Globalization = security threat

absolute nonsense....the typical us citizen lives a good're doing nothing but fear mongering....

In your spare time check how much wages have increased in "real" dollars (after taking inflation/cost of living into account).

Unemployment almost 10%.

The loss to the average retirement/investment plan.

Sure, things are looking just swell.
Why are you against the world trying to unite?

Because the WAY it's uniting right now it's merely giving multinational corporations, bankers, and politicians even more control over our lives, so they can create a global elitist totalitarian new world order, so they can carry out their genocidal plans against humanity.

they are bifurcating humanity even further into the haves and have nots.

UNITY is of questionable value when it means embracing totalitarianism.

It's the VALUE SYSTEM and METHODS of those doing the uniting at this point that is in question.
Look at who got bailed out in this crash. We sent billions of dollars to foreign central banks, while we have restricted credit for individuals and small business domestically.

The elites chose to strenghten the internationalist fascist fiat currency abomination system, and to let regular americans go down the toilet.
How does your viewpoint fit the European Union? People have more freedoms, one being the easy mobility between countries. Another is the use of a common currency.

Globalists are prepared to use a strategy called REGIONALIZATION, where countries will be folded into the countries around them, in about ten global blocs. Here we will have the NORTH AMERICAN UNION. Those regions will then be united into a full global government eventually.

Europeans are less free than we are. They live in nanny state totalitarianism.
Why do you think the g-20 type protests are so much bigger in europe.

They're further along the path to being completely screwed than we are.
Globalists are prepared to use a strategy called REGIONALIZATION, where countries will be folded into the countries around them, in about ten global blocs. Here we will have the NORTH AMERICAN UNION. Those regions will then be united into a full global government eventually.

Europeans are less free than we are. They live in nanny state totalitarianism.

Eventually, isn't a full global government a good thing?

As for Europeans being free they are more free now than they were before the Union which means, if freedom is good, the Union is good.
Eventually, isn't a full global government a good thing?
Not necessarily. It could be good. But the current elite crafting it have the value system of mass murderers and tyrants. They're so bad that global governance should be rejected at this point.
As for Europeans being free they are more free now than they were before the Union which means, if freedom is good, the Union is good.

Whenever you add another layer of government, you add another layer of cronyism and corruption.

They are dying on waiting lists because of the GLORIES of socialized medicine (unless they're connected to someone powerful). They are not free.

Globalization is about politicizing and crony-izing all of human society, so elites chooose who lives and dies, so existing without their permission becomes harder and harder.
Not necessarily. It could be good. But the current elite crafting it have the value system of mass murderers and tyrants. They're so bad that global governance should be rejected at this point.

It takes time to put everything in place, to get countries/people to even contemplate the idea. Once the framework is in place the individual laws can be changed by the majority.

Whenever you add another layer of government, you add another layer of cronyism and corruption.

They are dying on waiting lists because of the GLORIES of socialized medicine (unless they're connected to someone powerful). They are not free.

Globalization is about politicizing and crony-izing all of human society, so elites choose who lives and dies, so existing without their permission becomes harder and harder.

When it comes to socialized medicine we need to look at the overall picture. Do we compare someone on a socialized medicine waiting list to someone governed by a "pay or suffer" scheme who has to wait for an operation because they don't have the money?

No system is perfect but every country that has changed to a universal medical plan has kept their plan while making adjustments along the way. The list of countries with a universal plan have citizens as unique and diversified as any in the world, yet, they all prefer a universal plan.

The population of the US is made up of citizens from countries that have universal plans. Whether from Ireland or Israel or the UK or Italy or Germany or Greece or Sweden or Cuba or most other countries those nationalities all voted for a universal plan in their own country.

That's why it's bizarre to hear folks say the US is different when discussing a universal plan. Canada, definitely a multi-cultural country, has a universal plan. Most immigrants to Canada have come from countries which have a universal plan.

All those different people......different nationalities, different religions, different cultures, different languages, different economic levels.....all agree a universal plan is preferable.

Do you think it's possible the US citizen is being lied to by those who have ulterior motives?
It takes time to put everything in place, to get countries/people to even contemplate the idea. Once the framework is in place the individual laws can be changed by the majority.
Don't be so naive. People who are architecting this don't believe in freedom or individual rights. Unity is of questionable value when it means embracing tyranny and depopulation of the earth.
When it comes to socialized medicine we need to look at the overall picture. Do we compare someone on a socialized medicine waiting list to someone governed by a "pay or suffer" scheme who has to wait for an operation because they don't have the money?

No system is perfect but every country that has changed to a universal medical plan has kept their plan while making adjustments along the way. The list of countries with a universal plan have citizens as unique and diversified as any in the world, yet, they all prefer a universal plan.
At least in pay or suffer, you have to opportunity to pay. In a government system there is only suffer, unless you're connected to someone powerful.
Pushing collectivist koolaid is how tyrants abuse ideas to gain power.
The population of the US is made up of citizens from countries that have universal plans. Whether from Ireland or Israel or the UK or Italy or Germany or Greece or Sweden or Cuba or most other countries those nationalities all voted for a universal plan in their own country.
So. That's their mistake. Being like everyone else is of questionable value, especially if it means being stupid.
That's why it's bizarre to hear folks say the US is different when discussing a universal plan. Canada, definitely a multi-cultural country, has a universal plan. Most immigrants to Canada have come from countries which have a universal plan.
We are different. We don't have a socialist healthcare system.
All those different people......different nationalities, different religions, different cultures, different languages, different economic levels.....all agree a universal plan is preferable.

Do you think it's possible the US citizen is being lied to by those who have ulterior motives?

If everyone else was eating poop would you want some?

Try thinking for yourself.
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