Former Playboy Model Jumps to Her Death With Her 7-Year-Old Son

I read it and other stories there too. It was obvious it was geared to/from their culture, "Humpty-Dumpty."

It was a story about a woman who killed herself and her son. Their was no cultural aspect to it other than the culture of divorce and domestic dispute. Any more feeble attempts at painting yourself the white victim you want to try?
All I can say is that I hope she had the decency to give that poor kid some kind of sleep drug that knocked him unconscious before she threw him out of that 25 story window.

I'm reasonably confident that someone as screwed up in the head as she was, would have amongst her personal pharmacy of prescription drugs, a bottle of sleeping pills.

I shudder at the thought of that innocent little boy looking down at 250' feet of open space below his feet at the concrete below knowing that he was about to be dropped.

Just as a general point of reference, the picture below is a Google Earth image of The Gotham Hotel showing the side and rear of the building. They were in the 25th floor penthouse suite.

The arrow is pointing to the balcony she and the boy fell from.


I guess she wanted to make 100% sure the job got done right.
You are something else. If it isn't by "my experience" than whose experience would I be talking about? If I used a general term then you would jump on that and say something equally negative. Btw I "haven't done it" because I have neither jumped from a window nor written it up for the media later on. Idiot.

The problem is you take what you claim is your experience and treat it as if everyone should have had the same experience. You're like my dumbass mother in law that, when she gives an example of her experience with something, she's shocked and can't believe everyone hasn't experience the same thing.
Right-wing shit like you doesn't need any help in that department.

You fuckers are the eternal flames of the racial hate fires.

Show me where I've posted anything racial on this forum.
Left-wing scum like you who accuse those of us who don't are the reason they keep burning.
It was a story about a woman who killed herself and her son. Their was no cultural aspect to it other than the culture of divorce and domestic dispute. Any more feeble attempts at painting yourself the white victim you want to try?

Why do you think I'm painting myself as "the white victim"? The fact is, this woman killed her son and herself, ethnicity has nothing to do with it. It's a sad story, no matter what race they were, which is why I questioned why it was mentioned in the first place.
The problem is you take what you claim is your experience and treat it as if everyone should have had the same experience. You're like my dumbass mother in law that, when she gives an example of her experience with something, she's shocked and can't believe everyone hasn't experience the same thing.

You act as if I've accused someone of something heinous. I merely asked a question about a descriptor used in a media notice. Why the fuck are you taking it so damn personal? Fuck off.
Show me where I've posted anything racial on this forum.
Left-wing scum like you who accuse those of us who don't are the reason they keep burning.

Show me where I've accused you personally of anything.

I was talking about right-wingers in general just like you generalize about the left.

But stop with the innocent act.

Like all rwnj's, you are happy to warm yourself by those fires.
Right-wing shit like you doesn't need any help in that department.

You fuckers are the eternal flames of the racial hate fires.

Show me where I've accused you personally of anything.

I was talking about right-wingers in general just like you generalize about the left.

But stop with the innocent act.

Like all rwnj's, you are happy to warm yourself by those fires.

Read your first quote.
That's not accusing you of anything.

It's no different than you saying "Left-wing scum like you who accuse those of us who don't are the reason they keep burning."

Pot meet kettle, scum.

I cannot help you comprehend you're own idiocy. My first comment wasn't to you, why did you reply with your bullshit?