Globalization = security threat

Kamala Trump

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Schlanger: People don't understand this question of national security. We did an article in New Federalist which had some very interesting figures in it. It went through the importance of the auto sector in World War II: that we retooled to produce tanks and planes, and it was the auto sector, that also had a section of it—the machine-tool section—that produced the rockets that were used for the Moon landing. So, I think this national security question is an important issue.

Morey: You're exactly right; the automotive sector retooled and took their assembly plants and started turning out tanks and that kind of stuff for the government. That's something that people don't realize.

And the other thing that I think people don't realize, or give the unions much credit for, is most of the people in the country today that have benefits and retirement and health care—these are all gains that were won by union members, fighting for the working people. And we seem to have lost that goal, to make a better place for the people in this country.

Schlanger: One of my associates in Los Angeles had an interesting way of putting it: He was talking to one of our supporters, and he said, "Look, do you understand what it means if General Motors and Ford go under, and lose that capability?" And the person said, "Yes! It means I'll buy a Toyota." And my associate said, "Well, you realize that without Ford and General Motors, we would not have won World War II, and Toyota wouldn't have helped us
what is at issue....that we can't compete with them because they subsidize their auto makers....because if it is just we can't build a product to compete in terms of quality, then die GM and Ford....
what is at issue....that we can't compete with them because they subsidize their auto makers....because if it is just we can't build a product to compete in terms of quality, then die GM and Ford....

We used to not trade with countries that subsidized industries. We should go back to that.

Globalization = road to global fascism.
We used to not trade with countries that subsidized industries. We should go back to that.

Globalization = road to global fascism.

how? we've seen that countries can be fascist on a one nation scale without globalization....i don't see how globalization in and of itself will necessarily lead to fascism....

and i somewhat i agree with the trade thought...
what is at issue....that we can't compete with them because they subsidize their auto makers....because if it is just we can't build a product to compete in terms of quality, then die GM and Ford....

You forget the bailouts?

And the main thing we cannot compete with is cheap labor.
That is until our labor rates go down a lot.
We used to not trade with countries that subsidized industries. We should go back to that.

Globalization = road to global fascism.

History has proven that uncontrolled capitalism will become monopolistic and labor will have to organize and fight for fair pay. 30 years of Republican party ideology coming to fruition.

AssHat... if we, as labor, are forced into a slave labor based world market I think we can do a couple of things. IMO.
1 we start by protecting american workers with tariffs and not dealing with countries that use slave labor. There's a lot we could do like put business owners who hire illegals in jail and shut them down. Spend a little more on infrastructure and self-sufficiency and a little less on Bush's wars.

2 we unionize the workers of the world. if a union in china goes on strike, they go out in New Jersey too. I'm not a marxist but he was right-on with this point, when ya got unrestrained capitalism, fascism, communism and slavery, the free middle class will become slaves too.
As I keep saying. With globalization our standard of living will drop while 2dn and 3rd world standards rise.
As I keep saying. With globalization our standard of living will drop while 2dn and 3rd world standards rise.

Absolutely. You can see it happening. NAFTA/GATT, G.H.Bush's new world order, globalization and Ross Perot's big sucking sound. We should walk away from most trade agreements that have been made over the last 30 yrs.
Originally Posted by uscitizen........
As I keep saying. With globalization our standard of living will drop while 2dn and 3rd world standards rise.
Absolutely. You can see it happening. NAFTA/GATT, G.H.Bush's new world order, globalization and Ross Perot's big sucking sound. We should walk away from most trade agreements that have been made over the last 30 yrs.

All industrialized countries will experience a drop in living standards but it will eventually level out. There really wasn't any other way to help the 3rd world countries unless we just gave them money.

The problem is that while we have helped the citizens in 3rd world countries by building factories and giving them jobs capitalism went rampant. The profits made by the companies were kept by a few people rather than used to retrain our work force.

It was quite the trick. As items dropped in price, from TVs to appliances to cars, the unaware citizen didn't realize that slowly but surely their job would disappear. For example, the typical auto worker enjoyed a good income while a TV set and new kitchen appliances became cheaper and cheaper. Life was good.

Then cars became cheaper or better built for the money. Eventually, everything will be cheaper due to lower wages in 3rd world countries.

There has to be a leveling process if we expect the world to unite. Unemployment naturally lowers the wealth of the people unemployed coupled with the low interest rates on savings/investments lowering the wealth of those with money.

We have to hang on tight which reminds me of this oldie.
[ame=""]YouTube - Alive N Kickin Video Montage Rare Footage Backed By Their 1970 Hit Tighter (((Stereo))) [WS][/ame]
TE=apple0154;529346]All industrialized countries will experience a drop in living standards but it will eventually level out. There really wasn't any other way to help the 3rd world countries unless we just gave them money.

no other way huh.....just give them fish everyday.....

The problem is that while we have helped the citizens in 3rd world countries by building factories and giving them jobs capitalism went rampant. The profits made by the companies were kept by a few people rather than used to retrain our work force. don't think corps give back to uni's....or other education....further, you seriously naive if you think it is only corporations who are responsible for training YOU.....there are plenty of people who have trained themselves....

if you buy milk from your you demand that he train you how to produce milk?

It was quite the trick. As items dropped in price, from TVs to appliances to cars, the unaware citizen didn't realize that slowly but surely their job would disappear. For example, the typical auto worker enjoyed a good income while a TV set and new kitchen appliances became cheaper and cheaper. Life was good.

absolute nonsense....the typical us citizen lives a good're doing nothing but fear mongering....

Then cars became cheaper or better built for the money. Eventually, everything will be cheaper due to lower wages in 3rd world countries.

There has to be a leveling process if we expect the world to unite. Unemployment naturally lowers the wealth of the people unemployed coupled with the low interest rates on savings/investments lowering the wealth of those with money.

there will always be "3rd world" countries....and people who do not make as much as the "next guy"....

how do you propose to "level" that?
Absolutely. You can see it happening. NAFTA/GATT, G.H.Bush's new world order, globalization and Ross Perot's big sucking sound. We should walk away from most trade agreements that have been made over the last 30 yrs.

Too Late Crash. We are already in to deep.

We have been sold out and most of us that will hurt the most were convinced it was a good idea.

Ross was right. I voted for him. It was not too late then.
Too Late Crash. We are already in to deep.

We have been sold out and most of us that will hurt the most were convinced it was a good idea.

Ross was right. I voted for him. It was not too late then.

This is all reversible. All paths are reversible.
how? we've seen that countries can be fascist on a one nation scale without globalization....i don't see how globalization in and of itself will necessarily lead to fascism....

and i somewhat i agree with the trade thought...

It's an internationlist fascism, where ALL GOVERNMENTS are controlled by international corporations, who control the domestic policies to suit them.

To destroy "developed nations" for instance, they implement these two disparate policies.

1. Disallow tariffs or restrictions in the developed nation.
2. disallow labor standards, safety standards, and workers rights in the third world nation.

These two policies together allow international corps access to cheap labor, and first world markets, to the detriment of workers of both nations.