Get Rid Of Pointless Thread Banning

If i see him, I'll mention it.

What makes you so cordial tonight? Can't find your penis again?
The thread banning idea has merit, but it doesn't work around here.

The reason is because if a poster bans others from their thread, then the other may simply create a complete copy-cat thread, stealing everything from the OP, including the title, and just change a character or two.

Then any discussion is diluted between two competing threads.

Rule 3 would prevent that, but it is not enforced.

Rule 3 is a bogus toothless rule. It's not even really a rule at all because it is not enforced. And seriously, what kind of rule begins with "please?" Rules are something that must be enforced or they are a joke. It's not a request. It is laying down the law or it is a joke. Then they become meaningless and set a bad example that the rest of the rules are meaningless.

Here is the waste of a rule, Rule 3:

"3. Please do not flood the board with multiple same-subject Threads. Multiple threads will be merged, when I have the energy... and deleted when I don't.
3B. Threads are to remain consistent with the forum they are posted in (E.G. Current events go in Current Events, and so on)."

Rule 3 has never been enforced in all the years I have been here. Never once have I seen anybody busted for copycat threads.

If Rule 3 is not going to be enforced, then the thread ban is useless.

Be honest. Get rid of rule 3 and get rid of the thread ban. Both are pointless because they are not enforced, and they just make the rest of the rules look like a joke.

3B seems to be a different issue. That one gets enforced sometimes, at the discretion of the mod. It has nothing to do with Rule 3.

Fuck off, shit for brains and shove your PIP up your quim!!
Hello Taichiliberal,

While what you say has merit, I have to object. I just discovered the ability to ban certain posters off any thread I's a pleasure. Aliases can be easily spotted and dealt with the "ignore list". A little effort, but worth it.

Sure, you can ban them but because Rule 3 is a meaningless joke, they are free to steal your thread, which will then spread participation between the two threads.
I should listen to a cat murderer?

When he has proven you wrong, you should listen. You have problems making logical connections. I urge you to calm down, so as not to stroke out. Perhaps you should contact your community mental health services. They might refer you to an anger management class. Alternatively, you could put your three Kindles down and get some fresh air. My only goal is to help you calm down.