God - All Powerful or powerless and weak?

you've all heard the statement, "God helps those who help themselves".......I wonder if God helps those who tell him to fuck off........
I cant tell you because I DONT KNOW. Many dont want to admit it, but there are things in this world I do not understand. Just because I dont know the answer does not mean that an answer does not exist.

Often any lesson or meaning is beyond our ability to understand. When a child is taken away from an abusive parent, often the child is hartbroken and usually cant comprehend why, but there is a reason.

There is no way to prove it, its a matter of choosing to belive it. I belive it based on an inner knoledge and from examples I can see in nature.

Of course you dont know everything. That is no reason to substitute a supernatural idea for ignorance.
We know much more now than we did just a year ago, the magnitude of knowledge increase since I was a boy is staggering. I can remember seeing pictures of the first ever electronic computer in Manchester, UK. It was as big as a small house. Thousands of times more capacity than that can now be found in a chip smaller than your little finger nail. The people who developed this were scientists. They were capable of questioning things about them. That is how man progesses. belief in a god that 'did it' has kept mans development back for thousands of years.
Had not man discovered that he could con his brother into believing nonsense and charging him for the priviledge we might have been flying to the moon hundreds of years ago.
Of course you dont know everything. That is no reason to substitute a supernatural idea for ignorance.
We know much more now than we did just a year ago, the magnitude of knowledge increase since I was a boy is staggering. I can remember seeing pictures of the first ever electronic computer in Manchester, UK. It was as big as a small house. Thousands of times more capacity than that can now be found in a chip smaller than your little finger nail. The people who developed this were scientists. They were capable of questioning things about them. That is how man progesses. belief in a god that 'did it' has kept mans development back for thousands of years.
Had not man discovered that he could con his brother into believing nonsense and charging him for the priviledge we might have been flying to the moon hundreds of years ago.
I agree with what you write here. My view is that the scientests did it on there own God did not direct it any more than a warm ocean directs a hurricane. Your latter part about charging for the privlge of knowing God is the fault of Organized Religen, not God.
But you are still 'humanising' god. And indeed you must for you have no other experience.
The English language lacks the words to discuss God without humanizing the concept. I find it difficult to communicate because the proper nomenclature does not exist.
I believe it to be a false concept.

This is the other problem I have, if there is a god, why does god make it so difficult for humans and why thre are so many different beliefs about him.

You have a Toaist viewpoint, to name god is not God.
The English language lacks the words to discuss God without humanizing the concept. I find it difficult to communicate because the proper nomenclature does not exist.

Yes it does. You dont have the courage to use it. The English language contains over a million words drawn from almost every other language that has ever existed. Few if any languages can be more descriptive or express more. You need to take time out and try some objective thinking and forget what you were taught at school and it your mother's knee.
It never ceases to amaze me how many people get involved in talking about nothing.

It never ceases to amaze me how people can ignore a simple and polite request (as I made in the OP)>

It also never ceases to amaze me how many people claim to be all about people being who they choose to be, but will take the time to try to ridicule those people who do not believe as they do.