God - All Powerful or powerless and weak?

well, lets see......there would be "how", and "what" and "why" (I know you don't like that one) and "when"....the only one we're both satisfied with is "who"......I believe its God, you believe its nobody.......are you really asking any more questions that I am?.......to do so, you would need to continue to question whether there was a "who"......
Even the who is not really answered by simply acknowledging the likelihood of a creator.
perhaps by the brain dead......

actually, my next question is why is your life so fucked up that you are comfortable with having no purpose.....

Any purpose I have is a purpose I choose. There can be no other. Your purpose cannot possibly be mine as mine cannot be yours. Any 'purpose' you ascribe to an imaginary being can only be enslavement to whosoever handed that puroose to you.
obviously, only a purpose you invent for yourself would be imaginary......and illusionary.....

That, of course, is illogical and ridiculous. You always get silly when you have no argument. Shows a marked lack of maturity I guess.
Try again. Tell me about your purpose. Tell me about your cause. tell me why, despite requests, you still have been unable to supply any evidence to support your contention.
It sould be easy enough for you without your usual spin. Come on. Show or point to the evidence.
And some fell upon stony ground...
If I do not believe in the current perception of God as depicted by the major religens or society in general, does that make me an atheist?
That, of course, is illogical and ridiculous.

obviously not.....a "purpose" you invent for yourself is obviously arbitrary and changeable....I believe that's "whim" not "purpose"....in essence the reason you are here is whatever you want it to be when you wake up....why bother waking up.......

and some did not thrive because their roots were shallow.....
If I do not believe in the current perception of God as depicted by the major religens or society in general, does that make me an atheist?

no, which negates a claim someone made earlier.....one who is not "religious" is not necessarily an atheist.....
obviously not.....a "purpose" you invent for yourself is obviously arbitrary and changeable....I believe that's "whim" not "purpose"....in essence the reason you are here is whatever you want it to be when you wake up....why bother waking up.......

and some did not thrive because their roots were shallow.....

If you wish to call it a whim you are free so to do. Your whole life has been governed by purpose. The reason you went to school, the reason you took
employment even the reason you went to church. You have had a purpose for them all. You can say that the purposes were designed by a god if you wish, it makes no difference because, like your belief in the suoernatural it all happens inside you own head.
Thats fine, but dont tell me, or anyone else that that is not your own imagination and do not attempt to ruin innocent lives with your claptrap.
I am STILL waiting for that evidence you said you had. If you have no answer go and ask you priest/vicar/pastor or whatever you call the man who is currently ripping you off.
So if I worship a turnip, am I not an atheist?
No you are not. An atheist doesnt believe in any 'god' . If your 'worship' recognises or imbues the turnip with super natural powers then you are just another member of a minority sect or cult.
If you wish to call it a whim you are free so to do. Your whole life has been governed by purpose. The reason you went to school, the reason you took
employment even the reason you went to church. You have had a purpose for them all. You can say that the purposes were designed by a god if you wish, it makes no difference because, like your belief in the suoernatural it all happens inside you own head.

actually, I began this argument thinking more about why is there a universe, why is there life, rather than why is there a PostmodernProphet.....

as for it being inside my own head, how does that differ from your claim that you made your purpose up yourself.....is that in someone else's head?.......

I am STILL waiting for that evidence you said you had.

I will give you a chance to cite the post where I said I had evidence.....when you fail I will point at this and say "oh look, the dumbfuck lied again"......you certainly do that a lot.....
actually, I began this argument thinking more about why is there a universe, why is there life, rather than why is there a PostmodernProphet.....

as for it being inside my own head, how does that differ from your claim that you made your purpose up yourself.....is that in someone else's head?.......

I will give you a chance to cite the post where I said I had evidence.....when you fail I will point at this and say "oh look, the dumbfuck lied again"......you certainly do that a lot.....

Thank you. That was the only way to make you admit you have no evidence of a super natural entity. No evidence - no truth.. you know there is evidence for the opposing view with new evidence coming to light every day. Now we have more evidence of black holes actually seen and identified by Hubble or one of the other space telescopes..... unless this is just a big wheeze created by your god as a sort of test. He imposes a lot of tests, doesnt he?
No evidence - no truth.
lol.....you are such a stupid fuck.....this thread isn't about whether anyone can prove god to you.......wasn't 237 posts ago, isn't now.....wasn't 2000 years ago, isn't now.....doesn't change the fact you're a demonstrated liar here....