Funny, all the Cons are gone!

Hence the total silence in the media.

Actually there is some reporting and advice for Obama:

Links at site:

The Iraqi Upturn
Don't look now, but the U.S.-backed government and army may be winning the war.

Sunday, June 1, 2008; B06

THERE'S BEEN a relative lull in news coverage and debate about Iraq in recent weeks -- which is odd, because May could turn out to have been one of the most important months of the war. While Washington's attention has been fixed elsewhere, military analysts have watched with astonishment as the Iraqi government and army have gained control for the first time of the port city of Basra and the sprawling Baghdad neighborhood of Sadr City, routing the Shiite militias that have ruled them for years and sending key militants scurrying to Iran. At the same time, Iraqi and U.S. forces have pushed forward with a long-promised offensive in Mosul, the last urban refuge of al-Qaeda. So many of its leaders have now been captured or killed that U.S. Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker, renowned for his cautious assessments, said that the terrorists have "never been closer to defeat than they are now."

Iraq passed a turning point last fall when the U.S. counterinsurgency campaign launched in early 2007 produced a dramatic drop in violence and quelled the incipient sectarian war between Sunnis and Shiites. Now, another tipping point may be near, one that sees the Iraqi government and army restoring order in almost all of the country, dispersing both rival militias and the Iranian-trained "special groups" that have used them as cover to wage war against Americans. It is -- of course -- too early to celebrate; though now in disarray, the Mahdi Army of Moqtada al-Sadr could still regroup, and Iran will almost certainly seek to stir up new violence before the U.S. and Iraqi elections this fall. Still, the rapidly improving conditions should allow U.S. commanders to make some welcome adjustments -- and it ought to mandate an already-overdue rethinking by the "this-war-is-lost" caucus in Washington, including Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.).

Gen. David H. Petraeus signaled one adjustment in recent testimony to Congress, saying that he would probably recommend troop reductions in the fall going beyond the ongoing pullback of the five "surge" brigades deployed last year. Gen. Petraeus pointed out that attacks in Iraq hit a four-year low in mid-May and that Iraqi forces were finally taking the lead in combat and on multiple fronts at once -- something that was inconceivable a year ago. As a result the Iraqi government of Nouri al-Maliki now has "unparalleled" public support, as Gen. Petraeus put it, and U.S. casualties are dropping sharply. Eighteen American soldiers died in May, the lowest total of the war and an 86 percent drop from the 126 who died in May 2007.

If the positive trends continue, proponents of withdrawing most U.S. troops, such as Mr. Obama, might be able to responsibly carry out further pullouts next year. Still, the likely Democratic nominee needs a plan for Iraq based on sustaining an improving situation, rather than abandoning a failed enterprise. That will mean tying withdrawals to the evolution of the Iraqi army and government, rather than an arbitrary timetable; Iraq's 2009 elections will be crucial. It also should mean providing enough troops and air power to continue backing up Iraqi army operations such as those in Basra and Sadr City. When Mr. Obama floated his strategy for Iraq last year, the United States appeared doomed to defeat. Now he needs a plan for success.
It's such a lazy, dishonest response - "all liberals do is insult, so there is no point in engaging them." A ton of substance is offered up here by the left, and usually ignored by everyone except other posters on the left.

No one is fooling anyone, here....
It's such a lazy, dishonest response - "all liberals do is insult, so there is no point in engaging them." A ton of substance is offered up here by the left, and usually ignored by everyone except other posters on the left.

No one is fooling anyone, here....

right. :rolleyes:
It's such a lazy, dishonest response - "all liberals do is insult, so there is no point in engaging them." A ton of substance is offered up here by the left, and usually ignored by everyone except other posters on the left.

No one is fooling anyone, here....

<insert insult here>! You are insulting people! <add another insult here>! You are doing what you are saying! Like a typical <insert another insult>.

Or a more current translation:

No YOU are!
Let me give you a little insight on this, since you are obviously perplexed. I can't speak for all Republicans, or really ANY Republicans, because I am a Conservative, not a Republican, but I can speak for myself.

I left the board a while back, because I just got tired of coming here day after day to the same stupidity and personal attacks. It just didn't seem worth my time to come read the same ignorant juvenile rants and put-downs that were posted the day before. Pinheads stopped "debating" issues, and resorted to nothing more than name-calling and petty insults. How many times do I have to read "Bush Sux" before it just gets old, annoying and boring? How many times do I have to read the "War for Oil" conspiracy theories, or have some idiot accuse me of being a racist based on my avatar alone? I heard it all, thousands of times, day after endless day... same exact lines, same exact words, nothing changed.

In short, after a long period of not finding any substantive debate from the left, I just gave up hope and left. What's funny is, I come back a year later, and it's still the same thing! Same mindless rants, same petty insults, same personal attacks, same lack of any substantive debate on the issues from the left. It's as if the only thing liberals are capable of here, is insulting people and attacking them personally. I look at the board, and I see Libertarians at least trying to discuss the issues, or trying to convey an idea they believe in, and I see Moderates arguing their points and defending their moderate positions, and a few Conservatives making brilliant points and enduring the predictable barrage of slanderous and vicious liberal attacks on them personally. From the Liberals, it's just a never-ending parade of Bash and Trash, and this cocky arrogant attitude of confidence that you represent a majority of America. Not one single thread from a Liberal, honestly trying to discuss an issue or debate a legitimate point.

The Liberal message board tactics have become so familiar, we could write a manual. There is the tactic of derailment, when you find a topic you can't provide an intelligent response to, it is important to derail the conversation, make the thread about something else, so no one will notice your lack of substance. There is the tactic of finger pointing, whenever the issue is something you can manage to relate to some past event in history, whether it is relevant or not, it is important to try and make this fly for the sake of liberal intellectualism. There is the constant tactic of reality denial, where libs will essentially suspend reality to make a point seem valid. But the favorite tactic of libs is the character assassination tactic, where they simply hurl a barrage of insults, put-downs, and derogatory names, at whoever they are responding to, in hopes that some of it will stick. They make sure to tie it all to Bush and the Neocons, and throw in the charge of racism for good measure.

I know that you liberals have all worked very hard developing these strategies, and by the fact you are still here posting the same exact things over and over, day after day, it shows you are dedicated and basically have no life. But from a reader's perspective, it just gets really stale and old after a while, and it does nothing for your cause. There is no entertainment value in a bad movie you've seen a dozen times, it's just boring and annoying. The Internet is full of many fun and exciting things to do, so over time, you have effectively eroded the base of conservative posters here. It's not that you've 'run them off' with your brilliant and valid points they couldn't refute, or challenged their well made points, you essentially bored them to death and annoyed the piss out of them to the point they found better things to do. Congrats!

Like when liberals keep calling people pinheads and such?
WRL, Do you actually READ what you write?

"I'm sick and tired of the liberal left thinking they can prey on our wounded and dead service members privacy by exploiting, without their consent, our wounded and dead."

Please tell us how Darla Preyed on that soldier? Please tell us how she exploited anyone (wounded or dead) by posting that picture and ONLY that picture?

"As I said in the thread, I would have no problem had dalra used an Iraq war vet against the war, to make her point, but to invade a wounded vets privacy, and post his picture around to attack the very Military, he gave all for."

What attack? You keep calling it an attack. It was an example of the worst thing that can happen to a soldier. And a damn good example. She was not pulling any Operation Pink bullshit.

"It's the type of thing the dishonorable left has been doing this whole time, here is a clip from Michael Moore's, fahrenheit 9/11 where he uses wounded soldiers without their consent, see how it effects these brave men, See where Moore uses unauthorized footage of another soldiers funeral, and see how that unauthorized use of their family morning, that exploitation of the most private moment, for political propaganda."

Michael Moore WAS producing propaganda. But what Darla did was completely different. She did not add any speech about the war. She answered a question with a picture. If you cannot tell the difference I am amazed you were bright enough to be allowed in the US Military.

"At some point we have to stand up to these dispicable, dishonorable, low class, cowards, and protect the privacy of our Troops."

Look, when your picture is sent out over the wire and used in many newspapers and other news media, you have lost the privacy of that picture. Darla did not invade his privacy. She REPRINTED a picture that has been shown over and over and over.

You are acting like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Whenever a black person fails or is prosecuted, they scream racism. The fact that there is no truth to their claim never slows them down. They have made true claims of racism much harder to get publicised because they have cried wolf so often. You are screaming about something that did not happen. There was no invasion of privacy, there was no exploitation, and there dishonor in Darla's post of that picture.

The only dishonor is what is shown by you. You want this man to be hidden away. You want him to never be seen unless he is standing next to a politician that you favor. And that, WRL, is dishonoring his memory.

I guess this was a double post? Here's my response again...

It was an attack on the Military, exploiting a picture of a wounded Marine he never authorized for such purposes, to trash a posters question about serving in the Military. There are many reason's to join, there are many reason's not to for some people, but when the debate resorts to dishonorable, low class, downright trashy, exploitation of wounded soldiers, using them without their consent, for a cause they wouldn't support, I mean who the hell is darla to make that decision for that man who has suffered enough, without his family being drug through the political rungs now because the left wants to make a point. The picture was used to honor him, not trash the Military and that which he gave his life for, it's pretty sad when you can't even photograph a wounded soldier getting promoted, because the left will disrespect you and what you've given so much for with it. It's disrespectful, dishonorable, low class trash, from a person who obviously wouldn't know honor if she ran smack into it.

I once more post this video so some can at least see the pain that causes these soldiers and their families, when they become the lefts political tools.

[ame=""]YouTube - FahrenHYPE 9/11 -Part 7/8[/ame]

About 5 min. in, you can see the part about the unauthorized funeral being exploited by the left in fahrenheit 9/11, look at the tears, the pain, and for what your politics. All this talk about 'Support the troops' I guess stops when they make good political tools.
WRL, you are just looking for a reason to act indignant. There was no anti-military statement expressed in what Darla posted. There was no invasion of privacy.

I'm done with this garbage.
You know what I've noticed? Not only have some of the most extreme bush worshipping cons gone underground. but even those who were, as recently at a year or two ago, making apologies or trying to defend the iraq war, domestic spying, Bushonomics, Bush foreign policy, etc., have pretty much been shamed into not even trying to defend it.

Do you honestly think we have to come here every day, every week, or even once a month to make the same arguments, point out the same facts, or explain to you morons why the world is as it is....then be called a few names, and read the same DNC talking points from 15 different liberal posters; to be fed bullshit opinion from liberal blogs and told its the truth....and finally and all that , be called a few more names for good measure....

There are other boards that actually have adult debate....don't come find us...
we'll visit you on a very limited basis just for laughs....
Do you honestly think we have to come here every day, every week, or even once a month to make the same arguments, point out the same facts, or explain to you morons why the world is as it is....then be called a few names, and read the same DNC talking points from 15 different liberal posters; to be fed bullshit opinion from liberal blogs and told its the truth....and finally and all that , be called a few more names for good measure....

There are other boards that actually have adult debate....don't come find us...
we'll visit you on a very limited basis just for laughs....

Cmon man---don't mess with the little mastubatory celebration. They haven't had a damn thing to celebrate for years.
EVERYTHING that happened during the Bush administration happened with the aid, consent, and votes of the Democrats......

Whats truly amazing bullshit is the fact that even with that aid, consent, and vote, the Dims can convince themselves and a majority that they share no responsibility for anything....

They don't know what happened....
They got confused...
They got hoodwinked by a genius....
They were lied to.....
They didn't really read the 'fine print'.....
They didn't even read the 'big print'.....

And the biggest bullshit of all.....They can fix everything...:321:
EVERYTHING that happened during the Bush administration happened with the aid, consent, and votes of the Democrats......

Whats truly amazing bullshit is the fact that even with that aid, consent, and vote, the Dims can convince themselves and a majority that they share no responsibility for anything....

They don't know what happened....
They got confused...
They got hoodwinked by a genius....
They were lied to.....
They didn't really read the 'fine print'.....
They didn't even read the 'big print'.....

And the biggest bullshit of all.....They can fix everything...:321:

BRAVO, Bravo!
I am back Dixie. I see you are still dumber than a rock and have at least a couple of fellow dummies with you.

Even fools need friends.
EVERYTHING that happened during the Bush administration happened with the aid, consent, and votes of the Democrats......

Whats truly amazing bullshit is the fact that even with that aid, consent, and vote, the Dims can convince themselves and a majority that they share no responsibility for anything....

They don't know what happened....
They got confused...
They got hoodwinked by a genius....
They were lied to.....
They didn't really read the 'fine print'.....
They didn't even read the 'big print'.....

And the biggest bullshit of all.....They can fix everything...:321:

Actually they CAN'T convince themselves. If they could we wouldn't have to hear all the whining that has gone for what feels like a million years. Day after day they have to repeat the same old crap. That doesn't sound like they are convinced to me.