
Thanks, did not know that. I tried to grow some last year inside the garden fence, using the fence itself as a trellis. But somehow the deer got them, prickly leaves and all.
Deers, those pesky beautiful creatures. I use to have to beware of the moose! I have no room anymore for a garden. I grew tomatoes in containers last year, but didn’t do so this year. I do miss a garden. I’ve been looking at ways to grow next year.
Thanks, did not know that. I tried to grow some last year inside the garden fence, using the fence itself as a trellis. But somehow the deer got them, prickly leaves and all.

cucurbits all have the same it takes two to tango issue--squash, cukes, watermelons and pumpkins
Deers, those pesky beautiful creatures.

For sure. Their name in the native language is waawashkeshi which roughly translates to "damn white tail flasher". lol

I use to have to beware of the moose!

Moose cares not for your fence. Moose just walks right through it. lol

I have no room anymore for a garden. I grew tomatoes in containers last year, but didn’t do so this year. I do miss a garden. I’ve been looking at ways to grow next year.

Oh, I feel for you! I have some small-garden-space experience; maybe I could give you a few ideas?
For sure. Their name in the native language is waawashkeshi which roughly translates to "damn white tail flasher". lol

Moose cares not for your fence. Moose just walks right through it. lol

Oh, I feel for you! I have some small-garden-space experience; maybe I could give you a few ideas?
I’d love that!

I’ve seen moose jump a fence like it was no big deal. I miss those critters.
I’d love that!
I’ve seen moose jump a fence like it was no big deal. I miss those critters.

They're awesome. We have moose here; I've seen their tracks and scat but have yet to get a glimpse of his/her majesty. They're so uncommon that despite hunters' wishes there is no hunting season for them. They aren't as big as your Alaskan moose!
Got home from KY last Friday. The bugs are about to carry my garden off. Squash bugs all over my squash plants, some little iridescent green-back bug sucking the sap (and thus the life) out of my cucumbers, ants invading my’s the invasion of the insects! Oh, and the rabbits had eaten about 1/4 of my green beans.

I dispatched the rabbit with my Ruger Airhawk pellet gun yesterday morning before going to church and have a jar with a little gasoline in it and have started picking the bugs off my squash plants and have used some liquid Sevin on my cucumbers (its several weeks before they start bearing).


Have you tried companion planting? Saves alot of work, and you get other goodies out of the deal as well. Oregano and marigold are pretty good squash bug deterrants. I've also heard nasturtiums and white icicle radishes work as well.

As for the rabbits...sprinkle a little bit of hot sauce around and on the plants as they grow. They will learn. :)
Dumped my tater buckets today. Red pontiacs in buckets with all compost/leaf mulch and no soil. Got more than I planted but not hugely impressed. Getting big ones is still the bane of growing potatoes here in dixie for me. Will dig out the tater bed in another couple weeks as they are still looking mostly green and I planted them a few weeks later than the bucket experiment. Hopefully in two densely planted 8X4 raised beds I will get at least one big as my head potato. One is all I ask for. I'm not being greedy. The rest can be smalls and mediums. I just want one giant potato before I croak.

Lite sick of zucchini

Lite sick of zucchini

LOL @ zucchini.

Looking good there! Can't wait to get some ripe tomatoes. Slow growing up here; the vines are lush and happy and loaded with blossoms but the maters are still very tiny. BTW, the morning glory didn't make it, but the honeysuckle is doing well so far.
LOL @ zucchini.

Looking good there! Can't wait to get some ripe tomatoes. Slow growing up here; the vines are lush and happy and loaded with blossoms but the maters are still very tiny. BTW, the morning glory didn't make it, but the honeysuckle is doing well so far.

These are like tomato Nos. 135-150 in the last couple weeks. There is a point one gets tomatoed out. I am getting there as well.
Good grief, I guess so. Do you can them?

No. I will make some sauce out of some and vacuum freeze. Will make some tomato jelly when the cherries come in (for some reason this year they are laggers when they usually are leaders). I have given several away to co-workers/family/neighbors. I mean three tomato sandwiches a day for 10 days gets a little old. I way overdid. Usually the deer clean me out so I have the habit of way overplanting. This year I made a dog run type fenced in area I densely planted in addition to my overplanting without thinking and am drowning in them. They are all indeterminants too so this will be a marathon.
No. I will make some sauce out of some and vacuum freeze. Will make some tomato jelly when the cherries come in (for some reason this year they are laggers when they usually are leaders). I have given several away to co-workers/family/neighbors. I mean three tomato sandwiches a day for 10 days gets a little old. I way overdid. Usually the deer clean me out so I have the habit of way overplanting. This year I made a dog run type fenced in area I densely planted in addition to my overplanting without thinking and am drowning in them. They are all indeterminants too so this will be a marathon.

Indeterminants. Oh my. Well, you have my address. lol I've only got six plants which is plenty. Mr. Owl does not like tomatoes so I process them and can and freeze. The ones I use for sauces and soup and chili I blenderize first to remove the offensive chunks that His Highness finds so repulsive. Fortunately he does like some of the other garden stuff like the scarlet runner beans, hot peppers, garlic, corn, and peas.
These are like tomato Nos. 135-150 in the last couple weeks. There is a point one gets tomatoed out. I am getting there as well.

Amen. We’ve had all we can eat...and we’ll eat them till they’re gone, plus I’ve canned veggie soup, my version of Ro-tel, salsa and just plain diced tomatoes. I’ve canned 64 pints of 3 day lime pickles and 3 gallons of dills. I’ve put up over 30 qt freezer bags of fried squash. Ready for a break. Okra is just now firing up and the peas lack a few I think I’ll get that break. But 5hats why we plant a garden.

The fun stuff is ripening now too. Picked a Black Diamond watermelon yesterday and had a cantaloupe for desert after lunch today.
Indeterminants. Oh my. Well, you have my address. lol I've only got six plants which is plenty. Mr. Owl does not like tomatoes so I process them and can and freeze. The ones I use for sauces and soup and chili I blenderize first to remove the offensive chunks that His Highness finds so repulsive. Fortunately he does like some of the other garden stuff like the scarlet runner beans, hot peppers, garlic, corn, and peas.

Actually I deleted it so I wouldn't be sitting in 6 months thinking "Who the hell's address is this and why do I have it" LOL. I am very ADD about such things. I have a stack of scribbles that I think might contain something important but have no idea what just sitting there already waiting for something to jog my memory about what the hell they mean, but I doubt they would keep through the mail system. Reminds me one time though I shipped someone a case of their favorite soup that had been discontinued but was still on the shelves where I lived. It cost a freaking fortune--far more than the soup itself did. You never realize how heavy soup is until you have a case of it to ship.
Actually I deleted it so I wouldn't be sitting in 6 months thinking "Who the hell's address is this and why do I have it" LOL. I am very ADD about such things. I have a stack of scribbles that I think might contain something important but have no idea what just sitting there already waiting for something to jog my memory about what the hell they mean, but I doubt they would keep through the mail system. Reminds me one time though I shipped someone a case of their favorite soup that had been discontinued but was still on the shelves where I lived. It cost a freaking fortune--far more than the soup itself did. You never realize how heavy soup is until you have a case of it to ship.

You are too nice. That's okay, I was just kidding anyways. I suppose you can always save the tomatoes for the next time there's a Trump rally in town. Sell them to the libruls at a vastly inflated price. lol
You are too nice. That's okay, I was just kidding anyways. I suppose you can always save the tomatoes for the next time there's a Trump rally in town. Sell them to the libruls at a vastly inflated price. lol

Trump hasn't been to visit us. Obama and Creepy Uncle Joe would come to town from time to time. Paul Ryan even came to visit us. George H.W. used to drop in in stealth mode periodically as VP and then post-President but not while POTUS. He used to have a friend from way-back in the area who was well-known for hosting elaborate cook-outs. My sister still gets mad that Obama caused her to get naughty points at work one year when she was about an hour late because she got trapped on a feeder road after they closed the highway to her work for about an hour for Obama to transit through. She is the one person I know whose "Thanks, Obama!!" is actually real LOL

I think I've mentioned this before--it would be illegal for me to sell my tomatoes because of local zoning laws prohibiting market gardening without a permit. I suppose I could sell them the slightly used plastic bag and throw the tomatoes in for free though :cool:
Holy shit, I am not reading all this, I will just leave my droppings here.

Bug juice is what you want.

Put some of the offenders in a blender, fill with H2O
Spray on plants, bugs gone.
I think I've mentioned this before--it would be illegal for me to sell my tomatoes because of local zoning laws prohibiting market gardening without a permit. I suppose I could sell them the slightly used plastic bag and throw the tomatoes in for free though :cool:

Problem solved! Genius solution!