
There are a lot of registered Republicans I would like to gun down. It would mean the Dems would seize power, but there's always the possibility of a new and improved coalition to form in the darkness. As I am fond of saying, I wish Lincoln would have had nuclear weapons at his disposal.

Be careful there, wonderboy. A lot of us independents are quite well armed. Its not like a video game. Some folks shoot back.

Let's have a "suspension of disbelief" moment and accept for the time being that having an abortion is "killing a baby."

Does any rational human really think that only liberals get abortions?

No, but they're the only ones who are PROUD ABOUT IT!

And where did you get this? Straight out of your as$?

Well the champion the right to choose. And they call people who disagree with them names like knuckledraggers and neanderthals. It's not too hard of a leap to assume they feel some pride at their superior position. But maybe they just feel a strong affection for the right to choose. I could be wrong. LOL
Well the champion the right to choose. And they call people who disagree with them names like knuckledraggers and neanderthals. It's not too hard of a leap to assume they feel some pride at their superior position. But maybe they just feel a strong affection for the right to choose. I could be wrong. LOL

Yes. Anti-choice people are knuckledraggers and neanderthals but what does that have to do with people being 'proud' to have had an abortion.
Is there some kind of study that you are referencing? (lolol I know....look who I'm talking to)

You're first statement did not indicate that there was a sense of pride in the position that people take. You state "No, but they're the only ones who are PROUD ABOUT IT! " in response to "Does any rational human really think that only liberals get abortions?". Onceler wasn't referencing positions in statement he was refencing that act of abortions to which you replied. And now you're trying to pretend that you were talking about someone's "position" rather than the actual act b/c you pulled that $hit out of your as$.

Nice tap dance.

and've ben pwnd.
Care to explain how it works? They despise abortions but love the right to choose one?

There is a difference between celebrating & advocating for freedom, and "rejoicing" over actually having an abortion.

Abortions are never easy - physically, mentally & for a wide variety of reasons. Your characterizations here would only lead me to a conclusion that you have rarely, if ever, interacted with women.

In short, you're being your usual retarded self.
There is a difference between celebrating & advocating for freedom, and "rejoicing" over actually having an abortion.

Abortions are never easy - physically, mentally & for a wide variety of reasons. Your characterizations here would only lead me to a conclusion that you have rarely, if ever, interacted with women.

In short, you're being your usual retarded self.

Oh puhlease, you folks and you're strawmen.

You don't agree with me, you've never been with a girl...

How third grade-like of you.
Oh puhlease, you folks and you're strawmen.

You don't agree with me, you've never been with a girl...

How third grade-like of you.


You've done nothing but create strawmen on this thread, so the above statement is kind of ironic. All of your conclusions about the complex issue of abortion have come from bumper stickers, apparently.