Gender Part 2

Look up Piaget you retarded shit stain. If I were you I would focus on then we site instead of the content too. Its sad how fucking transparent you leftist idiots are.
Your hatred will be your final undoing. It's bad for your health, it's bad for your relationships and it's bad for your soul. This doesn't even touch on the problems hate causes in weakening America against our enemies. As several reports have indicated, our enemies seek to push hate on the Internet to weaken our country. You're helping them, Yak.
According to Washington, D.C., clinical psychologist Dana Harron, the things people hate about others are the things that they fear within themselves. She suggests thinking about the targeted group or person as a movie screen onto which we project unwanted parts of the self. The idea is, “I'm not terrible; you are.
there should be little question at this point that hate is a powerful motivator of harm against others. The direct consequences of hate—including violence, discrimination, and marginalization of out‐groups—are associated with poor health. Apart from the direct physical harm they inflict, hate‐induced actions are associated with substantial mental illness effects.3 Racism and discrimination themselves produce negative health consequences...

... “Hate crimes directed against individuals based on their race, ethnic origin, ancestry, gender, gender identity, nationality, primary language, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, cultural background, age, disability, or religion are a public health issue.”5 Other organizations have followed suit, while some remain silent on the issue. It seems to us that it is important that all professional organizations concerned with health recognize the impact of hate, setting the stage for a broader public conversation that is unequivocal in its condemnation of hate....

...Public health practitioners are especially well‐placed to speak forcefully on what is needed to mitigate the population health consequences of hate. This should extend both to the foundational role that hate and the broader echoes of structural violence—including discrimination, segregation, and marginalization—play in shaping health. Public health practitioners should be advocating for health equity and access, for inclusion of diverse populations, and for health care delivery that champions respect and equality. Population health scientists should also push for investment in research that specifically examines how hate shapes foundational social forces and what can be done to counter harmful, hate‐driven beliefs and behaviors. Population health scholars should speak insistently, with one voice, on a research imperative that reflects the problems of consequence that plague us today....
Thank you. So we listen to the experts.
Ahhhhhh, how I've missed the little games you play... switching back and forth between extremes that nobody is talking about, inserting and removing the crux point being made at will... Ahhhhhhhhh, how wonderful dishonest conversations with you are. :)
Ahhhhhh, how I've missed the little games you play... switching back and forth between extremes that nobody is talking about, inserting and removing the crux point being made at will... Ahhhhhhhhh, how wonderful dishonest conversations with you are. :)

I accept your concession.
Whenever someone tries to claim that sexual orientation is "chosen" I always ask when they chose to be straight and if it is difficult to maintain that decision.

I find it so amazing that other people can't understand the simple concept that NOT EVERYONE HAS THE EXACT SAME EXPERIENCE OF LIFE AS THEY DO. Why does it bother some people that others have different experience of their gender? And more importantly: WHY DOES IT MATTER??????

It only matters because there is an element of the Republican Party that are total Bigots because they feel like they are superior to all others not like them.

And then there is another element of the Republicans that are Holy-Rollers and Their God tells them that the LGBTQ are the Anti-Christ

And then there is another faction of the Republican Party that just wants something they can politicize and hang over the heads of their political adversaries and start threads like this just to be antagonistic and hateful- LIKE YAK ATTACK!

Then there is another faction of the Republican Party that are actually LGBTQ, and are now hiding in the closet from their own FELLOW Republicans.


The Republicans have many emotional and social issues, and this is only ONE of them!
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