God - All Powerful or powerless and weak?

Jesus died for our sins, not for our sustained disobedience.

Jesus died becuase he bucked the established Jewish church of the time.
The final straw was running the moneychangers from the temple.
He died for the sins of the current religious leaders of the time and the people who followed them.

Of course we can claim he died for a chevy nova is we want.
Taking God out of it for a min, you don't believe there are concepts or ideas or beliefs that we don't have words for?

I do believe there are. New ideas and beliefs can absolutely be conceptualized. Without that we would still be using sharp sticks to find bugs to eat.

You are only limited by your own imagination and or intelligence. Do you believe that it is impossible to think of something new?
Also, what IS the cutoff point? If we're all sinners, is it a certain level of "sin" that cuts us off? One lie too many?

sin isn't the cutoff at all.....the Bible doesn't say "whoever is sinless will have eternal life".....it doesn't say "whoever has the least sin will have eternal life".....it says those who accept Jesus as Savior will have eternal life.....do you for some reason think you're less "evil" than the next person?.....if so, it makes your opening line about hating the sanctimonious all the more amusing......
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Why has he allowed people to believe that the mother of his son was a virgin when everyone knows that virgin is not an accurate translation of the original text.

lol.....this from someone who likely has a) never seen the original text and b) wouldn't know what to do if he had......(two to one odds he tries to use Bruce as his authority)......
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If your god is all powerful, why did he only make one son when he could have made millions,
Who said He hasn't created millions?

and then why did he kill him at only 33.
I don't know. Why don't you ask God?

Why didnt he just make man devoid of sin (whatever sin is). That would have been much more sensible and would have saved millions of the lives you say he created.
You mean why didn't He just take away our right to choose and force us to live the way He lives? No choices, no independent thought, nothing but forced obedience. A total dictatorship. Is that how you want to live your life?

Or is your god like that artist who destroyed everything he owned for the sake of art?
Nope, that is not what He is like.

Why has he allowed people to believe that the mother of his son was a virgin when everyone knows that virgin is not an accurate translation of the original text.
Because I believe in modern, ongoing prophecy, and prophets today confirm that Mary was a virgin.

Why has he made science possible and people who dont believe in him generally much smarter than those who do.
Because I suspect the selfish, carnally minded, often believe they are the center of the Universe, not God. So of course you're much smarter than me. You're a godless anti-Christ.

These questions and more in the next episode of SOAP!
SOAP was a crappy tv series. Just thought you should know ;)
Jesus died becuase he bucked the established Jewish church of the time.
The final straw was running the moneychangers from the temple.
He died for the sins of the current religious leaders of the time and the people who followed them.

Of course we can claim he died for a chevy nova is we want.
Jesus died because He was right, and His opposition was not. And I'd never be stupid or insolent enough to claim that He died for a Chevy Nova.
Who said He hasn't created millions?

I don't know. Why don't you ask God?

You mean why didn't He just take away our right to choose and force us to live the way He lives? No choices, no independent thought, nothing but forced obedience. A total dictatorship. Is that how you want to live your life?

Nope, that is not what He is like.

Because I believe in modern, ongoing prophecy, and prophets today confirm that Mary was a virgin.

Because I suspect the selfish, carnally minded, often believe they are the center of the Universe, not God. So of course you're much smarter than me. You're a godless anti-Christ.

SOAP was a crappy tv series. Just thought you should know ;)

LOL I really didnt think you wiuld attempt an answer. LOL
Do you think I would make passing reference to SOAP had I not seen it. Of course it was crap. It was American!
LOL I really didnt think you wiuld attempt an answer. LOL
Do you think I would make passing reference to SOAP had I not seen it. Of course it was crap. It was American!
That's OK. Often times I am in total disbelief over the way you people think and act, so you're not the only one who is surprised.

Why do you hate Americans, so? Are you jealous?
sin isn't the cutoff at all.....the Bible doesn't say "whoever is sinless will have eternal life".....it doesn't say "whoever has the least sin will have eternal life".....it says those who accept Jesus as Savior will have eternal life.....do you for some reason think you're less "evil" than the next person?.....if so, it makes your opening line about hating the sanctimonious all the more amusing......

You're actually one of the most sanctimonious posters here, so that is kinda funny.

As for "accepting Jesus" being the criterion - I guess folks who are born in non-Christian countries are just SOL, right?
As for "accepting Jesus" being the criterion - I guess folks who are born in non-Christian countries are just SOL, right?

why?......there are people in every nation on earth choosing to believe in him.......just as there are people in "Christian" countries choosing not to......
That's OK. Often times I am in total disbelief over the way you people think and act, so you're not the only one who is surprised.

Why do you hate Americans, so? Are you jealous?

I dont hate Americans. I dislike stupidity. Why on earth do you think I am jealous of a country in which something like 48% of the people believe a book cobbled together over the centuries, much of it by completely unknown people and the rest based upon absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Acountry that has repeatedly lied to the world. A country that has more privately owned guns than people. A country that so abhors the crime of murder that it murders its criminals. A country that, despite its denials, is still one of the most racist on the planet. A country that kills people for terminating pregnancies under the banner of pro life.
No my friend, I am not jealous of that. What I have and where I live are far from perfect but I would not exchange them for anything you have.
Your national parks are nice if they ciuld just keep fat people out...or make them exhibits perhaps.
You're actually one of the most sanctimonious posters here, so that is kinda funny.

As for "accepting Jesus" being the criterion - I guess folks who are born in non-Christian countries are just SOL, right?

All religions think that theirs is the only path.
Jesus died because He was right, and His opposition was not. And I'd never be stupid or insolent enough to claim that He died for a Chevy Nova.

why is that any more stupid than to say that he died over 2000 years ago for me?
When he was clearly executed for ruffling the church's feathers.
I was told that I would burn in hell for going to see Pinochico or going to a school dance.
And that catholics would burn in hell for drinking and idolitry.
the sect I was raised in was the same as Sarah Palin's church.
Who said He hasn't created millions?
The book you live by. 'His only begotten son.' not one of his millions of begotten sons, not he had some begotten sons and all but one of them died.

I don't know. Why don't you ask God?

Give me hard evidence that there is such a thing and I will.

You mean why didn't He just take away our right to choose and force us to live the way He lives? No choices, no independent thought, nothing but forced obedience. A total dictatorship. Is that how you want to live your life?

No p[oint in me saying anything here. You clearly have no idea how stupid you sound.

Nope, that is not what He is like.

I'd rather have an artist than a fairy on a cloud.

Because I believe in modern, ongoing prophecy, and prophets today confirm that Mary was a virgin.

Maybe where you come from they do. That is evidence that your particular sect is way out of kilter even with other faith constrained believers. Elsewhere they don't. Die hard christians now are prepared to accept that Mary was not a virgin. They accept that and, they say, it does not shake their faith. I suppose you think the 'holy' ghost is historically accurate too? Despite the fact that it was first conjured up by the Venerable Bede as a tool to force compliance on the duped masses.

Because I suspect the selfish, carnally minded, often believe they are the center of the Universe, not God. So of course you're much smarter than me. You're a godless anti-Christ.

I am an anti christ? But you must know that such a title is not possible. For me to take that I must believe that Jesus the man was made christ by some (once again for those at the back) figment of your imagination. Carnally minded? What the bejasuss are you taliking about. You are as carnally minded as I am and, from your posts a bloody sight more selfish. What does your book say about throwing the first stone? You profess to live by the words of men written hundreds of years ago but ignore the teachings when they dont suit you.

SOAP was a crappy tv series. Just thought you should know ;

Never assume that you are in a position to advise me. I don't believe in an imaginary force invented by man to answer questions he was unable to answer.
Jesus died because He was right, and His opposition was not. And I'd never be stupid or insolent enough to claim that He died for a Chevy Nova.

You need to get your story straight, pal. Jesus died, according to your little book, because that was the purpose of his creation. He was 'sent to die for the sins of man' - possibly a not very accurate quote but that's the gist.
If you are going to spread nonsense and insist it is the truth try to remember the script.