Franken stealing election.... Desh will be on him soon..

No the voters should be instructed on what to do if they accidentally mark the wrong choice and then want to change it.

Every legal voter should have every chance to vote.

They didn't follow directions, now it is up to lawyers and judges to try to interpret the meaning of two marks in two different bubbles for the same election. They should just get thrown out. They had their chance to vote.
They didn't follow directions, now it is up to lawyers and judges to try to interpret the meaning of two marks in two different bubbles for the same election. They should just get thrown out. They had their chance to vote.
I always hate the psychic determination inherent in hand counting. As people challenge and argue trying to divine the exact intent of some idiot who voted for both candidates or who didn't vote for Senator but voted the rest of the ballot.
If I am not mistaken, and I may be, Franken is not a fan of private gun ownership. That is a big issue for me.

I also think he is behind Gore on the Global Warming issue. If he is behind it based on actual accurate info, then I am fine with that. If he is backing Gore on this issue and using the bogus numbers we have seen, or ignoring the data that disagrees with the Gore models, I have a problem with that.

Other than that, I am fine with Franken. He dislikes O'Reilly, so he obviously has some taste.
I always hate the psychic determination inherent in hand counting. As people challenge and argue trying to divine the exact intent of some idiot who voted for both candidates or who didn't vote for Senator but voted the rest of the ballot.

If there aren't any marks for Senator then the only obvious choice is a no-vote for that race. I left the Presidential slot blank intentionally as I did not want to vote for any of the candidates. If some idiot came back and determined that I 'intended' to vote for someone I would be pissed.

granted we had electronic voting machines that did not have paper ballots so who knows... maybe I did vote for someone.... right Desh? ;)
LMAO... wrong Desh, they used optical scanners in MN. They simply made an 'error' when reporting Frankens numbers.... oddly, they made the EXACT same 'error' for Obama. Also, if I recall correctly, this is a town that favored Dems and was run by them. If that is correct, I seriously doubt they tried to shaft both Franken and Obama.

Hey SF, can we agree to just wait until the recount of St. Louis county is complete before throwing out these allegations of fraud? Please. I'm growing very tired of you repeating this canard.
If there aren't any marks for Senator then the only obvious choice is a no-vote for that race. I left the Presidential slot blank intentionally as I did not want to vote for any of the candidates. If some idiot came back and determined that I 'intended' to vote for someone I would be pissed.

granted we had electronic voting machines that did not have paper ballots so who knows... maybe I did vote for someone.... right Desh? ;)
I also didn't vote for President in this election. I thought of voting Barr, but then the Libertarians didn't deserve my vote after picking that idiot as their candidate.

We had paper on our touch screen voting machine, if we had to hand count it would be there. Most people in our area used the optical scanner though. We use a better version, IMO, than the one used that they are talking about in the story.
Hey SF, can we agree to just wait until the recount of St. Louis county is complete before throwing out these allegations of fraud? Please. I'm growing very tired of you repeating this canard.

Hey Dung... this entire thread was started to poke fun at Desh as had this been reversed and narrowed ground for a Rep, she would be on here screaming bloody murder.

That said, it is highly unlikely for someone to make the EXACT SAME MISTAKE in two races. It is also statistically improbable for the 'mistakes' in intitial reporting to go in favor of one candidate.

Lastly, if you don't like the discussion, then you are free to quit posting on the thread that discusses this topic. So quit friggin whining about it. You are FREE to CHOOSE to ignore this thread.
I also didn't vote for President in this election. I thought of voting Barr, but then the Libertarians didn't deserve my vote after picking that idiot as their candidate.

We had paper on our touch screen voting machine, if we had to hand count it would be there. Most people in our area used the optical scanner though. We use a better version, IMO, than the one used that they are talking about in the story.

Just yesterday you told me you use the same machines . . .
Hey Dung... this entire thread was started to poke fun at Desh as had this been reversed and narrowed ground for a Rep, she would be on here screaming bloody murder.

That said, it is highly unlikely for someone to make the EXACT SAME MISTAKE in two races. It is also statistically improbable for the 'mistakes' in intitial reporting to go in favor of one candidate.

Lastly, if you don't like the discussion, then you are free to quit posting on the thread that discusses this topic. So quit friggin whining about it. You are FREE to CHOOSE to ignore this thread.

I was just hoping for some intellectual honesty from you. Apparently it is too much to ask. Carry on . . .

"Are we really supposed to believe there were 482 legitimate errors by voters, or a lesser number combined with legitimate counting errors, that all came in one contest and all in one direction? And that at the same time there were virtually no errors in all other contests and none benefitting any other Senate candidates?

Are you serious?

There could be thousands of errors and you have you pick of past elections to prove it.

If it walks, talks and smells like cheating, it's cheating. And sadly, there isn't anyone in a position to stop this that isn't a partisan Democrat and therefore willing to ignore or abet the effort so as to produce the result they personally want."

More at link...

So you agree that the elections of 2000 and 2004 that "elected" George Bush was cheating?
By the way, the Wall Street Journal Op-Ed page is continuing to reprint lies and refuses to acknowledge its past lies in its offering today. I refuse to link to it, but it is precisely why it is a stinking cesspool.
Are you serious?

There could be thousands of errors and you have you pick of past elections to prove it.

So you agree that the elections of 2000 and 2004 that "elected" George Bush was cheating?

"More than three decades apart, two political riots influenced the outcome of U.S. presidential elections. In 1968, protests at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago hurt Democrat Hubert Humphrey and helped Republican Richard Nixon eke out a victory. On Nov. 22, 2000, the so-called “Brooks Brothers Riot” of Republican activists helped stop a vote recount in Miami -- and showed how far George W. Bush’s supporters were ready to go to put their man in the White House.

But the government reaction to the two events was dramatically different. The clashes between police and Vietnam War protesters in 1968 led the Nixon administration to charge seven anti-war radicals with “conspiring to cross state lines with the intent to incite a riot.” The defendants, who became known as the Chicago Seven, were later acquitted of conspiracy charges, in part, because the protests were loosely organized and because solid documentary evidence was lacking.

After the Miami “Brooks Brothers Riot” – named after the protesters’ preppie clothing – no government action was taken beyond the police rescuing several Democrats who were surrounded and roughed up by the rioters. While no legal charges were filed against the Republicans, newly released documents show that at least a half dozen of the publicly identified rioters were paid by Bush’s recount committee..."

Cheating? I don't see no cheating! I don't have to show you no cheating!
Whine some more about Democrats cheating! Please! It makes my day! I love it when neocon Republicons whine. Get some psychiatric help. :tongout::tongout:
LMAO... wrong Desh, they used optical scanners in MN. They simply made an 'error' when reporting Frankens numbers.... oddly, they made the EXACT same 'error' for Obama. Also, if I recall correctly, this is a town that favored Dems and was run by them. If that is correct, I seriously doubt they tried to shaft both Franken and Obama.

Optical scanners can be manipulated too.

Its is one of the problems that needs to be addressed.

Paper trails will tell the tale now wont they?

If Someone cheated the paper trail will provide the truth.

Funny you think that an original number that leaned for the R and under scrutiny is proving MORE votes for the Dem is somehow Dems cheating.

Twisted logic that one SF.
"More than three decades apart, two political riots influenced the outcome of U.S. presidential elections. In 1968, protests at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago hurt Democrat Hubert Humphrey and helped Republican Richard Nixon eke out a victory. On Nov. 22, 2000, the so-called “Brooks Brothers Riot” of Republican activists helped stop a vote recount in Miami -- and showed how far George W. Bush’s supporters were ready to go to put their man in the White House.

But the government reaction to the two events was dramatically different. The clashes between police and Vietnam War protesters in 1968 led the Nixon administration to charge seven anti-war radicals with “conspiring to cross state lines with the intent to incite a riot.” The defendants, who became known as the Chicago Seven, were later acquitted of conspiracy charges, in part, because the protests were loosely organized and because solid documentary evidence was lacking.

After the Miami “Brooks Brothers Riot” – named after the protesters’ preppie clothing – no government action was taken beyond the police rescuing several Democrats who were surrounded and roughed up by the rioters. While no legal charges were filed against the Republicans, newly released documents show that at least a half dozen of the publicly identified rioters were paid by Bush’s recount committee..."

Cheating? I don't see no cheating! I don't have to show you no cheating!
Whine some more about Democrats cheating! Please! It makes my day! I love it when neocon Republicons whine. Get some psychiatric help. :tongout::tongout:

You misread my post.

I was one of the loudest voices in the country on voting fraud by republicans.
By the way, the Wall Street Journal Op-Ed page is continuing to reprint lies and refuses to acknowledge its past lies in its offering today. I refuse to link to it, but it is precisely why it is a stinking cesspool.
So you refuse to do this:

But you sit quietly reading it to yourself stewing and burning getting all mad? Are you afraid we'll all succumb, as you did, to anger or are you afraid that everybody else will actually read it?
Optical scanners can be manipulated too.

Its is one of the problems that needs to be addressed.

Paper trails will tell the tale now wont they?

If Someone cheated the paper trail will provide the truth.

Funny you think that an original number that leaned for the R and under scrutiny is proving MORE votes for the Dem is somehow Dems cheating.

Twisted logic that one SF.

Desh, I have stated all along that I would prefer that we use electronic machines that had a paper trail.

The number was 'mis-reported' meaning the machines counted a certain number of votes and the people reporting them wrote down the wrong number. For them to have 'mis-reported' two contests in the exact same manner is not likely. Only time will tell for sure, but had this gone the other way you know you would be bitching about how the Reps were trying to "cheat".
So you refuse to do this:

But you sit quietly reading it to yourself stewing and burning getting all mad? Are you afraid we'll all succumb, as you did, to anger or are you afraid that everybody else will actually read it?

"The state attorney general's office ruled against a canvassing board delay, finding that certification was purely an administrative function and that any question of absentee ballots ought to be left to the courts. The problem is that at least one court has entertained this Franken ploy. Ramsey County Judge Dale Lindman this week ordered county officials to give Mr. Franken a list of voters who had cast rejected absentee ballots.

Put aside that these ballots have already been ruled on by trained election judges. Put aside, too, the invasion of voter privacy. The real problem of allowing Mr. Franken to conduct his own voter discovery operation is that this is changing the rules after the election has been held. The gambit introduces subjective judgment and political pressure into a voting process that is supposed to be immune to both."

So nice that voters now have to endure politicians calling them or visiting them at home to see how they intended to vote on the secret ballot.
So you refuse to do this:

But you sit quietly reading it to yourself stewing and burning getting all mad? Are you afraid we'll all succumb, as you did, to anger or are you afraid that everybody else will actually read it?

Keep in mind, anytime in the future that anyone cites anything from or commondreams or huffington post etc... it is now acceptable to simply denounce them for being left wing hacks and not address any of the issues authors on their site might bring up. Just call them liars etc... and moveon.
Keep in mind, anytime in the future that anyone cites anything from or commondreams or huffington post etc... it is now acceptable to simply denounce them for being left wing hacks and not address any of the issues authors on their site might bring up. Just call them liars etc... and moveon.

You're such a douchebag. I addressed the factual inaccuracies in the original thread that you posted on this subject which you ignored.
well i live in MN and not a dig fan of colman... but i cant belive that many people actuly voted for a fraud like frankinstine...but then again this is the state where we put vatura in office....

frakin will do whatever it takes to win no matter if its leagle ornot... he is running as a dem, he gets a free pass on leagle issues here.