For those with deep belief in a creator, we have a soul that is unique to being human


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According to the major monotheistic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—humans have a special nature and destiny, different from and superior to those of other animals. Created by a divine power, humans resemble it in not belonging entirely to the natural world. They exercise a freedom of will no other animal possesses and, thanks to the afterlife, are exempt from mortality.
As Melanie Challenger writes in How to Be Animal:

For those with deep belief in a creator, we have a soul that is unique to the human body. For secular humanist thinkers, we have soul-like mental powers that are unique to the human brain. Each is a reason for why humans aren’t truly animals. At least, not in any crucial way.

Secular people do not believe in Divine power. Yes, God gave human beings dominion over animals. That doesn't mean that power should be abused. You secular humanists do not have power like people that follow the Creator's path.

By your own hubris, you don't and will not understand the inner workings of this world we are all in.

It's all been laid out in you know..The Bible. IF you paid attention.
Secular people do not believe in Divine power. Yes, God gave human beings dominion over animals. That doesn't mean that power should be abused. You secular humanists do not have power like people that follow the Creator's path.

By your own hubris, you don't and will not understand the inner workings of this world we are all in.

It's all been laid out in you know..The Bible. IF you paid attention.

I am not a secular humanist.
According to the major monotheistic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—humans have a special nature and destiny, different from and superior to those of other animals. Created by a divine power, humans resemble it in not belonging entirely to the natural world. They exercise a freedom of will no other animal possesses and, thanks to the afterlife, are exempt from mortality.

But of course we have no way of knowing if this is true, since we -- despite our belief in ourselves as Earth's superior species -- have yet to figure out how to communicate with other species to the extent that we can discuss such philosophical concepts.

Elephants place grass and leaves and branches over one of their kin who has passed. They return to that spot and pay homage there. I have seen corvids do the same; they even attended a "funeral" that I gave for one of their kin who was hit by a car. If they have both the emotional connection to other beings and the conception of death as we do, who can say that their spirits are not as we imagine ours to be?

I know that they are.
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But of course we have no way of knowing if this is true, since we -- despite our belief in ourselves as Earth's superior species -- have yet to figure out how to communicate with other species to the extent that we can discuss such philosophical concepts.

Elephants place grass and leaves and branches over one of their kin who has passed. They return to that spot and pay homage there. I have seen corvids do the same; they even attended a "funeral" that I gave for one of their kin who was hit by a car. If they have both the emotional connection to other beings and the conception of death as we do, who can say that their spirits are not as we imagine ours to be?
I know that they do.

Descartes said that animals do not have reason. There are a lot of humans who do not have reason. Bad argument.
But of course we have no way of knowing if this is true, since we -- despite our belief in ourselves as Earth's superior species -- have yet to figure out how to communicate with other species to the extent that we can discuss such philosophical concepts.

Elephants place grass and leaves and branches over one of their kin who has passed. They return to that spot and pay homage there. I have seen corvids do the same; they even attended a "funeral" that I gave for one of their kin who was hit by a car. If they have both the emotional connection to other beings and the conception of death as we do, who can say that their spirits are not as we imagine ours to be?
I know that they do.

You have no way of knowing what's true because you're full of bullshit. Others notsomuch.

Just look at ya, equating animals to human beings, Get real, puta!

Do I think it's wrong to take elephants you're not going to eat? Absolutely!

Do I think it's wrong to take them to feed people? No.

Wtf is a Corvid?
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Descartes said that animals do not have reason. There are a lot of humans who do not have reason. Bad argument.

It's pretty easy to choose an attribute, assign random meaning to it, then declare that it's only possessed by oneself and maybe a few other enlightened, special beings.
You have no way of knowing what's true because you're full of bullshit. Others notsomuch.

Just look at ya, equating animals to human beings, Get real, puta!

Do I think it's wrong to take elephants you're not going to eat? Absolutely!

Do I think it's wrong to take them to feed people? No.

Well, isn't that a special response by a short bus-riding loser? :laugh:
It's pretty easy to choose an attribute, assign random meaning to it, then declare that it's only possessed by oneself and maybe a few other enlightened, special beings.

The distinction between animals and humans was reason, for Descartes. Thus animals only had instinct. But where does instinct come from? Nature? Where does reason come from? God?
Well, isn't that a special response by a short bus-riding loser? :laugh:

I rode the long bus, around the entire city to pick up all the gifted students to take them to 1 place, baby girl. You fail.

Tell me how you define a loser. I'm happy, Financially Independent, I do what I want, when I want. How does that make me a "loser"?

I don't have a woman around because the last one was dragging me down, and I've done well to be shed of her. I'm not compromising my principles just to have a comfort woman around, no.

I'm going to be me, and on a moral scale, gf? You're several notches lower than I am. You don't even have a set moral base. Mine was set by God, who was yours set by?

I believe in absolute morality, and I fall mighty short, but you fall shorter and are not worthy of judging me. True Story.
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The distinction between animals and humans was reason, for Descartes. Thus animals only had instinct. But where does instinct come from? Nature? Where does reason come from? God?

It comes from our unique brains. We humans love to believe that ours are super special... but many avian species have denser neurons and connections, within their relatively tiny skulls, than we do.

They used to believe that animals were "automatons" that functioned solely on instinct and were incapable of learning. We now know that this is false.
It comes from our unique brains. We humans love to believe that ours are super special... but many avian species have denser neurons and connections, within their relatively tiny skulls, than we do.

They used to believe that animals were "automatons" that functioned solely on instinct and were incapable of learning. We now know that this is false.

Agree. Even though Aristotle talked about the human soul, it was purely biological and ended when you die.