God - All Powerful or powerless and weak?

That's the ol' benevolent dictator god - the god who will, I suppose, send people to hell for not inflating his/her ego.

I've always been struck by the idea that's floated of a supreme being who doesn't want us to think; who just wants us to believe. It doesn't strike me as credible.
You are more of a dictator than God is. Chew on that while you stew in your imperfections.

Total idiocy. God is no different than a loving parent. Same concept. Get over yourself, Hillary.
Now God is a parent? Ugh!

Seriously folks, stop comparing God to Humans. Its shamefull and pittafull.
It really is quite difficult to take such ideas with even a pinch of seriousness. Have you never actually considered the ideas that seem to drive you? Do you really find it impossible to understand how the belief in the supernatural has, does and will hinder the progress of man?
Look at the cosmos, count the galaxies, look at the evidence before you. You are being led by superstition and medieval beliefs. You have wasted your life and dare not change because change would metaphorically emasculate you before your friends and family.
Open your eyes to real freedom, the freedom of genuine discovery, the freedom to be content with asking questions and not always finding the answers. That is freedom.
Only the weak lack the courage to explore.
What are you barking about? Exploring is awesome. I love the sciences.
God is an eternal parent. It makes sense, as he is our creator.

Sad, I created this post, I am not its parental figure.

Again, you promote the seperateness between us and God. We are a part of the Universal.
You are more of a dictator than God is. Chew on that while you stew in your imperfections.

Total idiocy. God is no different than a loving parent. Same concept. Get over yourself, Hillary.

Like a loving parent? I have raised some pretty great kids. They, like many kids, got into stuff and did stuff wrong. I don't recall ever sentencing them to an eternity in anguish for it. I didn't ever torture them to prove to someone how much the kids loved me. And, while they would get in trouble for disobeying me, I would not kill them for it.

Like a loving parent? I don't think so.
Like a loving parent? I have raised some pretty great kids. They, like many kids, got into stuff and did stuff wrong. I don't recall ever sentencing them to an eternity in anguish for it. I didn't ever torture them to prove to someone how much the kids loved me. And, while they would get in trouble for disobeying me, I would not kill them for it.

Like a loving parent? I don't think so.

My kids could not do anything to make me stop loving them. I might not support them, I might not bail them out.... Ill always love them.
Sad, I created this post, I am not its parental figure.

Again, you promote the seperateness between us and God. We are a part of the Universal.
This 'post' doesn't have a soul or a mind, either, therfore, you are not its parent.

You're right. I promote the separateness between us and God, because we are separate beings.
Like a loving parent? I have raised some pretty great kids. They, like many kids, got into stuff and did stuff wrong. I don't recall ever sentencing them to an eternity in anguish for it. I didn't ever torture them to prove to someone how much the kids loved me. And, while they would get in trouble for disobeying me, I would not kill them for it.

Like a loving parent? I don't think so.
If your kids are trying to do the right things, and their hearts are in the right place, then there's nothing to worry about. In the end, your kids are either with you, or they are against you. How much latitude can you extend to them if their defiance makes it impossible for you to be together?
This 'post' doesn't have a soul or a mind, either, therfore, you are not its parent.

You're right. I promote the separateness between us and God, because we are separate beings.

THat thinking will bring more suffering to your life. We are connected.
This 'post' doesn't have a soul or a mind, either, therfore, you are not its parent.

You're right. I promote the separateness between us and God, because we are separate beings.

DO you belive God has a soul or a mind?
If your kids are trying to do the right things, and their hearts are in the right place, then there's nothing to worry about. In the end, your kids are either with you, or they are against you. How much latitude can you extend to them if their defiance makes it impossible for you to be together?

My kids dont have to make a choice between being with me or against me. They can be right in the middle if they chose.
We're here to make choices. Why do you think we're here? (Hint: your atheism will placate you for only so long.)

Who knows why we're here?

I reject the notion that we're here is some sort of cosmic test, to see whether or not we can blindly believe in something without using our ability to reason, and that those who decide to not blindly believe in something burn in someplace called hell for eternity.

The medieval church changed the message to get people in church, and to try to influence the way we live.
you've taken two separate things from my statements and tried to correlate them, they are separate. 1 God is not human. 2 our language lacks many of the proper words to describe "him" "her" "it" "us".

It does not. All the terms we would use to describe, say in my example, an alien life form could be used to describe "him/her/it/us".

The "god is so mysterious we can't even conceptualize something different than ourselves because our language only has words to describe humans" is just a weak excuse.

The English language is the most versatile of conversational tools, concepts inhuman/human/godhood, all can exist and be described in myriad form. Saying it is too difficult is just a weak cop-out.
Who knows why we're here?

I reject the notion that we're here is some sort of cosmic test, to see whether or not we can blindly believe in something without using our ability to reason, and that those who decide to not blindly believe in something burn in someplace called hell for eternity.

The medieval church changed the message to get people in church, and to try to influence the way we live.
We're here to make choices.

I've chosen to try and follow the commandments of a loving god. You've chosen to reject the commandments of a loving god. We all have the right to choose.