Gender Part 2


It only matters because there is an element of the Republican Party that are total Bigots because they feel like they are superior to all others not like them.
... as opposed to the entirety of the Democrat Party who are total bigots because they feel like they are totally superior to all others who do not think and believe as their mindless collective has been ordered to think and believe.

And then there is another element of the Republicans that are Holy-Rollers and Their God tells them that the LGBTQ are the Anti-Christ
Nope, you're once again talking about the entirety of the DNC that are brainless warmizombies, whose deity tells them that those EVIL deniers who embrace science instead of the Climate Change faith are collectively the Anti-Christ.

And then there is another faction of the [ ] Party that just wants something they can politicize and hang over the heads of their political adversaries and start threads like this just to be antagonistic and hateful- [e.g. guno, ThatOwlCoward, TaiChiLiberal, others]!
Yes, like anytime their policies of outlawing self defense and of requiring our children to be huddled into defenselessness zones result in our children bein slaughtered in a mass shooting of their making, they rush to politicize it and to blame their political adversaries' desire to prevent such mass shootings for the mass shootings.

Then there is another faction of the Republican Party that are actually LGBTQ, and are now hiding in the closet from their own FELLOW Republicans.
There seem to be none of these. Were you going to point any of them out?

You have no idea what 'male' even means, Dutch...
You have no idea that you have multiple personalities.
Are you "an expert"?
One doesn't have to be an expert to see your posts by various identities.
So you're defying "the experts"?
Notice what passes for "Sybil logic". :rofl2:

Mantra 41 Idiocracy

Mantra 1a.
Mantra 4a.
One of the "miscellaneous" documents on that site is Into the Night's mantra list.