Former Playboy Model Jumps to Her Death With Her 7-Year-Old Son

Irish Exit

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In a most tragic incident coincidentally occurring during Mental Health Awareness Month, a former African-American Playboy model has jumped to her death, taking her 7-year-old son with her.

The former Miss November Stephanie Adams vaulted from the 25th-floor window of a New York City hotel on Friday morning.

Some hotel employees of the Gotham Hotel speculate that Adams first dropped her son, and then herself jumped. “From what (the guests) told me, they heard a light drop and then a heavier drop,” said one, according to the New York Daily News. “I’m still shook up about it.”

Adams was reportedly in the midst of a contentious divorce from her estranged husband, chiropractor Dr. Charles Nicolai, which included custody of their son, Vincent.
Dr. Charles Nicolai did.

but did he ask for permission? That delay could have saved her life. You have to grab em by the pussy without even waiting. A star would have moved stealthily like a bitch and made the life saving grab.

In a most tragic incident coincidentally occurring during Mental Health Awareness Month, a former African-American Playboy model has jumped to her death, taking her 7-year-old son with her.

The former Miss November Stephanie Adams vaulted from the 25th-floor window of a New York City hotel on Friday morning.

Some hotel employees of the Gotham Hotel speculate that Adams first dropped her son, and then herself jumped. “From what (the guests) told me, they heard a light drop and then a heavier drop,” said one, according to the New York Daily News. “I’m still shook up about it.”

Adams was reportedly in the midst of a contentious divorce from her estranged husband, chiropractor Dr. Charles Nicolai, which included custody of their son, Vincent.

How tragic but why is she described as African American, what does that have to do with anything? I've never heard "a white woman jumped to her death..."
How tragic but why is she described as African American, what does that have to do with anything? I've never heard "a white woman jumped to her death..."

What does her being a multi millionaire playboy model or a homosexual have to do with it?
What does her being a multi millionaire playboy model or a homosexual have to do with it?

Occupations and social status are often used as descriptors. Nothing new there. Mentioning skin color over a suicide rarely is, in my experience. Could be wrong.
How tragic but why is she described as African American, what does that have to do with anything? I've never heard "a white woman jumped to her death..."

Just another attempt by the media to keep the racial hate fires burning.
Occupations and social status are often used as descriptors. Nothing new there. Mentioning skin color over a suicide rarely is, in my experience. Could be wrong.

Liberals are hyper focused on skin color. Guess the author thought they would want to know.

Her Dr. hubby is white, and she won 1.2 million from a NYC police abuse case, and she owned multiple businesses. She was 46 years old.

Occupations and social status are often used as descriptors. Nothing new there. Mentioning skin color over a suicide rarely is, in my experience. Could be wrong.

"in your experience".

There we have it. Another Liberal that thinks everything should be done based on how he's done it.
"in your experience".

There we have it. Another Liberal that thinks everything should be done based on how he's done it.

You are something else. If it isn't by "my experience" than whose experience would I be talking about? If I used a general term then you would jump on that and say something equally negative. Btw I "haven't done it" because I have neither jumped from a window nor written it up for the media later on. Idiot.