For those with deep belief in a creator, we have a soul that is unique to being human

I am not a secular humanist.

Me neither....but I'm close. LOL

Which way do you lean?: We all have souls that transcend the death of our mortal bodies OR we are all ambulatory meat computers responding to biochemical programming which completely cease to exist upon death.
I have a sole on each of my shoes, although some of the older ones are a little bit worn.

I've also got soul on both CD and original vinyl.

Other than that, even if I could read the original post, I doubt if I'd have a clue as to what the fuck it meant.
According to the major monotheistic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—humans have a special nature and destiny, different from and superior to those of other animals. Created by a divine power, humans resemble it in not belonging entirely to the natural world. They exercise a freedom of will no other animal possesses and, thanks to the afterlife, are exempt from mortality.

by what methodology ignoring how biology works timing replacements spontaneously apart simultaneously as conceived to replace those evolved into 50% parents of children, 25% their grandchildren, 12.5% their great grandchildren being a 100% each lifetime added sustaining numbers here now?

What part of thermodynamics don't you incorporate with ancestrally changing population never staying the same form shaped as a fertilized cell counting into the 7.8 billion occupying space in the atmosphere here as geographically living realities corrupting time lived so far?
That is how it is thought of generally in the hard sciences.

Agreed. Pascal's Wager aside, that fact remains we only have our brains and our understanding of natural laws to go by regardless if it's wars, pandemics, space exploration or any other event in the Natural Universe.
Secular people do not believe in Divine power. Yes, God gave human beings dominion over animals. That doesn't mean that power should be abused. You secular humanists do not have power like people that follow the Creator's path.

By your own hubris, you don't and will not understand the inner workings of this world we are all in.

It's all been laid out in you know..The Bible. IF you paid attention.


You claim Jesus as your savior?

You are a horrible person murder Matty

You shame Christianity by pretending you believe in Jesus’s teachings
Agreed. Pascal's Wager aside, that fact remains we only have our brains and our understanding of natural laws to go by regardless if it's wars, pandemics, space exploration or any other event in the Natural Universe.

This dualism is in some folk who are religious yet subscribe to the physicalism of science. Part of the intellectual heritage of Descartes.

You claim Jesus as your savior?

You are a horrible person murder Matty

You shame Christianity by pretending you believe in Jesus’s teachings

What do you care? You were hatched, you 1/2 reptilian freak of nature. Like a Sleestack or The Invaders.