For you folks who support profiling, the IRS was right to scrutinize Tea Party!


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The IRS Was Dead Right To Scrutinize Tea Party

Lost in the latest political scandal is a simple fact: The Internal Revenue Service was acting in the public interest when it opted to train its auditing power on the Tea Party and affiliated groups.

The IRS -- an agency loved by no one and responsible for stocking the Treasury with federal tax proceeds, due under the law -- appears to have devoted unique effort to making sure that Tea Party organizations were not fudging the paperwork in their bids to secure tax exemption.

Good for the IRS.

Like any institution, the agency has limited resources at its disposal. The notion that everyone ought to be treated the same, with auditing powers sprayed around like a lawn sprinkler, is ridiculous. Cops concentrate patrols in high-crime areas. And while we properly decry racial profiling and odious tactics like New York City's Stop and Frisk campaign -- through which people are subject to police pat-downs for no other reason than their being black and male -- no one would criticize the police for keeping an eye on people who are openly encouraging criminal behavior.

Which gets us back to the Tea Party. Here is a group that has made no effort to hide its contempt for the very institution of taxation. This is what it says on the website of the Cincinnati Tea Party: "Individuals need to have a direct connection between their efforts and the fruits of their labor. This is the magical spark that has led the United States from a loosely conglomerated political experiment into the most exceptional, strongest and most powerful nation on earth. Too many taxes and regulations ultimately serve to snuff out that spark."

The blog section of that site includes links to a host of propaganda from anti-government groups, including this link to a video produced by an outfit called "Government Gone Wild," which highlights the expansion of taxpayer-financed safety net programs such as food stamps, unemployment and Medicaid.

"You are being enslaved," declares a fear-mongering narrator, engaging in an all-too-typical depiction of poor people as freeloaders living fat on the public dime. "More and more people are becoming dependent on government to take care of them, and politicians don't like it one bit: They love it."

In short, being poor is depicted as just a con aimed at gorging on a luxurious buffet, stocked by taxpayer-financed programs like food stamps. Other than fear of enforcement, why would anyone with such beliefs bother to pay their taxes in full?

This sort of thinking is pervasive among those inclined to caricature government as inherently demonic, which is to say, the sorts of people attracted to the Tea Party. Search for "Tea Party" and "tax evasion" on the Internet and you can find a blog called Government Against the People, and a post titled "Tax Resistance Is As American As Apple Pie."

The Tea Party stands for many things, but a big part of its message is that sending money to Washington amounts to the perpetuation of a dangerous welfare state that's intent on turning America into a helpless land where our lone skill is filling out the forms to go on the dole.

Isn't it reasonable to assume that people who hold such beliefs might feel additional motivation to pursue grey areas and loopholes at tax time? Wouldn't the people who oversee federal coffers have been derelict had they not at least had a good look?

This scandal does not stem from the IRS actually levying action that contravenes the law. It's simply about whom the IRS decided to scrutinize. And the IRS had abundant reason to look carefully at the applications for tax exempt status sent in by people who are prone to portray taxes as something as base as slavery.

when you walk the streets of you town singing about killing your wife the cops might watch you closely.

when you scream in the streets that taxes are illegal and the IRS needs to die the IRS as a reason to suppect you might be the kind of person willing to cheat on your taxes.
It wasn't the IRS though was it, orders from above!!!
The party trying to terrorise future opposition.
Liberals are terrorists.

After filing four freedom-of-information requests, NAACP lawyers discovered that far more than two members of Congress called for an investigation and that all were Republicans.

Republican Sens. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) and Susan Collins (Maine) called for the investigation.

Others included Rep. Jo Ann S. Davis (R-Va.) and then-Rep. Larry Combest (R-Tex.). Former GOP representatives Joe Scarborough of Florida, who now hosts a talk show, and Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., currently governor of Maryland, also requested a probe.
I posted in one of the other hundred threads about this subject that the IRS had been investigating the teabagger groups for over eighteen months and cited several groiups with serious fraud problems, including the one with ties to Uncle Herman.
Well when they say they support profiling they never meant we should start profiling white people are you crazy!?
Reality says profiling works in some cases.

This wasn't profiling though, it was terrorising possible opposition to the party.
that was OK becuase it was just black people they were going after huh
No idiot, it was a treasonous organisation that was investigated.
But you go ahead and fool yourself that it's always about race.

Obama used the IRS to de fund an opposition party.
NAACP are not an opposition party.

After filing four freedom-of-information requests, NAACP lawyers discovered that far more than two members of Congress called for an investigation and that all were Republicans.

Republican Sens. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) and Susan Collins (Maine) called for the investigation.

Others included Rep. Jo Ann S. Davis (R-Va.) and then-Rep. Larry Combest (R-Tex.). Former GOP representatives Joe Scarborough of Florida, who now hosts a talk show, and Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., currently governor of Maryland, also requested a probe.

Great find evince!

IRS Ends 2-Year Probe Of NAACP's Tax Status

Washington Post
Friday, September 1, 2006

Nearly two years after a controversial decision to investigate the NAACP for criticizing President Bush during the 2004 presidential campaign, the Internal Revenue Service has ruled that the remarks did not violate the group's tax-exempt status.

"It was an enormous threat," NAACP Chairman Julian Bond said of the investigation. The opposite outcome, he said, "would have reduced our income remarkably."

Bond reiterated his belief that the investigation was politically motivated. He said the decision, received by the NAACP on Aug. 9, "meant that they thought they had harassed us enough and they could stop."

In a response to lawmakers who expressed outrage over the investigation in 2004, IRS Commissioner Mark W. Everson said the agency's examinations are based on tax law, not partisanship.

The commissioner said the investigation of the NAACP was undertaken because two congressional leaders, whom he declined to name, requested it. They were unhappy because Bond criticized Bush in a speech in July 2004, saying his administration preached racial neutrality and practiced racial division.

"They write a new constitution of Iraq and they ignore the Constitution at home," Bond said.

After filing four freedom-of-information requests, NAACP lawyers discovered that far more than two members of Congress called for an investigation and that all were Republicans.

Republican Sens. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) and Susan Collins (Maine) called for the investigation.

Others included Rep. Jo Ann S. Davis (R-Va.) and then-Rep. Larry Combest (R-Tex.). Former GOP representatives Joe Scarborough of Florida, who now hosts a talk show, and Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., currently governor of Maryland, also requested a probe.
when you walk the streets of you town singing about killing your wife the cops might watch you closely.

when you scream in the streets that taxes are illegal and the IRS needs to die the IRS as a reason to suppect you might be the kind of person willing to cheat on your taxes.

You sure have crafted a nifty world for yourself haven't you? Bet you are loads of fun at parties ;)
While Republicans attack the Obama administration over some IRS agents auditing conservative groups with the words "Tea Party" and "patriot" in their names, they weren't particularly outraged when the IRS targeted liberal groups during President George W. Bush's presidency, noted

“I wish there was more GOP interest when I raised the same issue during the Bush administration, where they audited a progressive church in my district in what look liked a very selective way,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) told MSNBC on Monday (video below). One of the liberal groups targeted by the IRS under the Bush administration was All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, California, reported the Los Angeles Times.

The IRS actually threatened to revoke the church's tax-emption because Pastor George Regas said: ‘Mr. President, your doctrine of preemptive war is a failed doctrine," on the Sunday before the 2004 election. Ironically, conservative churches that actively campaigned for President Bush in 2004 were not audited by the IRS, reported the New York Times.

According to the Baltimore Sun, the IRS also went after the NAACP after they said Bush was the first president since Herbert Hoover not to address the organization.

In 2006, the IRS investigated the liberal environmental group Greenpeace after a conservative group called "Public Interest Watch," which had financial ties to Exxon, pushed for an investigation, reported Democracy Now.

Sources:, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Baltimore Sun, Democracy Now, MSNBC
Did bush order audits for liberal fund raising groups with the intent to de fund possible opponents in future elections as Obama did in this case?


That's the difference.
Did bush order audits for liberal fund raising groups with the intent to de fund possible opponents in future elections as Obama did in this case?


That's the difference.

Two things...

1. Who got defunded? In fact, who didn't receive tax exempt status? That's one.

2. Citizen's United wasn't in existence back then, which opened up a huge can of worms that some IRS offices weren't prepared to deal with.

So, once again...the GOP 2nd term witch hunt failed on Benghazi, is going to fail on this and will fail on the AP thing too. I know, it would be so much easier if Obama was "monogamously challenged" like Clinton was.
The IRS Was Dead Right To Scrutinize Tea Party

Lost in the latest political scandal is a simple fact: The Internal Revenue Service was acting in the public interest when it opted to train its auditing power on the Tea Party and affiliated groups.

So in your opinion it was perfectly reasonable for the IRS to demand a list of names and addresses of every member of Tea Party and other groups and demand a list of every speaker the groups had speak to them, what the content of their speeches were and demand transcripts of the speeches and demand to know and list what books the organization leaders had read and are reading before they could get tax exempt status? Interesting comrade !!!! Joe Stalin would have been ever sooooo proud of you!!!!!
Two things...

1. Who got defunded? In fact, who didn't receive tax exempt status? That's one.

2. Citizen's United wasn't in existence back then, which opened up a huge can of worms that some IRS offices weren't prepared to deal with.

So, once again...the GOP 2nd term witch hunt failed on Benghazi, is going to fail on this and will fail on the AP thing too. I know, it would be so much easier if Obama was "monogamously challenged" like Clinton was.
The audits were applied to groups raising funds for GOP candidates at grass roots levels.
The intent was to de fund the GOP tea party candidates.
It failed, that's how we know Obama was behind it!
So in your opinion it was perfectly reasonable for the IRS to demand a list of names and addresses of every member of Tea Party and other groups and demand a list of every speaker the groups had speak to them, what the content of their speeches were and demand transcripts of the speeches and demand to know and list what books the organization leaders had read and are reading before they could get tax exempt status? Interesting comrade !!!! Joe Stalin would have been ever sooooo proud of you!!!!!
Not forgetting, the confidential information was passed out by the IRS to a liberal terrorist group.
Not forgetting, the confidential information was passed out by the IRS to a liberal terrorist group.

First it was “Fast & Furious” Obama’s Justice Department’s gun running operation with Mexican Drug Cartels, still in limbo. Then Benghazi, now the Associated Press snooping by Obama’s Justice Department and the IRS targeting scandal. Richard Nixon, eat your heart out!!!!!