Free will and original sin

All Christianity is based on a Jewish teacher. No idea why that has to be binding.

I do not know what you mean by binding. Being a Christian in America is a voluntary association.

The resurrection is the cornerstone that binds all Christians. Without the resurrection there is no Christianity. But other than that link, the distinction between Pentecostals, Quakers, Coptics, and Orthodox is pretty stark
I do not know what you mean by binding. Being a Christian in America is a voluntary association.

The resurrection is the cornerstone that binds all Christians. Without the resurrection there is no Christianity. But other than that link, the distinction between Pentecostals, Quakers, Coptics, and Orthodox is pretty stark

I meant Jesus being God is an arbitrary association with no truth for us living in the US in 2020.
You should consider the assholes they were leaving behind. :)
Yes, the English civil war and the religious wars of 16th century made Europe pretty unappealing!
If I lived in the time of colonial America, I would align with William Penn's Pennsylvania colony, not the Puritan Massachusetts Bay colony.
Agreed on all points. The same goes for other ancient books of wisdom. In an age when anyone can literally publish a picture and article about their own shit, trying to figure out what is wise and what is not is very difficult. This entire forum is about that difficulty. In an age when books were rare, then they only used valuable resources to write down and treasure the very best of their society.

Some things are outdated such as dietary restrictions, but other areas are recognition of basic human needs within a society and in a hostile world. The latter is as applicable today as it was 4,000 years ago.

Yes, it is.

It's too bad that the book has been weaponized by some.
Left out the "with comprehension" part. Makes a big difference.

Not necessarily. I have the feeling that you are twisting the meaning of that word. You appear to want it to mean "while believing this whole thing is god talking."

Obviously if you read it believing that, all the contradictions in the mythology seem to be truth.
Not necessarily. I have the feeling that you are twisting the meaning of that word. You appear to want it to mean "while believing this whole thing is god talking."

Obviously if you read it believing that, all the contradictions in the mythology seem to be truth.

No. I hold a degree in English so literature is something im familiar with.
Yes, the English civil war and the religious wars of 16th century made Europe pretty unappealing!
If I lived in the time of colonial America, I would align with William Penn's Pennsylvania colony, not the Puritan Massachusetts Bay colony.

Agreed Penn's colony would be much better even if he was pacifist Quaker.
Yes, it is.

It's too bad that the book has been weaponized by some.

Human beings weaponize anything they like....and often do. It's what makes us "special".

I forget the author but there's a SF story about First Contact which turns to be only a one-way first contact since the aliens were the ones that nurtured and grew the human race. It seems peace reigned throughout the universe and no one knew how to fight so they found simians on Earth and crossbred them to become the fiercist, bloodiest killers the Universe had ever seen.
Lucky us! Woot!
Read it and you will find out.
Intelligent people know that Argument from Authority, much less bullshit replies, is a logical fallacy.

You don't have to discuss the topic if you aren't comfortable with it, don't know the answer to the question or because you're afraid you'll look like Trump; a fucking moron.
No. I hold a degree in English so literature is something im familiar with.


Just like a reader who opens up the first book of Tolkien's LOTR trilogy, a reader of the Bible must be prepared to suspend disbelief and rationality, and prepare to immerse him/herself into the realm of fantasy.

Or just treat it as a semi-fictional work of history, literature, wisdom, the human condition.
Intelligent people know that Argument from Authority, much less bullshit replies, is a logical fallacy.

You don't have to discuss the topic if you aren't comfortable with it, don't know the answer to the question or because you're afraid you'll look like Trump; a fucking moron.

You expect God to be logical?
You fist have to accept that there can be something more than yourself. Until then you are just a devil's advocate.
You expect God to be logical?
You fist have to accept that there can be something more than yourself. Until then you are just a devil's advocate.

Yes. God created the Universe and everything in it. All the laws, all the functions. Everything. To study the Universe and learn how it works is science, but it's also studying the Divine. The Universe is logical.

Yes, there's something more than myself. I believe in an all powerful force in and outside the Universe. I believe there is more to existence than what we see. As the OP mentioned, I believe in the philosophy that the purpose of life is to become one with the Divine. What do you believe in, other than adhering "religiously" to a 2000 year old series of books?
I meant Jesus being God is an arbitrary association with no truth for us living in the US in 2020.
I find no fault with people who genuinely attempt to live their lives in emulation Jesus.

Irrespective of whether he was actually divine.

"To the Orthodox Christian the goal of human life is union with the divine, a process they call theosis. The essence of this process is the ongoing effort to be like Christ. For most, it will take an entire life’s work."

There are a lot of persons, including some on this board, who see Trump as the model of a successful life - rich, spoiled, and with the capacity and wealth to fuck porn actresses on a whim.
I find no fault with people who genuinely attempt to live their lives in emulation Jesus.

Irrespective of whether he was actually divine.

There are a lot of persons, including some on this board, who see Trump as the model of a successful life - rich, spoiled, and with the capacity and wealth to fuck porn actresses on a whim.
Agreed about those following the same path as Jesus. The same goes for those who follow Buddha's path.

OTOH, others see Trump as a person who solely seeks self-gratification, even at the expense of those close to him. He epitomizes narcissism. If he actually believed in a God or gods, he's be worshiping the Greek god Dionysus (Bacchus in Rome).

Agreed about those following the same path as Jesus. The same goes for those who follow Buddha's path.

OTOH, others see Trump as a person who solely seeks self-gratification, even at the expense of those close to him. He epitomizes narcissism. If he actually believed in a God or gods, he's be worshiping the Greek god Dionysus (Bacchus in Rome).

To say NOTHING of the anchovies!
Agreed about those following the same path as Jesus. The same goes for those who follow Buddha's path.

OTOH, others see Trump as a person who solely seeks self-gratification, even at the expense of those close to him. He epitomizes narcissism. If he actually believed in a God or gods, he's be worshiping the Greek god Dionysus (Bacchus in Rome).

Trump worships Satan. Dionysus is the God of intoxication.