God - All Powerful or powerless and weak?

you know there is evidence for the opposing view with new evidence coming to light every day. Now we have more evidence of black holes actually seen and identified by Hubble or one of the other space telescopes

wait, you think black holes are evidence there is no god?.....how does that work in your mind?........
wait, you think black holes are evidence there is no god?.....how does that work in your mind?........

No, I did not say that at all. Black holes and other cosmic phenomena would not have been discovered without science. For as long as you think your god has existed with man he has never told you? Of course to you that wont be important. much better to have people killed for not kowtowing to your imagination.

G: Hey man, I made this effing great holes in space that suck everything around them in.
M: How does that work then?
G: Can't tell you. It's a test.
M: WTF is with all these tests?
lol.....you are such a stupid fuck.....this thread isn't about whether anyone can prove god to you.......wasn't 237 posts ago, isn't now.....wasn't 2000 years ago, isn't now.....doesn't change the fact you're a demonstrated liar here....

The problem is/was that the original thread title was pointless. The choice is not between one god and another, one dream and another unless you can show evidence for your choice.
So far from being a liar perhaps you should look upon me as you should everyone who knows the truth, as a teacher or advisor.
You have had several opportunities to show me evidence of a supernatural being - ANY supernatural being, but you have been unable to. So. clearly and logically, it is you who is the liar, not me.
Of course, the saddest thing is that you have spent years lying to yourself.
The problem is/was that the original thread title was pointless. The choice is not between one god and another, one dream and another unless you can show evidence for your choice.
So far from being a liar perhaps you should look upon me as you should everyone who knows the truth, as a teacher or advisor.
You have had several opportunities to show me evidence of a supernatural being - ANY supernatural being, but you have been unable to. So. clearly and logically, it is you who is the liar, not me.
Of course, the saddest thing is that you have spent years lying to yourself.

I am a liar because I didn't fall for your pathetic deflection......I don't need to prove my faith to you, I don't need to prove God to you and deprive you of your faith choice.....meanwhile, you have made some specific statements in this thread that have nothing to do with faith choices....for example, the translation of certain Greek texts.....none of which were true and none of which had anything to do with opinion.......since you don't deal in truth, you don't qualify as a teacher......shucks, you don't even qualify as a student.......it isn't the thread that's pointless......it's your argument...
God created science......
Of course. Goddiditgoddiditgoddiditgoddiditgoddiditgoddidit.
You really have absolutely nothing, have you. Goddidirgodsaidsogoddiditgodssidhedidititsinthebiblegoddidit.
I have no problem with you being a fool though, carry on.
I wonder if any of the Greeks who DIDN'T write poetry could see blue......

Why don't you just pay attention. the Greeks prose and poetry alike could not see blue.

Because they had no word for blue. The sky, for example, was described as golden. So while they might have seen colours that we now call navy, royal, cobalt, ultramarine, etc, to them it was all gold.
If you wish to argue the point you may....but not with me. I have told you, as I have told you several other facts, and that is an end to it. But dont worry, I will not test you on it.
Why don't you just pay attention. the Greeks prose and poetry alike could not see blue.

so Homer had not yet fully evolved into erectus.......or was he just color blind......the Greeks had a word for the color blue......Homer just didn't use it when he described the sky......
In ancient Greek there was the masculine noun “kyanos”, also spelled “kuanos” (“κύανος “in Greek letters ) which indicated a dark-blue substance/enamel (probably derived from powdered lapislazuli stone known since 5000 BC) used in the Heroic Age to adorn works in metal, as we read e.g. in Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey as well as in Hesiod’s Shield of Heracles.

This noun was later used also as an adjective ( kyanos/ kyaneos) meaning exactly “blue” / “dark-blue”.

In short, also in pre-Homeric times the Greeks knew this colour and had a noun to indicate it, although they did not have yet the adjective which was used only later.

a limited few, scattered like tiny golden flakes among the more common lies and idiocy.......interesting that you have to go off topic to strike truth......

Treasure those tiny golden flakes, hold them in your hand then pass them on to someone else who needs them..... you can choose any one of about 100 million GunGodGops
interesting that you are so needy that you go on for several posts about knowing Greeks were color blind....do you ever deal in the relevant?......
interesting that you are so needy that you go on for several posts about knowing Greeks were color blind....do you ever deal in the relevant?......

I didnt say the Greeks were colour blind. I said they had no word for Blue. They tended to describe the sky as golden.
I do deal with the relevant quite often, however sometimes I take a break and deal with you. Just for fun.
I didnt say the Greeks were colour blind. I said they had no word for Blue. They tended to describe the sky as golden.

?????....see now you've gone and screwed it up...now you're not only irrelevant but you're back to being ignorant again.........they did have a word for blue....its just that Homer didn't use it.....likely because he couldn't distinguish blue from other colors....