Globalization = security threat

Haha, the economy tanked because Jackson deliberately crippled the financial structure of America. One particular fallout was that federal surpluses had been getting kicked back to the states for years which in turn speculated in western lands (like real estate). When the economy tanked, the surpluses went away, the land values tanked, and the states were left with massive debts.

There was no federal reserve back then, btw. Of course, there were no bailouts either, and somehow the economy magically recovered eventually. Since opposition to bailouts is the only thing we agree on, I guess the liberals missed this chapter of history...

Anything against banker power and control is revised in history as "ruining the economic infrastructure".

Bankers always pop the bubbles as punishment. They get out in time, if you can imagine it.

Andrew Jackson was not happy with the central bank. When Biddle sought to renew the bank’s charter in 1832, President Jackson put his re-election bid on the line and vetoed Congress’ attempt to renew the charter. He vetoed it for three reasons. The bank was becoming a monopoly; it was unconstitutional, and it was a grave danger to the country by having the bank heavily dominated by foreign interests (the Jesuits).
Jackson felt that the very security of America was in danger from these foreign interests. He said:

Is there no danger to our liberty and independence in a bank that in its nature has so little to bind it to our country? Is there not cause to tremble for the purity of our elections in peace and for the independence of our country in war? Controlling our currency, receiving our public monies, and holding thousands of our citizens in dependence, it would be more formidable and dangerous than a naval and military power of the enemy. — Herman E. Kross, Documentary History of Banking and Currency in the United States, Chelsea House, pp. 26, 27.

Jackson’s comments were nothing new. Others understood the power wielded by those who ran the bank. Mayer Rothschild said:

Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws. — G. Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island, American Opinion Publishing, p. 218.

This is the Jesuits’/Rothschilds’ golden rule. The one who has the gold makes the rules!

Griffin then writes:

The Rothschild dynasty had conquered the world more thoroughly, more cunningly, and much more lastingly than all the Caesars before or all the Hitlers after them. — Ibid, p. 218.

Thomas Jefferson has this to say about the central bank.

A private central bank issuing the public currency is a greater menace to the liberties of the people than a standing army... We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. — Ibid. p. 329.

The Jesuits used Biddle and Rothschild to gain the upper hand in American banking because they knew they could then control the people and effectively re-write the Constitution according to papal law. Jackson was trying to stop them.

Let us take a closer look at the central bank and see why it is so dangerous. Most people do not understand the central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank. Here is a very simplified scenario that pretty much explains one of the operations of the Federal Reserve.

It is necessary to understand that the Federal Reserve Bank is not owned by the United States government as many believe. The central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank, is a private bank, owned by some of the richest and most powerful people in the world. This bank has nothing to do with the U.S. government other than the connection, which allows the operation described below. The Federal Reserve Bank has a total, government-enforced monopoly in money. Before we had the central bank, each individual bank competed with other banks; the customers, the consumers, got the best deal. Not any more.
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LOL @ the evil Jesuits and more Rothchild conspiracies. Furthermore, neither Jefferson nor Jackson were correct in their political or economic philosophies. Jefferson, who was openly hostile to industrialization and advocated for an agrarian yeoman economy can be laughed off the stage immediately. Jackson, who was a bit more open to the enlightened voices of the north regarding industrialization and markets, was still nevertheless driven to attack the bank because he saw Biddle as supporting his enemies, and therefore a personal threat. He went after Calhoun for similarly egotistical reasons, although while his motives were incorrect, at least Calhoun was bad news for America.
LOL @ the evil Jesuits and more Rothchild conspiracies. Furthermore, neither Jefferson nor Jackson were correct in their political or economic philosophies. Jefferson, who was openly hostile to industrialization and advocated for an agrarian yeoman economy can be laughed off the stage immediately. Jackson, who was a bit more open to the enlightened voices of the north regarding industrialization and markets, was still nevertheless driven to attack the bank because he saw Biddle as supporting his enemies, and therefore a personal threat. He went after Calhoun for similarly egotistical reasons, although while his motives were incorrect, at least Calhoun was bad news for America.

It is a conspiracy. Conspiracy doesn't mean its not real. It means its a conspiracy.

The Jesuits’ scheming for a central bank in America was temporarily stopped during Andrew Jackson’s presidency. He had opposed Calhoun’s States Rights doctrine, and he stopped Biddle’s attempt to continue the Central Bank. When other things fail, the Jesuit Oath declares that it is commendable to murder someone who stands in their way.

The President had earned the undying hatred of monetary scientists, both in America and abroad. [The Jesuits were furious.] It is not surprising, therefore, that on January 30,1835, an assassination attempt was made against him. Miraculously, both pistols of the assailant misfired, and Jackson was spared by a quirk of fate. It was the first such attempt to be made against the life of a President of the United States. The would-be assassin was Richard Lawrence who either was truly insane or who pretended to be insane to escape harsh punishment. At any rate, Lawrence was found not guilty due to insanity. Later, he boasted to friends that he had been in touch with powerful people in Europe who had promised to protect him from punishment should he be caught. — Ibid. p. 357.

The Jesuit Order was dead serious about taking over the United States. They infiltrated into government at the highest levels, and used their agents in controlling the American banking system. They would also use assassination when necessary to destroy any opposition to their plans. Andrew Jackson was almost assassinated by a Jesuit plant, who bragged of powerful Europeans, (the Jesuits) that would set him free in case he was caught. Other Presidents came along who also incurred the undying wrath of Rome. Several have been assassinated, and a few escaped certain death. The next chapter, which discusses the Presidencies of William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, and James Buchanan, will fill in the details.
The next chapter, which discusses the Presidencies of William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, and James Buchanan, will fill in the details.

Yes, the source continues without abatement. Wonderful...

If the Bank was a Jesuit conspiracy, then how come Hamilton, Clay, the Federalist proponents, and the Whig proponents were not even Catholic, let alone Jesuit. Admittedly, Hamilton had a connection to the Church via his birth and actions throughout his lifetime, including the fact that he received a Catholic burial.

John Adams, who strongly supported the First Bank spent the first 25 years of life as a Puritan and strongly anti-Catholic bigot, who mellowed and became tolerant after that, but aside from attending a Catholic Mass for mostly academic purposes, was never supportive of the Church.
Who the fuck wants to live on a farm??? Even more important, our economy would be third world at best if we all took to the farms and became yeomen (and yeowomen)...

Unemployed people who are starving would love to live on a farm.

All we really need is food and shelter.

You elitist types disdain the people's connection to land, because denying the essentials of life is how you create slaves.

And specialization creates ignorance

Specialization creates ignorance, as peoples focuses become so minute and detached that they lose the abilities of integration, prioritization, complex system comprehension and purpose. This is the intended scheme of the illuminati, to destroy the minds of men.
Alright Asshate, you dump all your awesome technology, and go live on a farm. See how that works out for you. A great nation such as America has never been satisfied with simply food and shelter. Our big dreams have made us who we are. And I'm a guy who dreams small, and really just prefers the simple life, but I recognize America would suck if everyone was satisfied with as little as satisfies me.

Also, specialization creates specialists. If you think Adam Smith and the modern world are wrong, feel free to disagree, but we'll just ignore you and continue to get shit done, via our array of specialists in most fields.
Alright Asshate, you dump all your awesome technology, and go live on a farm. See how that works out for you. A great nation such as America has never been satisfied with simply food and shelter. Our big dreams have made us who we are. And I'm a guy who dreams small, and really just prefers the simple life, but I recognize America would suck if everyone was satisfied with as little as satisfies me.

Also, specialization creates specialists. If you think Adam Smith and the modern world are wrong, feel free to disagree, but we'll just ignore you and continue to get shit done, via our array of specialists in most fields.

We can still have technology on farms. doy. Barter is the best system, for stable long term non-fascist growth..

Your system is leading us into enslavement, by design. The world economy is collapsing, dipshit. Look around you and learn.
Men can still organize to do specialized taks under a barter system. It's just that it will take more than having a banker friend to get power over thousands of employees.
We can still have technology on farms. doy. Barter is the best system, for stable long term non-fascist growth..

Your system is leading us into enslavement, by design. The world economy is collapsing, dipshit. Look around you and learn.

How was that technology developed? All modern farm technology could not have been developed by farmers on the farm. They would have lacked the fundamental education, engineering skills, high-tech skills, and so forth to have pulled them off.
The modern economic system is collapsing because the leftists who run it are as ignorant about economics as populists such as you.

no. It's because of the intrinsic flaws of a paper economy completely divorced from reality. Whole economies rise and fall based on banker decisions to capitalize or not capitalize. This gives them the power to threaten the well being of the entire world until they get what they want.

why do you love totalitarianism?
How was that technology developed? All modern farm technology could not have been developed by farmers on the farm. They would have lacked the fundamental education, engineering skills, high-tech skills, and so forth to have pulled them off.

All those things could have still developed. And people can learn the essential and high arts of agriculture along with other specialized knowledges.

The point is that individuals don't have to be narrowly focused, and thus, ignorant of other things. Now, experts are paid to lie about their narrow fields to support the fascist system. And everyone is scared because they are entirely dependant on the system for their sustenance. their souls are for sale.
no. It's because of the intrinsic flaws of a paper economy completely divorced from reality. Whole economies rise and fall based on banker decisions to capitalize or not capitalize. This gives them the power to threaten the well being of the entire world until they get what they want.

why do you love totalitarianism?

I love totalitarianism because its proponents are intelligent and educated, unlike you.

Paper currency is a necessary medium of exchange. Without it, the world would be doomed by scarcity and other basic factors of economic systems. Even if we didn't go below 3rd world status with a barter system as you advocate, we'd still be shooting ourselves in the foot.

As for your last post, you obviously do not have a clue about how large modern society is. There are vastly too many parts that require specialists, otherwise they would simply never get done. The fact that you do not get comparative advantage, which requires such a small level of understanding and IQ, highlights just what a complete Neanderthal you are.
I love totalitarianism because its proponents are intelligent and educated, unlike you.
I think you mean elitist, dehumanizing, and prone to mass murder.
Paper currency is a necessary medium of exchange. Without it, the world would be doomed by scarcity and other basic factors of economic systems. Even if we didn't go below 3rd world status with a barter system as you advocate, we'd still be shooting ourselves in the foot.
Completely wrong. it's the path to banker slavery.
As for your last post, you obviously do not have a clue about how large modern society is. There are vastly too many parts that require specialists, otherwise they would simply never get done. The fact that you do not get comparative advantage, which requires such a small level of understanding and IQ, highlights just what a complete Neanderthal you are.

Willingness to enslave your population is not a legitimate comparative advantage.

Business should take place within a framework of other considerations, including national security, and concern for all members of society, not just executives, bankers and their propagandistic minions like you. Your "globalization or bust, regardless of who it hurts" mentally indicates you may be suffering from some sort of sociopathic disorder.
Business should be conducted under two accordances: The property rights of the proprietors, and the necessary regulaton of governments.

Your "ideas" would enslave everyone into poverty. We'd go right back to 475, and experience the beginnings of the manorial system all over again, which led to the rise of feudalism, for you non-history majors.
Business should be conducted under two accordances: The property rights of the proprietors, and the necessary regulaton of governments.

Your "ideas" would enslave everyone into poverty. We'd go right back to 475, and experience the beginnings of the manorial system all over again, which led to the rise of feudalism, for you non-history majors.

No. poverty comes from creating value strictly out of other people being on the hook at the point of a gun to pay for it.