forced sterilization, who supported it?

It's not a diversion. Until and unless it can be established all fertilized cells contain the necessary ingredients to become human beings, which is doubtful considering 50% spontaneously abort within hours or days, the fertilization of a cell is not necessarily the start of a human being's life. It follows that if we don't know the start then how do we determine when it is a human being?

That doesn't follow at all. Even the original Roe V. Wade made an attempt to define that, allowing unrestricted abortion only in the first trimester. Yet you sick, disgusting liberals have turned that into unrestricted abortion to the point where the head is out of the womb, or in some cases further along.
That doesn't follow at all. Even the original Roe V. Wade made an attempt to define that, allowing unrestricted abortion only in the first trimester. Yet you sick, disgusting liberals have turned that into unrestricted abortion to the point where the head is out of the womb, or in some cases further along.

Let's see something to back up your "head is out of the womb" assertion. Over one million abortions yearly. There must be hundreds, if not thousands, of examples. Let's see some.
Science does not THINK that a 9 week old fetus cannot feel pain, they KNOW it. The brain is not developed enough. Simple neurology. Your comparing a 9 week old fetus to an 8 month old fetus is intellectually dishonest. You rely solely on simple emotionalism to prop up your argument. At some point the interest of the fetus going to term outweighs the woman's desire to no have a child. But as I have proved, abortions at 8 months are as rare as abortions at 9 weeks or less are common.

Thats exactly the point I'm making......feeling pain has nothing to do with abortion....I don't know why you ever brought it up....

You bought it up like it had something to do with abortion at a given age.....the pain is irrelevant....

abortion at 4 weeks is the same as abortion at 4 months or 8 months.....
It's not about a human being. 50% of fertilized cells, cells that you call a human being, spontaneously abort within hours or days. Do we know if those cells contained all the necessary ingredients to eventually form a human being? No, we do not and to believe they are human beings when 50% of them die is absurd in the extreme.

Miscarriage is an irrelevant red-herring that means nothing in the debate.....

ALL fertilized cells contain all the necessary ingredients of a human being because they are human beings.....there is no magical moment during our life cycle that transforms us from non human to human .... we are human from the beginning to the end of life.....

Because we sometimes die between the fertilized cell stage and the old age stage is irrelevant....
Dying one day after conception is no different than dying at 12 weeks, 12 months, 12 years, or 120 years.....and has nothing to do with being human......

The fact that there may be defects in bodys that at some age to cause death doesn't make us less than human ......whether that death occurs at 12 weeks or 1200 weeks....
It's not a diversion. Until and unless it can be established all fertilized cells contain the necessary ingredients to become human beings, which is doubtful considering 50% spontaneously abort within hours or days, the fertilization of a cell is not necessarily the start of a human being's life. It follows that if we don't know the start then how do we determine when it is a human being?

All fertilized cells are human beings that will grow and mature in the normal fashion unless a physical anomaly causes a termination of that life at some moment during the life cycle.....a life cycle that starts a conception and normally continues for some indefinite amount of time that could reach 100+ years....
Let's see something to back up your "head is out of the womb" assertion. Over one million abortions yearly. There must be hundreds, if not thousands, of examples. Let's see some.
Its called partial birth abortion, a procedure that you and your beloved Democrat Party supports. Don't pretend that they don't happen, you sick fuck.
Miscarriage is an irrelevant red-herring that means nothing in the debate.....

ALL fertilized cells contain all the necessary ingredients of a human being because they are human beings.....there is no magical moment during our life cycle that transforms us from non human to human .... we are human from the beginning to the end of life.....

Because we sometimes die between the fertilized cell stage and the old age stage is irrelevant....
Dying one day after conception is no different than dying at 12 weeks, 12 months, 12 years, or 120 years.....and has nothing to do with being human......

The fact that there may be defects in bodys that at some age to cause death doesn't make us less than human ......whether that death occurs at 12 weeks or 1200 weeks....

"ALL fertilized cells contain all the necessary ingredients of a human being because they are human beings"

Wrong. Neither you nor scientists know that because the 50% that spontaneously abort were never studied. If you knew anything about biology you'd know that errors occur in DNA. Do we know if all the DNA necessary for something to be classified as a human being was present? No, we do not. Therefore, considering 50% of fertilized cells spontaneously abort it's reasonable to conclude they did not contain the necessary ingredients to develop into a human being. Otherwise, they would have. Basic logic.

So, until we can determine the majority, if not all, of the cells that spontaneously abort did contain all the necessary components to be or become a human being we can not say with any certainty fertilization is the start of a human being.
All fertilized cells are human beings that will grow and mature in the normal fashion unless a physical anomaly causes a termination of that life at some moment during the life cycle.....a life cycle that starts a conception and normally continues for some indefinite amount of time that could reach 100+ years....

Maybe the "physical anomaly" is the cells do not contain the necessary DNA to become a human being. Again, considering 50% of fertilized cells spontaneously abort that is the most likely reason.

Whether you believe in a spirit or soul or just believe that human beings are special in some way it cheapens the whole idea to believe human beings come into existence and half of them die within hours or days. Until it is proven the 50% of fertilized cells that continue to spontaneously abort are, in fact, human beings I refuse to cheapen life to that degree.

However, your beliefs concerning fertilized cells does explain your general aversion to helping the needy. Once it's accepted that 50% of human beings die within hours/days of coming into existence it's not all that difficult to accept human beings dying from a lack of medical care after they are born. Those beliefs seem to go hand in hand.
Its called partial birth abortion, a procedure that you and your beloved Democrat Party supports. Don't pretend that they don't happen, you sick fuck.

Link? Let's see some statistics. I'm sure you can dig up some National Enquirer story. Link ONE example and let's take a look at it.

I asked for an example before. You haven't produced one. You don't want to look like a fool, do you? So, let's see ONE example. Even if it's from the National Enquirer I promise I'll keep my laughter muted. Promise. :)
"ALL fertilized cells contain all the necessary ingredients of a human being because they are human beings"

Wrong. Neither you nor scientists know that because the 50% that spontaneously abort were never studied. If you knew anything about biology you'd know that errors occur in DNA. Do we know if all the DNA necessary for something to be classified as a human being was present? No, we do not. Therefore, considering 50% of fertilized cells spontaneously abort it's reasonable to conclude they did not contain the necessary ingredients to develop into a human being. Otherwise, they would have. Basic logic.

So, until we can determine the majority, if not all, of the cells that spontaneously abort did contain all the necessary components to be or become a human being we can not say with any certainty fertilization is the start of a human being.

Then why do Liberals like you want to protect the eggs of endangered species??
Since it's not really a species, until it's hatched and removed itself from the egg.
Link? Let's see some statistics. I'm sure you can dig up some National Enquirer story. Link ONE example and let's take a look at it.

I asked for an example before. You haven't produced one. You don't want to look like a fool, do you? So, let's see ONE example. Even if it's from the National Enquirer I promise I'll keep my laughter muted. Promise. :)
Statistics don't matter. You support it.
Then why do Liberals like you want to protect the eggs of endangered species??
Since it's not really a species, until it's hatched and removed itself from the egg.

Ahhh, good question. It's because the eggs might end up becoming that endangered species. "Might and "becoming"are the operative words. For example, if the eggs of the bald headed eagle were the same as a bald headed eagle people would simply gather the eggs and save then.

Urban and suburban areas have laws against people owning/raising chickens. If a chicken egg is a chicken then the government could confiscate the eggs in people's fridges.

Hope this helped. :)
Ahhh, good question. It's because the eggs might end up becoming that endangered species. "Might and "becoming"are the operative words. For example, if the eggs of the bald headed eagle were the same as a bald headed eagle people would simply gather the eggs and save then.

Urban and suburban areas have laws against people owning/raising chickens. If a chicken egg is a chicken then the government could confiscate the eggs in people's fridges.

Hope this helped. :)

But since they're endangered, wouldn't it be better to destroy the eggs and not take the chance that an owlet MIGHT be born into a situation that could kill it?
Human beings do not live inside other human beings. You're being absurd.

Jesus H. Christ.....Apple doesn't know where babies come from.....

I guess your mama told you the story about the stork or the cabbage patch or something Apple.....but good God....get a clue already.:)
Jesus H. Christ.....Apple doesn't know where babies come from.....

I guess your mama told you the story about the stork or the cabbage patch or something Apple.....but good God....get a clue already.:)

I'm aware of where babies come from. It is you who is not aware that babies are born. No birth, no baby.

There's an easy way for you to understand. Next time you go out for breakfast order scrambled chickens and observe the waitress' reply. Next time, go to a different restaurant having a different waitress. Keep doing that until you realize eggs are not chickens and foetuses are not human beings.