For those with deep belief in a creator, we have a soul that is unique to being human

Wtf is a Corvid?

It's amusing when someone like you jumps into a conversation way above his level -- i.e. philosophy -- with personal insults. Yet you don't know what a corvid is. From Merriam-Webster: Corvid (n): any of a family (Corvidae) of stout-billed passerine birds including the crows, jays, magpies, and the raven
It's amusing when someone like you jumps into a conversation way above his level -- i.e. philosophy -- with personal insults. Yet you don't know what a corvid is. From Merriam-Webster: Corvid (n): any of a family (Corvidae) of stout-billed passerine birds including the crows, jays, magpies, and the raven

Matt is a Homer Simpson: "No, I mean, what does the word 'irony' mean?"
It's amusing when someone like you jumps into a conversation way above his level -- i.e. philosophy -- with personal insults. Yet you don't know what a corvid is. From Merriam-Webster: Corvid (n): any of a family (Corvidae) of stout-billed passerine birds including the crows, jays, magpies, and the raven

Okay, Shitbirds in other words, amirite?

If I'm wrong, tell me how all those are NOT shitbirds. Those are all shitbirds.
Origin of "transhumanism":

The sentence Challenger quotes, which comes from Huxley’s New Bottles for New Wine (1957), reads in its entirety, “The human species can, if it wishes, transcend itself—not just sporadically, an individual here in one way, an individual there in another way, but in its entirety, as humanity.” Huxley continues:

“I believe in transhumanism”: once there are enough people who can truly say that, the human species will be on the threshold of a new kind of existence, as different from ours as ours is from that of Pekin man. It will at last be consciously fulfilling its real destiny.
It comes from our unique brains. We humans love to believe that ours are super special... but many avian species have denser neurons and connections, within their relatively tiny skulls, than we do.

They used to believe that animals were "automatons" that functioned solely on instinct and were incapable of learning. We now know that this is false.

Yeah, you're a moron.
Agree. Even though Aristotle talked about the human soul, it was purely biological and ended when you die.

And even ~2,500 years later, with all of our science, we still cannot make the case for anything different.

It is high hubris to believe that we are the most special beings on this planet. We're all composed of the same stuff, share most of our DNA with each other. We are all biological beings programmed by our DNA with the same imperatives... eat. Have sex. Produce offspring. We eat each other for the most part, whether we're bacteria or humans. Many of us feel unpleasant sensations when one of our close relatives is no more, whether we are a tree in a forest or a mother mourning her lost child.

Many humans don't like this concept of our part on the planet because they think it means we shouldn't eat meat, or get rid of mice in our house, or otherwise be destructive. Life is destructive in order to make new life. That's it.
And even ~2,500 years later, with all of our science, we still cannot make the case for anything different.

It is high hubris to believe that we are the most special beings on this planet. We're all composed of the same stuff, share most of our DNA with each other. We are all biological beings programmed by our DNA with the same imperatives... eat. Have sex. Produce offspring. We eat each other for the most part, whether we're bacteria or humans. Many of us feel unpleasant sensations when one of our close relatives is no more, whether we are a tree in a forest or a mother mourning her lost child.

Many humans don't like this concept of our part on the planet because they think it means we shouldn't eat meat, or get rid of mice in our house, or otherwise be destructive. Life is destructive in order to make new life. That's it.

There is a basic viciousness in all forms of life.
And even ~2,500 years later, with all of our science, we still cannot make the case for anything different.

It is high hubris to believe that we are the most special beings on this planet. We're all composed of the same stuff, share most of our DNA with each other. We are all biological beings programmed by our DNA with the same imperatives... eat. Have sex. Produce offspring. We eat each other for the most part, whether we're bacteria or humans. Many of us feel unpleasant sensations when one of our close relatives is no more, whether we are a tree in a forest or a mother mourning her lost child.

Many humans don't like this concept of our part on the planet because they think it means we shouldn't eat meat, or get rid of mice in our house, or otherwise be destructive. Life is destructive in order to make new life. That's it.


[SUP]26 [/SUP]And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
[SUP]27 [/SUP]So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
[SUP]28 [/SUP]And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. 1:26-28&version=KJV

Yeah, leftists don't like that that's how it is.

If I want a bear roast? I can surely go get me one. Lemme tell ya, that last one was fantastic! :eek:

There are risks involved, but I'm a human, and they're bears. The odds are are on my side, and I will stack them as much as I see fit, you bitches! :tongout:
Secular people do not believe in Divine power. Yes, God gave human beings dominion over animals. That doesn't mean that power should be abused. You secular humanists do not have power like people that follow the Creator's path.

By your own hubris, you don't and will not understand the inner workings of this world we are all in.

It's all been laid out in you know..The Bible. IF you paid attention.

I am prepared to believe animals have spirits, even as humans may have.

What is quasi- miraculous is the existence of consciousness, whether human or dolphin. That may be the biggest mystery of all.
I am prepared to believe animals have spirits, even as humans may have.

What is quasi- miraculous is the existence of consciousness, whether human or dolphin. That may be the biggest mystery of all.

Why do you believe consciousness is mysterious? Any more than a heart or toes.
You have no way of knowing what's true because you're full of bullshit. Others notsomuch.

Just look at ya, equating animals to human beings, Get real, puta!

Do I think it's wrong to take elephants you're not going to eat? Absolutely!

Do I think it's wrong to take them to feed people? No.

Wtf is a Corvid?

You are way too angry and foul mouthed to be a genuine, authentic Christian
(snipped emotional stuff) There are risks involved, but I'm a human, and they're bears. The odds are are on my side, and I will stack them as much as I see fit, you bitches! :tongout:

Seriously, Matt, what's wrong with you tonight? Are you really stoned/drunk? Why are you so angry over the concept that other lifeforms besides us have emotions and possibly the same concepts of "souls" as we do?

You asked if I'm a vegan. No, I'm a meatasaurus. I don't hunt but I do fish. As all lifeforms must do to exist on this planet, I must consume to stay alive. That doesn't mean that I cannot recognize that those who I eat have lives and are worthy of respect.
You are way too angry and foul mouthed to be a genuine, authentic Christian

You're not qualified to judge my "Christianity".

Oh, make no mistake you fucking Nazi fucking turd, I'm all for an 8th Crusade, you pussy Muslim cocksucker!

You like that smegma, huh?
Seriously, Matt, what's wrong with you tonight? Are you really stoned/drunk? Why are you so angry over the concept that other lifeforms besides us have emotions and possibly the same concepts of "souls" as we do?

You asked if I'm a vegan. No, I'm a meatasaurus. I don't hunt but I do fish. As all lifeforms must do to exist on this planet, I must consume to stay alive. That doesn't mean that I cannot recognize that those who I eat have lives and are worthy of respect.

Oh! I can agree that bears are worthy of respect, but uhm..I wanna eat 'um!

Now gators get no respect. If you say gators get respect, fuck off. They're no good for anybody unless it's lunchtime and they're on the menu.
Bears are sentient beings, but they're still animals humans have dominion over and they taste mighty good.

Uhm, yeah.