God - All Powerful or powerless and weak?


New member
I saw a cartoon on FaceBook that prompted a discussion at my office.

It was a woman asking why God allowed the shootings in the school. Another woman replied that God was not allowed in school any more.

Now, I have always been taught that God is an all powerful, omnipotent and omnipresent God.

Does anyone think the rulings against school led prayer can banish God?

If you don't believe in God, please save the witty remarks and snideness for another thread. Let the discussion take place without conversations about "fairy tales" or whatever.
People tend to ascribe human emotions & qualities to a being - or whatever God is - that is basically incomprehensible, if it exists at all.

If there is a God, I doubt very much he's as petulant or vindictive as some would portray, or ignore a school's safety because he/she isn't "allowed" there. Clearly, there is pain, anguish & trial throughout mankind's history, and it isn't all because of outlawing school prayer, or because Ellen Degeneres is gay, etc.
I tend to have a hard time with the christian depiction of god, possibly because the bible contradicts itself so often. If there is a supreme being, I suspect he/she cares far less about anything we do in life, than we'd like to believe.
People tend to ascribe human emotions & qualities to a being - or whatever God is - that is basically incomprehensible, if it exists at all.

If there is a God, I doubt very much he's as petulant or vindictive as some would portray, or ignore a school's safety because he/she isn't "allowed" there. Clearly, there is pain, anguish & trial throughout mankind's history, and it isn't all because of outlawing school prayer, or because Ellen Degeneres is gay, etc.

I agree. I see this as another example of the ever-increasing "Us v. Them" mentality that is becoming so prevalent.
I saw a cartoon on FaceBook that prompted a discussion at my office.

It was a woman asking why God allowed the shootings in the school. Another woman replied that God was not allowed in school any more.

Now, I have always been taught that God is an all powerful, omnipotent and omnipresent God.

Does anyone think the rulings against school led prayer can banish God?

If you don't believe in God, please save the witty remarks and snideness for another thread. Let the discussion take place without conversations about "fairy tales" or whatever.

You want some of this??? Weak? I could whup ya with both hands tied behind my back. I piss lightening and fart thunder son. Just ask Job what I can do when I get fired up.
You want some of this??? Weak? I could whup ya with both hands tied behind my back. I piss lightening and fart thunder son. Just ask Job what I can do when I get fired up.

So why did you let the guy kill those kids? Were you too busy getting blown by Kali? Oh, I guess a handjob would be easier for her, huh?
The God I know is universal, shootings and sorrow are part of the deal. There is no evil, its all simply is. Its human reasoning that attaches a good and bad to it. I belive that there is something more that we do not understand from our perspective and there can be meaning even in seemingly senseless suffering.
The God I know is universal, shootings and sorrow are part of the deal. There is no evil, its all simply is. Its human reasoning that attaches a good and bad to it. I belive that there is something more that we do not understand from our perspective and there can be meaning even in seemingly senseless suffering.

Tell me what is the meaning, people of faith always say this, but it is baloney to me, sorry. It is just like my friend who at 65 has lost both his legs above the knee due to an accident. This is a good man who was still working fixing farm machinery. His family still needs his income. The medical bils will bankrupt them. This man already lives simply and gives more than he gets. They already know how much they are loved. I just don't understand those who can claim that there is a lesson here. What is it, don't get hurt, it will ruin your life?
Tell me what is the meaning, people of faith always say this, but it is baloney to me, sorry. It is just like my friend who at 65 has lost both his legs above the knee due to an accident. This is a good man who was still working fixing farm machinery. His family still needs his income. The medical bils will bankrupt them. This man already lives simply and gives more than he gets. They already know how much they are loved. I just don't understand those who can claim that there is a lesson here. What is it, don't get hurt, it will ruin your life?

I cant tell you because I DONT KNOW. Many dont want to admit it, but there are things in this world I do not understand. Just because I dont know the answer does not mean that an answer does not exist.

Often any lesson or meaning is beyond our ability to understand. When a child is taken away from an abusive parent, often the child is hartbroken and usually cant comprehend why, but there is a reason.

There is no way to prove it, its a matter of choosing to belive it. I belive it based on an inner knoledge and from examples I can see in nature.
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I cant tell you because I DONT KNOW. Many dont want to admit it, but there are things in this world I do not understand. Just because I dont know the answer does not mean that an answer does not exist.

Often any lesson or meaning is beyond our ability to understand. When a child is taken away from an abusive parent, often they are hartbroken and usually cant comprehend why but there is a reason. There is no way to prove it, its a matter of choosing to belive it. I belive it based on an inner knoledge and from examples I can see in nature.

If they are beyond our ability and understanding then why is it necessary? Why does god have to be so mysterious? You think this all knowing God would deal with lowly humans in the way that we could understand instead of being so mysterious and evasive. Just spell it out already!
If they are beyond our ability and understanding then why is it necessary? Why does god have to be so mysterious? You think this all knowing God would deal with lowly humans in the way that we could understand instead of being so mysterious and evasive. Just spell it out already!

I dont think it works that way. God does not deal with humans, humans are a part of God. God is not being evasive, God is simply being.

Just because we cant understand it in this life does not mean its not somehow preparing us for something we will one day understand or simply be more connected to. Seeing ourselves as individuals is simply promoting a seperation from God, we are not indepent beings.
I dont think it works that way. God does not deal with humans, humans are a part of God. God is not being evasive, God is simply being.

Just because we cant understand it in this life does not mean its not somehow preparing us for something we will one day understand or simply be more connected to. Seeing ourselves as individuals is simply promoting a seperation from God, we are not indepent beings.

Well, Jarod, this is why you believe in a god and why I have doubts. If something was a part of me and I had the ability to keep it from suffering, I would do so to the best of my ability.

This is where your thoughts are infusing, Od does not deal with humans, but he is preparing you for the future?nnoh, okay
Well, Jarod, this is why you believe in a god and why I have doubts. If something was a part of me and I had the ability to keep it from suffering, I would do so to the best of my ability.

This is where your thoughts are infusing, Od does not deal with humans, but he is preparing you for the future?nnoh, okay

What you perceve as suffering is not, its strengthening.

When I lift weights I suffer.
It is your point and if it gives you comfort, that is all that counts. I just don't find comfort or truth in it.

You are entitled to that position and belife and I honestly do not find it unreasonable. I am happy that I have an inner knowing that there is more, I cant fault anyone for feeling as you do.
You are entitled to that position and belife and I honestly do not find it unreasonable. I am happy that I have an inner knowing that there is more, I cant fault anyone for feeling as you do.

I have an inner peace knowing that what I accomplish is by the power of my own will and a little help from my friends.
I have an inner peace knowing that what I accomplish is by the power of my own will and a little help from my friends.

I have inner peace knowing the same thing, add in help from my parents. I did it within the bounds of the laws of nature, (in my opinion, as ordained by God.)

From my view you have done the same thing. I dont belvie that God helped me any more than God has helped anyone else.