
A truck like that is on the short list of stuff we need/want. Current vehicles are fine for transportation of us and smaller things, but a load of lumber like you have.... not so much. Or for big loads of mulch/soil, hauling the snowblower in if it needs repair, and so on. Plus that future fishing skiff on my dream list. Heheheheh.

I have an old ‘97 Dodge Ram 4WD. It’s beat up some but goes down the road well. Pulls my bass boat and hauls my jon boat plus is good for trailering my ‘50 something Ford tractor and brush hog. Haul chicken litter and barnyard with it as well. I bought it used in 2000. It’s been a good one. I can’t imagine being without a truck.
I have an old ‘97 Dodge Ram 4WD. It’s beat up some but goes down the road well. Pulls my bass boat and hauls my jon boat plus is good for trailering my ‘50 something Ford tractor and brush hog. Haul chicken litter and barnyard with it as well. I bought it used in 2000. It’s been a good one. I can’t imagine being without a truck.

I know, sure miss my old truck. It was like driving a bus and got horrible gas mileage, but you sure could haul a lot of stuff in it. Sold it when I moved to the city and got married to Mr. Owl. It was a '96 Silverado long-bed dual cab, but not the dualie model. *sigh* Maybe one day....... :~)
Oops, looks like suddenly we're done for the year! First Frost brought along a few of his best friends.

Wow. You might not have been ready for it but for me that would be awesome. I sure wish we’d have some frozen precipitation this winter. It’s good for the soil.

As it is, if we don’t get a killing frost in two weeks I’ll have some more peas from the volunteer plants. Also, I’ve been gathering grasshoppers and freezing them weekly for several weeks now from my abandoned okra stalks.
The killer frost is coming this evening in my neck of the woods. Harvested what was left out there--5 egg plants, about a dozen sweet peppers, couple handfulls of cherry tomatoes, about 3 gallons of hot peppers, and some more christmas beans. There will be more beans t be gotten once the vines are whacked back and I can see all the pods. My winter crops are a bit stunted. Not sure why. They came up quick and seem to be stalled out. Might hit them with fertilizer after this cold day passes and we get back up in the 40's at night
Anybody grow leeks in a cold climate? Just curious as to how long they can go. Kind of new to them. I am in 7B, been in the 20's several times. They are still ok looking I guess but not nearly as big as I want them to get.
Anybody grow leeks in a cold climate? Just curious as to how long they can go. Kind of new to them. I am in 7B, been in the 20's several times. They are still ok looking I guess but not nearly as big as I want them to get.

Hi Kacper, just dropped by for a bit, then my wings are taking me away to nicer places again!

I planted leeks from seed last spring (2017). They were wee spindly things; I left them to overwinter. This summer they returned and were slightly thicker and clumpier as well. I separated the clumps and again have left them to overwinter. Meanwhile, I planted some nursery-purchased leeks in a couple of pots along with ornamentals. They looked attractive and their leaves were tasty, but not much in the way of bulbs at all -- and for sure nothing like those monster things you get in the produce dept. I'm not sure that these tasty veggies are suited to our (5b) climate. How goes it with the rest of your fall/winter plants?

Thanks again for the gift of the honeysuckle vines. They did great in the large pot on the deck. For the winter we moved them into the hoophouse in the same pot. Will bring them back out once it's safe for green things.

Hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season. And same to the rest of my JPP friends as well. Baamaa pii miinawaa mino bimaadiziwin! (See you later and be living a good/happy life!)
Hi Kacper, just dropped by for a bit, then my wings are taking me away to nicer places again!

I planted leeks from seed last spring (2017). They were wee spindly things; I left them to overwinter. This summer they returned and were slightly thicker and clumpier as well. I separated the clumps and again have left them to overwinter. Meanwhile, I planted some nursery-purchased leeks in a couple of pots along with ornamentals. They looked attractive and their leaves were tasty, but not much in the way of bulbs at all -- and for sure nothing like those monster things you get in the produce dept. I'm not sure that these tasty veggies are suited to our (5b) climate. How goes it with the rest of your fall/winter plants?

Thanks again for the gift of the honeysuckle vines. They did great in the large pot on the deck. For the winter we moved them into the hoophouse in the same pot. Will bring them back out once it's safe for green things.

Hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season. And same to the rest of my JPP friends as well. Baamaa pii miinawaa mino bimaadiziwin! (See you later and be living a good/happy life!)

I miss seeing you around!
Hi Kacper, just dropped by for a bit, then my wings are taking me away to nicer places again!

I planted leeks from seed last spring (2017). They were wee spindly things; I left them to overwinter. This summer they returned and were slightly thicker and clumpier as well. I separated the clumps and again have left them to overwinter. Meanwhile, I planted some nursery-purchased leeks in a couple of pots along with ornamentals. They looked attractive and their leaves were tasty, but not much in the way of bulbs at all -- and for sure nothing like those monster things you get in the produce dept. I'm not sure that these tasty veggies are suited to our (5b) climate. How goes it with the rest of your fall/winter plants?

Thanks again for the gift of the honeysuckle vines. They did great in the large pot on the deck. For the winter we moved them into the hoophouse in the same pot. Will bring them back out once it's safe for green things.

Hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season. And same to the rest of my JPP friends as well. Baamaa pii miinawaa mino bimaadiziwin! (See you later and be living a good/happy life!)
Happy Thanksgiving Owl.
Hi Kacper, just dropped by for a bit, then my wings are taking me away to nicer places again!

I planted leeks from seed last spring (2017). They were wee spindly things; I left them to overwinter. This summer they returned and were slightly thicker and clumpier as well. I separated the clumps and again have left them to overwinter. Meanwhile, I planted some nursery-purchased leeks in a couple of pots along with ornamentals. They looked attractive and their leaves were tasty, but not much in the way of bulbs at all -- and for sure nothing like those monster things you get in the produce dept. I'm not sure that these tasty veggies are suited to our (5b) climate. How goes it with the rest of your fall/winter plants?

Thanks again for the gift of the honeysuckle vines. They did great in the large pot on the deck. For the winter we moved them into the hoophouse in the same pot. Will bring them back out once it's safe for green things.

Hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season. And same to the rest of my JPP friends as well. Baamaa pii miinawaa mino bimaadiziwin! (See you later and be living a good/happy life!)

Thanks. Rest is as expected I guess. My mustard is a little more stunted than I would like at this point though. Unusual to have so many nights in the low 20's this early in the zone 7b winter though.
Thanks. Rest is as expected I guess. My mustard is a little more stunted than I would like at this point though. Unusual to have so many nights in the low 20's this early in the zone 7b winter though.

The weather patterns are increasingly weird, eh?

Hope that you and yours had a lovely Turkey Day and that the rest of your holiday season is good as well.
The weather patterns are increasingly weird, eh?

Hope that you and yours had a lovely Turkey Day and that the rest of your holiday season is good as well.

I am not sure this is that unusual in that falls are always a tad unpredictable here as opposed to most seasons because we get el nino, la ninas, el gustos de hurricanes, arctic butt raping and the like. The mid-Atlantic is the crossroads between a lot of different weather patterns and the topography makes a huge difference depending on which way the weather is coming from (we call it the city's weather dome because a lot misses us, sometimes going around the city and reforming on the other side). It has been super wet this year so some odd quirks are happening like the maples still have leaves and the oaks don't when it usually is the other way around with maples falling earlier. Hell we have had several below freezing days and I still have one pot with a red strawberry in it that was still green when the first frost came and is still hanging in there.

Turkey Day was fine thanks. My schedule got goofed up so I had to work the day before and day after when I was supposed to not work either, but shit happens and I cannot lament it in good faith since it was caused by someone else having a serious family medical emergency in which I fully expect the person's parent not to survive long.
Thanks for the kind welcomes.... hope to talk with you all again around the Solstice holidays. Stay snug and warm, my friends!
Harvested ginger today. Got about ten times as much as I planted which seems pretty good considering it is my first attempt and my location is less than ideal for the length of a full growing season needed for the stuff. Downside is I don't especially like ginger that much except in Ale form. Guess I will need to google some recipes.

Was bored. Took a pix of onions. Then weeded the bed because the picture is not flawlessly staged like real internet gardeners :chesh:
Harvested ginger today. Got about ten times as much as I planted which seems pretty good considering it is my first attempt and my location is less than ideal for the length of a full growing season needed for the stuff. Downside is I don't especially like ginger that much except in Ale form. Guess I will need to google some recipes.

Have you ever served Ginger Tea after dinner? Its lovely and good for the digestion.. All you do is steep some thin slices of ginger in boiling water.
Mountains of seed catalogs have been arriving by mail the last couple of weeks. Time to start dreaming and planning. What are you all thinking of this year?
Have you ever served Ginger Tea after dinner? Its lovely and good for the digestion.. All you do is steep some thin slices of ginger in boiling water.

I will give a try when it gets cold again. Been right warm this week. I was waiting for it to cure some before I started fooling with it.