God - All Powerful or powerless and weak?

6000 years is one interpretation of the history of mankind in the bible. It is not the one I believe. I mean "Go figure" in that you complain about judgment while you seem quick to judge. I am saying that my God created as my God decided to create and how God did it and how long it took is irrelevant to that fact. Finally, I believe that the image that is being referred to is that of Spirit and self determination. It is not of a physical nature.

That, as you well know, is evasive gobble-de-gook. But if thats what you have then be happy with it... BUT you have no right to evangelise it and frighten children.
Because I dont have a spinning top. So I watch you.
So? Evidence? C'mon smart-arse yank. Lets see what you've got. Evidence.

???...evidence that you're dumber than shit?.....that's the only thing I'm required to prove around here......and I think I've been successful.....
That, as you well know, is evasive gobble-de-gook. But if thats what you have then be happy with it... BUT you have no right to evangelise it and frighten children.
I live in America. As of yet, I have every right to evangelize and frighten children.
Butterflies, babies and the colors of the rainbow...

Each and every one a scientifically explainable fact. No evolution - no butterflies. No evolved nature - no rainbows.
No. Evidence of the actual existence of your god. That evidence might be tangible or intangible but must not be explainable by science. Evidence outside the writings of man that water was turned into wine, for example or that Jesus walked on water - Criss Angel can do that but only with the knowledge of science - or rising from the dead and not from narcolepsy.
Less, actually. Part of the power of free speech is that everyone has it, not just a select few.

And we have the freedom to tell you that what you evangelise is dangerous to the continuance of man as a species, and we are free to demand evidence or point out the untruths you propound. Free speech is not shouting 'fire' in a crowded cinema.
Fredoms are man made and may be taken from you as easily as they were given.
I live in America. As of yet, I have every right to evangelize and frighten children.

Of that there is no doubt as the evidence shows.
However you do NOT have the right to peddle your nonsense in South American jungles or in India or China even theough you may be legally free to do so.
America is becoming more and more insular, more and more cut off from the world. Thank goodness for the sensible people in your country who, at the moment, hold a very shakey majority.
???...evidence that you're dumber than shit?.....that's the only thing I'm required to prove around here......and I think I've been successful.....

So we can conclude, then, that despite your protestations to the contrary, you can show no evidence of any super natural being, nor can you show evidence of christianity within yourself, nor are you man enough to face up to the fact that you have wasted your life chasing fairy stories and superstitions.
Be happy with that.
Now off you toddle to bed to dream of the day you might be reborn with intelligence.
I didn’t know just how crazy you were until spurred on by one of your number to research the net. So here are the facts with no opinions attached. As I have repeatedly said, my opinions are my own and not often affected by the daubings of the various agenda led contributors to the internet.

There are more than 1500 different Christian faith groups in North America.
The ‘top’ 25 are:
1. The Catholic Church 68,202,492, [ranked 1 in 2011] , down 0.44 percent.
2. Southern Baptist Convention 16,136,044, [ranked 2 in 2011] , down 0.15 percent.
3. The United Methodist Church 7,679,850, [ranked 3 in 2011] , down 1.22 percent.
4. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 6,157,238, [ranked 4 in 2011] , up 1.62 percent.
5. The Church of God in Christ 5,499,875, [ranked 5 in 2011] , no update reported.
6. National Baptist Convention , U.S.A. , Inc. 5,197,512, [ranked 6 in 2011] , up 3.95 percent.
7. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 4,274,855, [ranked 7 in 2011] , down 5.90 percent.
8. National Baptist Convention of America , Inc. 3,500,000, [ranked 8 in 2011] , no update reported.
9. Assemblies of God 3,030,944, [ranked 9 in 2011] , up 3.99 percent.
10. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 2,675,873, [ranked 10 in 2011] , down 3.42 percent.
11. African Methodist Episcopal Church 2,500,000, [ranked 11 in 2011] , no update reported.
12. National Missionary Baptist Convention of America 2,500,000, [ranked 11 in 2011] , no update reported.
13. The Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod (LCMS) 2,278,586, [ranked 13 in 2011] , down 1.45 percent.
14. The Episcopal Church 1,951,907, [ranked 14 in 2011] , down 2.71 percent.
15. Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. 1,800,000, ranked 15 [ranked 17 in 2011] , up 20 percent.
16. Churches of Christ 1,639,495, [ranked 15 in 2011] , no update reported.
17. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America 1,500,000 , [ranked 16 in 2011] , no update reported.
18. The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 1,400,000, [ranked 18 in 2011] , no update reported.
19. American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A. 1,308,054, [ranked 19 in 2011] , down 0.19 percent.
20. Jehovah’s Witnesses 1,184,249, [ranked 20 in 2011] , up 1.85 percent.
21. Church of God ( Cleveland , Tennessee ) 1,074,047, [ranked 22 in 2011] , down 0.21 percent.
22. Christian Churches and Churches of Christ 1,071,616, [ranked 23 in 2011] , no update reported.
23. Seventh-day Adventist Church 1,060,386, [ranked 24 in 2011] , up 1.61 percent.
24. United Church of Christ 1,058,423, [ranked 21 in 2011], down 2.02 percent.
25. Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. 1,010,000, [ranked 25 in 2011 ], no update reported.
Total membership in top 25 churches: 145,691,446, down 1.15 percent.
There is also:
the Church of God in Christ;
the National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.;
the African Methodist Episcopal Church;
the National Missionary Baptist Convention of America;
Churches of Christ;
the Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.;
the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America;
the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church;
and Christian Churches and Churches of Christ.

No wonder the morals and ethics of the richest country in the world are shot. You have no idea who you really are, do you?
So we can conclude, then, that despite your protestations to the contrary, you can show no evidence of any super natural being, nor can you show evidence of christianity within yourself, nor are you man enough to face up to the fact that you have wasted your life chasing fairy stories and superstitions.

/shrugs.....and you show no evidence of intelligence if you think that's what's being debated.....if you decide to man up to your previous claims I'll be here, pulling on the string......
I didn’t know just how crazy you were until spurred on by one of your number to research the net. So here are the facts with no opinions attached. As I have repeatedly said, my opinions are my own and not often affected by the daubings of the various agenda led contributors to the internet.

There are more than 1500 different Christian faith groups in North America.
The ‘top’ 25 are:
1. The Catholic Church 68,202,492, [ranked 1 in 2011] , down 0.44 percent.
2. Southern Baptist Convention 16,136,044, [ranked 2 in 2011] , down 0.15 percent.
3. The United Methodist Church 7,679,850, [ranked 3 in 2011] , down 1.22 percent.
4. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 6,157,238, [ranked 4 in 2011] , up 1.62 percent.
5. The Church of God in Christ 5,499,875, [ranked 5 in 2011] , no update reported.
6. National Baptist Convention , U.S.A. , Inc. 5,197,512, [ranked 6 in 2011] , up 3.95 percent.
7. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 4,274,855, [ranked 7 in 2011] , down 5.90 percent.
8. National Baptist Convention of America , Inc. 3,500,000, [ranked 8 in 2011] , no update reported.
9. Assemblies of God 3,030,944, [ranked 9 in 2011] , up 3.99 percent.
10. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 2,675,873, [ranked 10 in 2011] , down 3.42 percent.
11. African Methodist Episcopal Church 2,500,000, [ranked 11 in 2011] , no update reported.
12. National Missionary Baptist Convention of America 2,500,000, [ranked 11 in 2011] , no update reported.
13. The Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod (LCMS) 2,278,586, [ranked 13 in 2011] , down 1.45 percent.
14. The Episcopal Church 1,951,907, [ranked 14 in 2011] , down 2.71 percent.
15. Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. 1,800,000, ranked 15 [ranked 17 in 2011] , up 20 percent.
16. Churches of Christ 1,639,495, [ranked 15 in 2011] , no update reported.
17. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America 1,500,000 , [ranked 16 in 2011] , no update reported.
18. The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 1,400,000, [ranked 18 in 2011] , no update reported.
19. American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A. 1,308,054, [ranked 19 in 2011] , down 0.19 percent.
20. Jehovah’s Witnesses 1,184,249, [ranked 20 in 2011] , up 1.85 percent.
21. Church of God ( Cleveland , Tennessee ) 1,074,047, [ranked 22 in 2011] , down 0.21 percent.
22. Christian Churches and Churches of Christ 1,071,616, [ranked 23 in 2011] , no update reported.
23. Seventh-day Adventist Church 1,060,386, [ranked 24 in 2011] , up 1.61 percent.
24. United Church of Christ 1,058,423, [ranked 21 in 2011], down 2.02 percent.
25. Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. 1,010,000, [ranked 25 in 2011 ], no update reported.
Total membership in top 25 churches: 145,691,446, down 1.15 percent.
There is also:
the Church of God in Christ;
the National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.;
the African Methodist Episcopal Church;
the National Missionary Baptist Convention of America;
Churches of Christ;
the Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.;
the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America;
the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church;
and Christian Churches and Churches of Christ.

No wonder the morals and ethics of the richest country in the world are shot. You have no idea who you really are, do you?

all Christians.....next question.....
Of that there is no doubt as the evidence shows.
However you do NOT have the right to peddle your nonsense in South American jungles or in India or China even theough you may be legally free to do so.
America is becoming more and more insular, more and more cut off from the world. Thank goodness for the sensible people in your country who, at the moment, hold a very shakey majority.

Yes we do and they have the right to refuse.
Each and every one a scientifically explainable fact. No evolution - no butterflies. No evolved nature - no rainbows.
No. Evidence of the actual existence of your god. That evidence might be tangible or intangible but must not be explainable by science. Evidence outside the writings of man that water was turned into wine, for example or that Jesus walked on water - Criss Angel can do that but only with the knowledge of science - or rising from the dead and not from narcolepsy.

Hey... How much evidence you decide that you need is not my problem. That is all the evidence that I need and that is what matters to me. DNA, the periodic table, ice that floats on water instead of sinking and Shroud of Turin are also very helpful to me. If that is still not enough for you, oh well...
Hey... How much evidence you decide that you need is not my problem. That is all the evidence that I need and that is what matters to me. DNA, the periodic table, ice that floats on water instead of sinking and Shroud of Turin are also very helpful to me. If that is still not enough for you, oh well...

It is not about whether it is enough for me or for you. You have no evidence only superstition. That is fine as long as you keep it to yourself and do not prosletise.
Children below the age of reason must be protected from child abuse and if you go evangelising to them and filling their heads with heaven and hell and sin and shame and blame then YOU ARE GUILTY of child abuse.
So get down on your knees or raise you hands to the sky but leave the world's children alone. If, when they have reached the age of reason, ten, eleven, twelve depending on the child they decide you have something worth listening to then that's up to them.
Suffer little children??? F*** off. the key word there is SUFFER and there are good people, I hope near you, who will have the courage to stop your nonsense.