For the Betterment of Our Forum

Btw Tekky I think I put the name of my youknowwhere in that post so Grind changed it. No biggie, didn't even realize I did,

Oh. I thought it was USF or somebody else you pissed off on this site. Good luck with the permaban and whatnot. I'm rooting for you, comrade!

Yeah, we really don't care so much. But seriously, don't go posting shit from other boards here.
Your post was edited because you quoted a post that broke the rules.

Going to the OP, why is it those that are most disruptive, have the hope of failure of their host, cry victim so often?

Just an observation,
Are you talking about my forum? THE FORUM I CAN'T DEFEND WHEN SOME ASSHOLE BRINGS IT UP?We have something like 165 members, many who've known each other personally, partied together, gone on cruises together, shared life's joys and heartaches together for over 15 years spanning two forums.

We're not like this place and don't want to be. We also don't have any trolls. If you think about it, if the trolls all left this forum, it would be about half the size of mine.

[mod edit]

Not really. Other than Philly Rabbit, all the trolls are just one person.
Rune used to claim to be best buddies with Legion or at least Rootbeer, I told him he was gullible at the time.

You were a shill then and you are a shill now. Legion is at least 30 IQ points smarter than you, which is what matters, not how he chooses to name himself,
plus he isn't a flaming misogynist rape apologist scumbag like you.