God - All Powerful or powerless and weak?

Dont be so bloody stupid.

have you read the original text or did someone just tell you that the original text didn't mean virgin.........if so, who?......do they know what they are talking about or are they just someone like you......

I would point out that I have in fact studied the original text at the graduate level......your claim that it doesn't mean virgin is a bit stupid.....I'm just wondering where you came up with this assertion that "everyone knows".......

as I recall the narrative, Mary was betrothed to Joseph who, it is mentioned several times, could have put her to death for being pregnant.......this was a societal norm (one still practiced today by some Muslims, I believe).....and you think its just the misinterpretation of a single word that led people to believe she was represented as a virgin?........

is this the story you're going to stick with?.......
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have you read the original text or did someone just tell you that the original text didn't mean virgin.........if so, who?......do they know what they are talking about or are they just someone like you......

Frankly I dont give a shit if they said his mother was a camel. If you wish to believe she was a virgin then please do so.
The book you live by. 'His only begotten son.' not one of his millions of begotten sons, not he had some begotten sons and all but one of them died.

?????....you've missed the picture, haven't you?......the Son is Him......not his son......we are His sons and daughters.......
Frankly I dont give a shit if they said his mother was a camel. If you wish to believe she was a virgin then please do so.

ah but you are dodging the issue......YOU have made the assertion that the bible doesn't say she was a virgin.....I pointed out that you're either a liar or a foolish sack of shit......and I think all of our readers are entitled to know which you are........so do you have some authority to back up your 'everyone knows' or was it pure fabrication?.......admit it....you read it on Bruce's website didn't you.......all atheists like to cite Bruce's website......Bruce, with his BS degree in engineering who had never studied theology because it might influence his innate understanding of the issue is the atheist's foremost authority in all things theological......
ah but you are dodging the issue......YOU have made the assertion that the bible doesn't say she was a virgin.....I pointed out that you're either a liar or a foolish sack of shit......and I think all of our readers are entitled to know which you are........so do you have some authority to back up your 'everyone knows' or was it pure fabrication?.......admit it....you read it on Bruce's website didn't you.......all atheists like to cite Bruce's website......Bruce, with his BS degree in engineering who had never studied theology because it might influence his innate understanding of the issue is the atheist's foremost authority in all things theological......

Honestly, I cant be bothered with your shit any more. Its late here and I'm going to write a few letters then go to bed. Feel free to call me anything you wish and go whining to the world.
At some point in the future I might decide to show you sources - on the other hand I might not. Tear yourself apart you moron.
BTW who is Bruce? Never heard of him.
perhaps not.....but nearly every atheist that uses the internet quotes him every time they link to religioustolerance.org......because all those "experts" the site uses are Bruce......
I have never heard of religioustolerance.org. I do not visit atheist sites and have only heard of one, which is rd something.
Indeed I visit very few sites choosing to formulate my own opinions. Thats what I thought everyone did. This is a forum for the debate of ones own opinions, isnt it, not the opinions of others.
You must be pretty thick if that is what you do.
I do believe there are. New ideas and beliefs can absolutely be conceptualized. Without that we would still be using sharp sticks to find bugs to eat.

You are only limited by your own imagination and or intelligence. Do you believe that it is impossible to think of something new?

Clearly its possible, thats my point. There are concepts relating to different thinking about God that do not have words to describe them, yet you ridicule me for saying so.
I have never heard of religioustolerance.org. I do not visit atheist sites and have only heard of one, which is rd something.
Indeed I visit very few sites choosing to formulate my own opinions. Thats what I thought everyone did. This is a forum for the debate of ones own opinions, isnt it, not the opinions of others.
You must be pretty thick if that is what you do.

so you came up with that "everyone knows the original text didn't say virgin" based on your own scholarly investigation?........
God is chaos.

At least from the comprehension level of humans.

Everything in the universe happens for a physical reason and everything is predictible if one understands enough.
????....but sweetie, we always knew you had nothing......

Glad you are happy with that. You are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts. You obviously visit these sites yet you STILL come across as thick as pig shit.... BTW I never knew you were gay! Well, determining your own sexuality is much better than determining you own facts.
Thank you for that, but as I said, its something I seldom do. The fact is that the sky is above the ground, if he believes it isnt it is for him to show.
Two of the four apostles make no reference to jesus' infancy, so at best its 50/50. That is neither proof nor evidence. Mary, it seems, was mother to several children of which jesus was 'begat' by Joseph. So normality reigns. The abnormal must be proved.