God - All Powerful or powerless and weak?

/shrugs.....there was no point......that was obvious......you wanted to show difference through variety.......there are thousands of varieties of day lilies......that doesn't make any of them petunias.......
/shrugs.....there was no point......that was obvious......you wanted to show difference through variety.......there are thousands of varieties of day lilies......that doesn't make any of them petunias.......

No I showed that there are something like 1500 ways in AMERICA of interpreting the texts of the bible and other religious stories. Therefore 1499 are wrong at least in part.
No I showed that there are something like 1500 ways in AMERICA of interpreting the texts of the bible and other religious stories. Therefore 1499 are wrong at least in part.

are you aware of any differences between the churches on your list with respect to interpreting the text of the bible?......for example, do you think there are any who don't believe God exists?.......

is it possible that once again you have posted something about which you actually have no knowledge?......
you need evidence that saying evangelism is dangerous to the continuance of the species is stupid?.......

The progress of man is marked by discovery. Discovery comes from questions. Questions are asked because we do not know.
If you KNOW that some supernatural being created the universe and everything in it, what questions are there still to ask.

God did it. No questions, no answers, no research, no discovery, no progress. Think Galileo. Think Islam. Think 1400 years of church controlled literacy and ignorance. Imagine what we could have done if those people had known how to ask questions. And that is only counting from the beginning of christianity! Knowledge has been controlled by those who have wrested power by strength or lie since the iron age. In many countries that enslavement continues. You are a prime example.
You are h-a-p-p-y, you are h-a-p-p-y, you know you are, you're sure you are, you're h-a-p-p-y.

Now unless you are going to stop being stupid and deliberately dense we are finished.
It is not about whether it is enough for me or for you. You have no evidence only superstition. That is fine as long as you keep it to yourself and do not prosletise.
Children below the age of reason must be protected from child abuse and if you go evangelising to them and filling their heads with heaven and hell and sin and shame and blame then YOU ARE GUILTY of child abuse.
So get down on your knees or raise you hands to the sky but leave the world's children alone. If, when they have reached the age of reason, ten, eleven, twelve depending on the child they decide you have something worth listening to then that's up to them.
Suffer little children??? F*** off. the key word there is SUFFER and there are good people, I hope near you, who will have the courage to stop your nonsense.

Your way may be the way of the future in America. Christians have had great times of persecution in the past and are persecuted in many places around the world. I still believe that we have hope, however. What you describe is a totalitarian state that will be a religion unto its own.
The progress of man is marked by discovery. Discovery comes from questions. Questions are asked because we do not know.
If you KNOW that some supernatural being created the universe and everything in it, what questions are there still to ask.

God did it. No questions, no answers, no research, no discovery, no progress. Think Galileo. Think Islam. Think 1400 years of church controlled literacy and ignorance. Imagine what we could have done if those people had known how to ask questions. And that is only counting from the beginning of christianity! Knowledge has been controlled by those who have wrested power by strength or lie since the iron age. In many countries that enslavement continues. You are a prime example.
You are h-a-p-p-y, you are h-a-p-p-y, you know you are, you're sure you are, you're h-a-p-p-y.

Now unless you are going to stop being stupid and deliberately dense we are finished.

Most great universities were founded by Christianity. Many of the Great thinkers and scientists were either Christian or had some view of an existence of a God. It appears to me that it is you that refuses to allow people to ask questions. You are giving a stance that is exactly like the stance that you say you oppose. People can ask questions but they must be limited to the questions that YOU have decided are acceptable.
Most great universities were founded by Christianity. Many of the Great thinkers and scientists were either Christian or had some view of an existence of a God. It appears to me that it is you that refuses to allow people to ask questions. You are giving a stance that is exactly like the stance that you say you oppose. People can ask questions but they must be limited to the questions that YOU have decided are acceptable.

That, if you don't mind my saying, is the most ridiculous piece of attempted spin I have seen in a long time.
The progress of man is marked by discovery. Discovery comes from questions. Questions are asked because we do not know.
If you KNOW that some supernatural being created the universe and everything in it, what questions are there still to ask.

God did it. No questions, no answers, no research, no discovery, no progress. Think Galileo. Think Islam. Think 1400 years of church controlled literacy and ignorance. Imagine what we could have done if those people had known how to ask questions. And that is only counting from the beginning of christianity! Knowledge has been controlled by those who have wrested power by strength or lie since the iron age. In many countries that enslavement continues. You are a prime example.
You are h-a-p-p-y, you are h-a-p-p-y, you know you are, you're sure you are, you're h-a-p-p-y.

Now unless you are going to stop being stupid and deliberately dense we are finished.

I thought you were finished a couple of pages ago....apparently the shiny tinfoil at the end of the string is irresistible to you......
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If you KNOW that some supernatural being created the universe and everything in it, what questions are there still to ask.
well, lets see......there would be "how", and "what" and "why" (I know you don't like that one) and "when"....the only one we're both satisfied with is "who"......I believe its God, you believe its nobody.......are you really asking any more questions that I am?.......to do so, you would need to continue to question whether there was a "who"......
well, lets see......there would be "how", and "what" and "why" (I know you don't like that one) and "when"....the only one we're both satisfied with is "who"......I believe its God, you believe its nobody.......are you really asking any more questions that I am?.......to do so, you would need to continue to question whether there was a "who"......

Why should I dislike a question? I can dislike answers but I cannot dislike questions.
God is so weak that 1/3 of his angels in heaven revolted against him and it took an angel not god to beat them.

so heaven is perfect?
if there is no cause, how can there be a purpose?......

Why should there be a purpose? This question ceased to be asked many years ago. It has been approximately 14 BILLION years since the formation of the universe. It took about 10,000,000,000. years for the earth to form. Then a billion years before the first things that could be possibly called life. Life being replication. Still with me or do you have evidence for your 6000 year old earth? Replication tends not to be perfect... perhaps it is if you in-breed as in some parts of america... so slight mutations which were 'learned' differences continued. There were a million ways in which man might not have evolved. Man and the other life forms on this planet are simply the latest result in the semi-haphazard evolution of life.
So, even you should be able to get your head round the fact that there was no purpose, no need for a purpose, no force to give evolution a purpose.
OK your next question might concern the evolution of the eye, that is the big gotcha that some illogicalists latch on to. But, I can assure you, it is not a gotcha.
So there we are, dear boy. Plenty there for you to spin and contort. I am not a scientist and I am sure that there are many people here better qualified than I am to add meat to these sparse bones. it's just that you are not one of them. There are many more questions that have not been answered but the answer can never be: 'God did it'.