God - All Powerful or powerless and weak?

and yet you keep posting.....string, kitten, string, kitten......

Sometimes I like to play with fools.
Just to keep you busy why dont you supply actual incontravertable evidence that the god in which you believe exists or ever existed. Now you dont need telling that your bible is not evidence and you shouldnt need telling that it is not up to me to prove that there is no deity.
If you cannot then I guess you have wasted your life.
You might also like to justify your following and belief in this god and you atrocious language, insulting behaviour and non christian attitude.
Sometimes I like to play with fools.
Just to keep you busy why dont you supply actual incontravertable evidence that the god in which you believe exists or ever existed. Now you dont need telling that your bible is not evidence and you shouldnt need telling that it is not up to me to prove that there is no deity.
If you cannot then I guess you have wasted your life.
You might also like to justify your following and belief in this god and you atrocious language, insulting behaviour and non christian attitude.

ah the never ending atheist dance....they make a thousand undocumented claims but when they lose their argument they throw in their demand that we "prove" our faith......

as to the conflict between my belief and my treatment of you, please be reminded that you are the enemy of Him I believe in.....how else would you expect to be treated.....
If a being is all powerful than that being can choose not to be somewhere and not to know something. I believe that this is what God does in order to grant us free will.
ah the never ending atheist dance....they make a thousand undocumented claims but when they lose their argument they throw in their demand that we "prove" our faith......

as to the conflict between my belief and my treatment of you, please be reminded that you are the enemy of Him I believe in.....how else would you expect to be treated.....

Oh no, dear boy. It is you who is making the claims not I. I am accepting a natural truth and claiming absolutely nothing. And, as has possibly occurred to you, it is not possible to prove a nothing.
Dance? No dance, sir. You say there is a god. You show evidence. Evidence that can be verified. Your job, not mine.
If I am the enemy of something that you happen to believe in then I am not your enemy. I can not be an enemy of your imagination, that would be stupid.
If a being is all powerful than that being can choose not to be somewhere and not to know something. I believe that this is what God does in order to grant us free will.

Similarly I can imagine something that can be here, there and nowhere at the same time. It proves nothing more than an active imagination.
God does not judge... to Judge is human.

For Damocles... A tree does not Judge, to judge is human.
Similarly I can imagine something that can be here, there and nowhere at the same time. It proves nothing more than an active imagination.
Prove? Who is trying to prove something? You can not prove something to someone who chooses to keep his eyes shut.
Prove? Who is trying to prove something? You can not prove something to someone who chooses to keep his eyes shut.

That, in case you had your eyes shut, was a hypothetical statement. Therefore I might have to accuse you of ignorance at best and rank stupidity at worst.
Funny how you guys spin like tops when you run out of arguments.
I will repeat what I said a few weeks ago and perhaps you might understand.
You and I have gone to a football stadium. The field is completely empty. After a few minutes you say that you can see someone on the centre line. We both know that no one walked onto the pitch.
It is your responsibility to show me evidence that there is someone on the pitch. It cannot be mine to show that it is still empty. Do you (and the other unfortunates, understand that?). I really cannot make it more simple.
You see it is the firm believer in a god that can do everything from creating the world to deciding on who lives and dies whose eyes are shut. Those who see the empty pitch have their eyes wide open and simply ask you to produce evidence for your contention that someone is there. We are quite happy that the pitch is empty, and we are quite happy to listen to any evidence you might have. Try to PEA (Point. Evidence. Analyse.)
You assume that I am trying to show or prove to you something. I am simply stating what I see. What I see is irrelevant to what you do or do not see. I am sorry that you do not see it but that does not change my experience.
You assume that I am trying to show or prove to you something. I am simply stating what I see. What I see is irrelevant to what you do or do not see. I am sorry that you do not see it but that does not change my experience.

Then you must accept that far from my eyes being shut they are wide open and inquisitive. They have one thing that yours clearly do not have, the ability to see the danger to our future threatened by people who are convinced that they have all the answers.
Enjoy your wasted life, my friend. And while you are wasting even more take a look at the wonderful advances in scientific knowledge that have happened in the last one year, let alone the last two thousand. Explain why, unless you are 100% of black African stock, you have traces of Neaderthal DNA. Explain why you have DNA that can be traced back to the beginnings of civilisation in Africa. (a lot more than 6000 years ago. Just in case you are one of those.)
Then you must accept that far from my eyes being shut they are wide open and inquisitive. They have one thing that yours clearly do not have, the ability to see the danger to our future threatened by people who are convinced that they have all the answers.
Enjoy your wasted life, my friend. And while you are wasting even more take a look at the wonderful advances in scientific knowledge that have happened in the last one year, let alone the last two thousand. Explain why, unless you are 100% of black African stock, you have traces of Neaderthal DNA. Explain why you have DNA that can be traced back to the beginnings of civilisation in Africa. (a lot more than 6000 years ago. Just in case you are one of those.)

So... While you bemoan any judgment that I may have of you, you have determined that I have a wasted life. Go figure. Why would it surprise me that I have stock that goes back to the original man created by God? Why would I be limited to 6000 years?
So... While you bemoan any judgment that I may have of you, you have determined that I have a wasted life. Go figure. Why would it surprise me that I have stock that goes back to the original man created by God? Why would I be limited to 6000 years?

Do try to understand.....please. I said JUST IN CASE YOU ARE..... I said it because many of your countrymen are of the belief that their god created the world (including man) in six days about 6000 years ago. If you do not, then that is fine. (I do not understand what you mean by 'go figure'. Which figure are you talking about? 6000 or something else?
So are you saying that your god also created Neanderthals? where do you stop? All hominids? All mammals? Insects, dinosaurs, bacteria, viruses? And if your god created them are they all allowed into his heaven or are most condemned to his hell. And did it really take this god four and a half billion years to realise that he had not got it quite right, kill off the dinosaurs, create alternative life forms, and then wait another sixty million years before waking up one morning thinking, 'OK, I'll try just one last time.'
Hardly a perfectionist then, and since you believe man was created in his image then he really screwed up, dont you agree?
Do try to understand.....please. I said JUST IN CASE YOU ARE..... I said it because many of your countrymen are of the belief that their god created the world (including man) in six days about 6000 years ago. If you do not, then that is fine. (I do not understand what you mean by 'go figure'. Which figure are you talking about? 6000 or something else?
So are you saying that your god also created Neanderthals? where do you stop? All hominids? All mammals? Insects, dinosaurs, bacteria, viruses? And if your god created them are they all allowed into his heaven or are most condemned to his hell. And did it really take this god four and a half billion years to realise that he had not got it quite right, kill off the dinosaurs, create alternative life forms, and then wait another sixty million years before waking up one morning thinking, 'OK, I'll try just one last time.'
Hardly a perfectionist then, and since you believe man was created in his image then he really screwed up, dont you agree?

6000 years is one interpretation of the history of mankind in the bible. It is not the one I believe. I mean "Go figure" in that you complain about judgment while you seem quick to judge. I am saying that my God created as my God decided to create and how God did it and how long it took is irrelevant to that fact. Finally, I believe that the image that is being referred to is that of Spirit and self determination. It is not of a physical nature.
Oh no, dear boy. It is you who is making the claims not I. I am accepting a natural truth and claiming absolutely nothing. And, as has possibly occurred to you, it is not possible to prove a nothing.
Dance? No dance, sir. You say there is a god. You show evidence. Evidence that can be verified. Your job, not mine.
If I am the enemy of something that you happen to believe in then I am not your enemy. I can not be an enemy of your imagination, that would be stupid.

if you are merely indifferent, why do you spend so much time attacking him in your posts?......
if you are merely indifferent, why do you spend so much time attacking him in your posts?......

That usually occurs; when someone who says they don't believe in God, begins to question their decision(s).
They're lost and I believe are actually looking for something to hang on to; but they're afraid of looking foolish and their pride won't allow them to reconsider.

I've said before that if I die and then there is no God, then I've only wasted my time; but if someone whodoesn't believe dies and discovers that God does exist, well then they have wasted their life.
if you are merely indifferent, why do you spend so much time attacking him in your posts?......

If by 'him' you mean something imaginary that exists in your head, how can I attack it? If it you think I CAN attack it then show be evidence that it exists. No evidence? No attack.