Get Rid Of Pointless Thread Banning

Explain yourself, please. YOU are the one who brought TOP's name into this discussion. You would be banned on LiG's thread if it were up to me.

I'm not the one who disrespected Top that was you!
I bravely defended her honor!
And you try to misdirect your attack on her to me!
Do you have no shame.
Just buck up what little guts you have an apologize to Top!
Hello evince,


I’m the one who came up with the ideas for starting a like thread after being banned from all cons threads for a couple of days long ago

It blew their brains against the wall

I would even copy their posts from their threads and post them in my thread so I could answer them

Worked like a charm

Only because rule 3 was not enforced. If it had been, thread banning would be just fine.
Hello Defender of Honor,

I agree!
One of those Top tribute threads should be taken down !
Using Rule 3!
Damo broke rule 3 by returning a Top tribute thread when Jack had started a new one!
Since day one Top has broken rules and gets a free fucking pass!

We owe a great debt of gratitude to Damo for creating and maintaining this place. And all the mods selflessly give their time to make it all work. Much appreciated as well. If it's too much to enforce rule 3, get rid of it and get rid of (then pointless) thread-banning.

Libertarians should be OK with fewer rules.
If another poster bothers you just put that poster on Ignore and forget they exist.

Great personal stress reduction ensues.

It is the nuke of forum posting.

If everyone did that, the trolls would all be sidelined and only able to talk to other trolls.

The problem is that everyone has a little troll blood in them. Online forums count on it. People participate in hopes of interaction. Functional minds can think of stirring things to say which will elicit a response. Dysfunctional minds lean far too heavily on simply being annoying. Then they get an endorphin rush when they see the reaction. They do it again and again. It's habit-forming. What's to stop them?

In order to shut that down, simply stop responding to trolling. That is the biggest fear of a dysfunctional troll - being ignored. To the trolling mind, the thought of getting no response at all is terrifying. If they don't know how to conduct a respectful conversation, and trolling is all they have, that would cut them off from any social interaction.

Ya gotta remember, some of these posters have no life IRL. Internet forums are all they have. Sad.
Hello Defender of Honor,

We owe a great debt of gratitude to Damo for creating and maintaining this place. And all the mods selflessly give their time to make it all work. Much appreciated as well. If it's too much to enforce rule 3, get rid of it and get rid of (then pointless) thread-banning.

Libertarians should be OK with fewer rules.

Rule 3 is a real hair in your ass!
If another poster bothers you just put that poster on Ignore and forget they exist.

Great personal stress reduction ensues.

It is the nuke of forum posting.

If everyone did that, the trolls would all be sidelined and only able to talk to other trolls.

The problem is that everyone has a little troll blood in them. Online forums count on it. People participate in hopes of interaction. Functional minds can think of stirring things to say which will elicit a response. Dysfunctional minds lean far too heavily on simply being annoying. Then they get an endorphin rush when they see the reaction. They do it again and again. It's habit-forming. What's to stop them?

In order to shut that down, simply stop responding to trolling. That is the biggest fear of a dysfunctional troll - being ignored. To the trolling mind, the thought of getting no response at all is terrifying. If they don't know how to conduct a respectful conversation, and trolling is all they have, that would cut them off from any social interaction.

Ya gotta remember, some of these posters have no life IRL. Internet forums are all they have. Sad.

Is that a shot at Top? Who sets and alarm to be here at 4:30 am to say good morning on her over lapping tribute threads! That are the very definition of Rule 3.