God - All Powerful or powerless and weak?

It does not. All the terms we would use to describe, say in my example, an alien life form could be used to describe "him/her/it/us".

The "god is so mysterious we can't even conceptualize something different than ourselves because our language only has words to describe humans" is just a weak excuse.

The English language is the most versatile of conversational tools, concepts inhuman/human/godhood, all can exist and be described in myriad form. Saying it is too difficult is just a weak cop-out.

What is a weak cop out, is claiming that "caring" isn't a human attribute because a tree doesn't "care" if you chop it down, or whatever ridiculous and obtuse cop out you spewed earlier. The fact that you can ignorantly misuse the word "care" and apply it foolishly to something incapable of actually caring, means only that you are ignorant.

Trees and plants don't understand "caring" or what it means to do this. There is no tree language that can convey this understanding. No matter how much you attempt to explain this to a tree, it will never understand you, because trees lack the capacity to understand. This is why we don't see trees chaining themselves to Daryl Hannah. Much the same comparison can be made between God and man, we are like the tree, we lack the capability to understand things on a "godly" level.

Now, if we can not be obtuse jackasses for a moment, and we accept that trees are incapable of caring or understanding, then it shouldn't be too difficult to see the point WB is making. Trees have no idea about ecology, and it doesn't matter how much we try, we can't ever explain the importance to them, because trees lack the capacity to understand. If trees were advanced enough to have cognitive thought, they may have established "tree religions" to better understand how humans think and discover more about ecology, but trees lack this capacity, like humans lack the capacity to think and understand on the level of God.
What is a weak cop out, is claiming that "caring" isn't a human attribute because a tree doesn't "care" if you chop it down, or whatever ridiculous and obtuse cop out you spewed earlier. The fact that you can ignorantly misuse the word "care" and apply it foolishly to something incapable of actually caring, means only that you are ignorant.

Trees and plants don't understand "caring" or what it means to do this. There is no tree language that can convey this understanding. No matter how much you attempt to explain this to a tree, it will never understand you, because trees lack the capacity to understand. This is why we don't see trees chaining themselves to Daryl Hannah. Much the same comparison can be made between God and man, we are like the tree, we lack the capability to understand things on a "godly" level.

Now, if we can not be obtuse jackasses for a moment, and we accept that trees are incapable of caring or understanding, then it shouldn't be too difficult to see the point WB is making. Trees have no idea about ecology, and it doesn't matter how much we try, we can't ever explain the importance to them, because trees lack the capacity to understand. If trees were advanced enough to have cognitive thought, they may have established "tree religions" to better understand how humans think and discover more about ecology, but trees lack this capacity, like humans lack the capacity to think and understand on the level of God.

That was articulate, well thought out and intelegent. Who stole Dixie's password?
What is a weak cop out, is claiming that "caring" isn't a human attribute because a tree doesn't "care" if you chop it down, or whatever ridiculous and obtuse cop out you spewed earlier. The fact that you can ignorantly misuse the word "care" and apply it foolishly to something incapable of actually caring, means only that you are ignorant.

Trees and plants don't understand "caring" or what it means to do this. There is no tree language that can convey this understanding. No matter how much you attempt to explain this to a tree, it will never understand you, because trees lack the capacity to understand. This is why we don't see trees chaining themselves to Daryl Hannah. Much the same comparison can be made between God and man, we are like the tree, we lack the capability to understand things on a "godly" level.

Now, if we can not be obtuse jackasses for a moment, and we accept that trees are incapable of caring or understanding, then it shouldn't be too difficult to see the point WB is making. Trees have no idea about ecology, and it doesn't matter how much we try, we can't ever explain the importance to them, because trees lack the capacity to understand. If trees were advanced enough to have cognitive thought, they may have established "tree religions" to better understand how humans think and discover more about ecology, but trees lack this capacity, like humans lack the capacity to think and understand on the level of God.

The tree may be able to communicate, but maybe, we lack the ability to understand it.

I remember when we believed animals could not think, now we know that they have more capabilities than we once realized. They use tools and they also have "language"

The problem with all this is that if this "god" wishes to interact with humans, then he needs to communicate in a way we understand.
Now, if we can not be obtuse jackasses for a moment, and we accept that trees are incapable of caring or understanding, then it shouldn't be too difficult to see the point WB is making. Trees have no idea about ecology, and it doesn't matter how much we try, we can't ever explain the importance to them, because trees lack the capacity to understand. If trees were advanced enough to have cognitive thought, they may have established "tree religions" to better understand how humans think and discover more about ecology, but trees lack this capacity, like humans lack the capacity to think and understand on the level of God.

How strange that we could delete the word 'trees' from the above and replace with GunGodGopYanks and it would make perfect sense.