ points smarter than you, which is what matters, not how he chooses to name himself,
plus he isn't a flaming misogynist rape apologist scumbag like you.

Glad to see that the Darla Lama has given you the tasks for the week. You were a fool then and not much has changed. I was going to say useful idiot but you're not really that useful.
Funny thing is a thread started to implore posters on this forum to ignore a troll turned out to be a troll flame fest spanning two forums with rampant posting of personal information, a twitter request from a mod imploring me to ignore the trolls, and then the same mod trolling and changing one of my posts as well as one of Telly's... Man, I tell ya this place has my head spinning!

That is REALLY a shame.

A damn SHAME I tell ya!

An unfortunate angry reaction. I apologized.


Ignorant of the situation, I posted a link to what turned out to be photos of you. Ad even though the way you expressed it was a little extreme, you had every right to be angry. You know that as well as I do.