For you folks who support profiling, the IRS was right to scrutinize Tea Party!

when you walk the streets of you town singing about killing your wife the cops might watch you closely.

when you scream in the streets that taxes are illegal and the IRS needs to die the IRS as a reason to suppect you might be the kind of person willing to cheat on your taxes.

Were the IRS justified in releasing names, adressed, names of children, schools children attended, employment information of members and donators to these groups?
They released more than that, but lets start there shall we?
It is confidential information right?
The IRS endangered the families of obamas opponents.
Do you feel this is acceptable?
Don't bother answering. We already know you agree with it.
Alls fair to keep the messiah in power!
when you scream in the streets that taxes are illegal and the IRS needs to die the IRS as a reason to suppect you might be the kind of person willing to cheat on your taxes.

Of course it’s always better to just do like Timothy Geithner (i. e. Timothy Franz Geithner (pron.: /ˈɡaɪtnər/; born August 18, 1961) is an American economic policy maker and central banker who served as the 75th United States Secretary of the Treasury, under President Barack Obama, from 2009 to 2013. He was previously the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 2003 to 2009) and claimed before Congress he didn’t know how to use TurboTax when he cheated on his taxes, huh?

How’d that IRS investigation turn out?
The evidence is being uncovered.

LOVE your unbiased sources! lol...

I posted in one of the other hundred threads about this subject that the IRS had been investigating the teabagger groups for over eighteen months and cited several groiups with serious fraud problems, including the one with ties to Uncle Herman.

So here's the big headline on Drudge today..


Ummm...dear Matt:

Get that dick out of your mouth and pay attention.

The republicans even admitted during the hearings today that they knew about this over a year ago.
LOVE your unbiased sources! lol...


For heaven’s sake!!!!! Who on God’s green earth would have ever thought that your only argument would be an attempted assassination of the messengers?????? You must be an intellectual genius, huh?
So in your opinion it was perfectly reasonable for the IRS to demand a list of names and addresses of every member of Tea Party and other groups and demand a list of every speaker the groups had speak to them, what the content of their speeches were and demand transcripts of the speeches and demand to know and list what books the organization leaders had read and are reading before they could get tax exempt status? Interesting comrade !!!! Joe Stalin would have been ever sooooo proud of you!!!!!

Turn off Faux News. You are being LIED to. A right wing pea brain who calls himself a Classic Liberal. The proper term is Classic(al) Liberal. You do not have liberal bone in your right wing fear filled body.
Turn off Faux News. You are being LIED to. A right wing pea brain who calls himself a Classic Liberal. The proper term is Classic(al) Liberal. You do not have liberal bone in your right wing fear filled body.
We're all the details collected passed to a liberal non profit press group?
Terrorists in other words.
The intent was to have liberal mobs attack the people named.
Snatch their children on the way home from school and send agents into the schools to murder the kids.
As they did at sandy hook.
As Ariel Castro did.

Liberal intolerance.
We're all the details collected passed to a liberal non profit press group?
Terrorists in other words.
The intent was to have liberal mobs attack the people named.
Snatch their children on the way home from school and send agents into the schools to murder the kids.
As they did at sandy hook.
As Ariel Castro did.

Liberal intolerance.

You need to see a psychiatrist...IMMEDIATELY. You have a VERY SERIOUS mental illness.
You need to see a psychiatrist...IMMEDIATELY. You have a VERY SERIOUS mental illness.

Those confidential details were released by the IRS were they not?

What possible reason could the IRS have for releasing names and adresses and family details of people who have funded opposition candidates?

Given the vicious nature of liberals, it is hardly surprising that they would go to extreme lengths to eradicate their enemies.

Newtown CT a conservative enclave.
The shootings, by liberal terrorist, Adam Lanza brought these people into the liberal cult.

Now if they dare disagree with any liberal talking point, they will be jumped upon by the savage rabid dogs of liberalism.

Ariel Castro.
Need I say any more?
EVERYTHING in his tiny little brain is a conspiracy...EVERYTHING...amazing
You are a lying piece of shit.

You liberals have cleary shown you will stop at nothing to achieve some vengeance against those who offend you, by not agreeing with every piece of crap policy you wish to force on the innocent.
The audits were applied to groups raising funds for GOP candidates at grass roots levels.
The intent was to de fund the GOP tea party candidates.
It failed, that's how we know Obama was behind it!

Yes...the were applied to conservative groups....because there was an explosion of set off red wasn't to defund anyone. It was to make sure they qualified for tax exempt status...they over reached in the process because of confusion with the Citizen's United ruling and how it worked with how it was traditionally done in the past.

I know you guys love a big conspiracy, followed by the words impeachment....but like I said...the way I understand it, it was isolated incidents in a few offices caused by people not knowing what the hell they were doing.

But hey....I may be's been done before....many times..mostly by your side of the there are precedents. Let the facts come out....of course...when they do, and if the administration is cleared of still won't believe I even responding?
Yes...the were applied to conservative groups....because there was an explosion of set off red wasn't to defund anyone. It was to make sure they qualified for tax exempt status...they over reached in the process because of confusion with the Citizen's United ruling and how it worked with how it was traditionally done in the past.

I know you guys love a big conspiracy, followed by the words impeachment....but like I said...the way I understand it, it was isolated incidents in a few offices caused by people not knowing what the hell they were doing.

But hey....I may be's been done before....many times..mostly by your side of the there are precedents. Let the facts come out....of course...when they do, and if the administration is cleared of still won't believe I even responding?
The administration has cleared itself of any wrong doing!!
You ignore the release of confidential information to dangerous organisations.
Will you defend the attacks one of your liberal pals commit in future against a person who may have offered a donation?
Of course you will.
Dogma first right?
Yes...the were applied to conservative groups....because there was an explosion of set off red wasn't to defund anyone.

As I explained earlier, both sides made mistakes in the early days of the creation of the movement. Some tea party groups, including a very large national one, committed tax fraud in their zealous attempt to circumvent their 401(c) status. Others made simple clerical errors. A small field office of the IRS, as a result, decided to investigate the tea party groups in general.

A stupid decision, one made by a republican. To consider, or even blame the White House, is silly, childish and stupid.

But, like you said, that won't stop them. When all is said and done, this will be filed away with all the other unfounded conspiracies.
Totally wrong.

The IRS wasn't targeting whether or not conservative groups with "tea party" and "patriot" in their name had failed to pay appropriate taxes or misused their tax exempt status. They were holding up the processing of tax exempt status applications for these groups, thereby preventing them from acting as tax exempt political organizations to begin with.

In other words, they simply could not yet have yet broken any tax regulations even if they were intending to! Their only "sin" at the time of filing was to be assumed to be associated - by name only - as having anti-tax sentiments. Having "anti-tax" sentiments is now enough for the federal government to screw with people? And last I understood, political advocacy for pretty much everything under the sun but for the destruction of the government is allowable.

There is no difference between this case, than say, individuals within the IRS deciding to single out delay the processing of applications for political groups with the name "environment" and "Green" in their names.

If, once the groups are established, they give clear reason to the IRS that they are acting outside of their tax exempt status, that's a different question altogether, and perhaps the extra scrutiny might be warranted.

That "liberals" would applaud this incredibly illiberal action by government because it intimidates conservatives from using their First Amendment rights, makes a mockery out of the word "liberal."
"...Some tea party groups, including a very large national one, committed tax fraud in their zealous attempt to circumvent their 401(c) status. Others made simple clerical errors. A small field office of the IRS, as a result, decided to investigate the tea party groups in general."

You're entirely missing the point: the organizations in question were not even tax exempt political organizations yet, and so could not have even abused their tax exempt status even if they were planning on doing so! The IRS was holding up their applications for no other apparent reason than individuals within that group don't like conservatives.

Hey, I think tea baggers are radical idiots too, bu they're Americans with full Constitutional rights. This is a clear case of abuse of government power to put a chill on political expression, and if this doesn't bother you, I have to assume you're putting partisanship ahead of principles. Everyone should be outraged and leery of this shit.
Totally wrong.

The IRS wasn't targeting whether or not conservative groups with "tea party" and "patriot" in their name had failed to pay appropriate taxes or misused their tax exempt status. They were holding up the processing of tax exempt status applications for these groups, thereby preventing them from acting as tax exempt political organizations to begin with.

In other words, they simply could not yet have yet broken any tax regulations even if they were intending to! Their only "sin" at the time of filing was to be assumed to be associated - by name only - as having anti-tax sentiments. Having "anti-tax" sentiments is now enough for the federal government to screw with people? And last I understood, political advocacy for pretty much everything under the sun but for the destruction of the government is allowable.

There is no difference between this case, than say, individuals within the IRS deciding to single out delay the processing of applications for political groups with the name "environment" and "Green" in their names.

If, once the groups are established, they give clear reason to the IRS that they are acting outside of their tax exempt status, that's a different question altogether, and perhaps the extra scrutiny might be warranted.

That "liberals" would applaud this incredibly illiberal action by government because it intimidates conservatives from using their First Amendment rights, makes a mockery out of the word "liberal."
Not forgetting passing confidential information to liberal terror groups.
Is this the old 'they do it too' defense ? lame....:palm::rofl2:

Says the dimwit who dregs out years-old bullshit denegrating the president whenever he gets a chance.

"...Some tea party groups, including a very large national one, committed tax fraud in their zealous attempt to circumvent their 401(c) status. Others made simple clerical errors. A small field office of the IRS, as a result, decided to investigate the tea party groups in general."

You're entirely missing the point: the organizations in question were not even tax exempt political organizations yet, and so could not have even abused their tax exempt status even if they were planning on doing so! The IRS was holding up their applications for no other apparent reason than individuals within that group don't like conservatives.

Hey, I think tea baggers are radical idiots too, bu they're Americans with full Constitutional rights. This is a clear case of abuse of government power to put a chill on political expression, and if this doesn't bother you, I have to assume you're putting partisanship ahead of principles. Everyone should be outraged and leery of this shit.

Sweetie, there's a quote function on this forum. How 'bout learning to use it, mkay?

Wouldn't it be reasonable to review the status of pending tea party applications based upon multiple offenses bu current ones? would.