
So darla can claim 30% or repubs are racists and you fucking idiots have a problem with my hyperbole? LOLZ

Or said another way:

you have the audacity to be outraged when you think someone else is making stuff up, when two seconds prior you were making stuff up?
Or said another way:

you have the audacity to be outraged when you think someone else is making stuff up, when two seconds prior you were making stuff up?

I'm not outraged, you idiot. I even admitted to slinging hyperbole. I was mocking the thread and the ridiculousness of claiming 30% of repubs are racists. You need to get a fucking clue. You're fucking retarded
thanks, i felt like a jackass after i tried to embed it and all that popped up was code, haha

Yo must be new. First of all, welcome to Bedlam.

Second of all, you have to do a LOT worse than that to be a jackass on this board. But look around. There are plenty of examples.
Onceler - there is a book titled "Cunt" (yes, its a real book), which celebrates abortion among other things. Some people really do cherish it. The author performed at least two herbal induced abortions on herself.
************THREAD SUMMARY*************

30% of republicans are racists because a video shows a guy with a curious george doll had placed an Obama sticker/or sign on the head of the doll. Liberals are not proud of abortion, but, they are proud of a woman's right to choose an abortion. Youtube can be tricky.