God - All Powerful or powerless and weak?

It all depends on the manner in which humanity was created in God's image. I think it could simply be the immortal soul, and little to nothing else. People have ascribed reason, self-awareness, and other attributes over the years.
To even name the concept of God, implies that God is separate and apart from us. It's not.
It all depends on the manner in which humanity was created in God's image. I think it could simply be the immortal soul, and little to nothing else. People have ascribed reason, self-awareness, and other attributes over the years.

Using Damocles logic, a tree is not "self aware" so self awareness is not a human concept.
Using Damocles logic, a tree is not "self aware" so self awareness is not a human concept.

Self awareness is very much a human concept. It is the one thing that separates sentient creatures from non sentient creatures.
The tree clearly cannot care, but it might re-act.
It's still a human concept. So is " interest". A tree does not "care" because caring is a human concept, not an arboreal concept.

It doesn't care because it isn't human. It does not make it a less accurate statement. We have plenty of words you can use to describe something that isn't human. We couldn't possibly describe the possibility of an alien species if your insistence that the language only covers "human" were remotely true....
It doesn't care because it isn't human. It does not make it a less accurate statement. We have plenty of words you can use to describe something that isn't human. We couldn't possibly describe the possibility of an alien species if your insistence that the language only covers "human" were remotely true....
you've taken two separate things from my statements and tried to correlate them, they are separate. 1 God is not human. 2 our language lacks many of the proper words to describe "him" "her" "it" "us".
I saw a cartoon on FaceBook that prompted a discussion at my office.

It was a woman asking why God allowed the shootings in the school. Another woman replied that God was not allowed in school any more.

Now, I have always been taught that God is an all powerful, omnipotent and omnipresent God.

Does anyone think the rulings against school led prayer can banish God?

If you don't believe in God, please save the witty remarks and snideness for another thread. Let the discussion take place without conversations about "fairy tales" or whatever.
Nope. God has given us free agency, and that agency leads many to atheism. In this world God may appear weak or even non-existent at times, but that's only because he's letting decision making play itself out. There won't be any doubt when Final Judgement rolls around.
Nope. God has given us free agency, and that agency leads many to atheism. In this world God may appear weak or even non-existent at times, but that's only because he's letting decision making play itself out. There won't be any doubt when Final Judgement rolls around.

That's the ol' benevolent dictator god - the god who will, I suppose, send people to hell for not inflating his/her ego.

I've always been struck by the idea that's floated of a supreme being who doesn't want us to think; who just wants us to believe. It doesn't strike me as credible.
/whoosh.....the "him" I am referring to isn't the rapist.....

and did God stop the rapist by placing there the atheist intent on stopping it?......

No, God did not place the atheist there. The child was raped. The contention is that the atheist was unable to stop the rape, but that God was able to stop the rape and chose not to do so.
No, God did not place the atheist there. The child was raped. The contention is that the atheist was unable to stop the rape, but that God was able to stop the rape and chose not to do so.

you mean the child was raped because the atheist rejected God's will?.....that's awful.......maybe God should strike everyone dead the second they start to do anything bad......

Nope. God has given us free agency, and that agency leads many to atheism. In this world God may appear weak or even non-existent at times, but that's only because he's letting decision making play itself out. There won't be any doubt when Final Judgement rolls around.

It really is quite difficult to take such ideas with even a pinch of seriousness. Have you never actually considered the ideas that seem to drive you? Do you really find it impossible to understand how the belief in the supernatural has, does and will hinder the progress of man?
Look at the cosmos, count the galaxies, look at the evidence before you. You are being led by superstition and medieval beliefs. You have wasted your life and dare not change because change would metaphorically emasculate you before your friends and family.
Open your eyes to real freedom, the freedom of genuine discovery, the freedom to be content with asking questions and not always finding the answers. That is freedom.
Only the weak lack the courage to explore.
That's the ol' benevolent dictator god - the god who will, I suppose, send people to hell for not inflating his/her ego.

I've always been struck by the idea that's floated of a supreme being who doesn't want us to think; who just wants us to believe. It doesn't strike me as credible.

Why does the supreme all powerful being NEED the worship of us insignificant humans?
And why would he need money?
I saw a cartoon on FaceBook that prompted a discussion at my office.

It was a woman asking why God allowed the shootings in the school. Another woman replied that God was not allowed in school any more.

Now, I have always been taught that God is an all powerful, omnipotent and omnipresent God.

Does anyone think the rulings against school led prayer can banish God?

If you don't believe in God, please save the witty remarks and snideness for another thread. Let the discussion take place without conversations about "fairy tales" or whatever.

"God" is whatever one wants or envisions God to be.

None is more poweful than any other .. because they all exist in the mind.
It really is quite difficult to take such ideas with even a pinch of seriousness. Have you never actually considered the ideas that seem to drive you? Do you really find it impossible to understand how the belief in the supernatural has, does and will hinder the progress of man?
Look at the cosmos, count the galaxies, look at the evidence before you. You are being led by superstition and medieval beliefs. You have wasted your life and dare not change because change would metaphorically emasculate you before your friends and family.
Open your eyes to real freedom, the freedom of genuine discovery, the freedom to be content with asking questions and not always finding the answers. That is freedom.
Only the weak lack the courage to explore.

Belife in the traditional God that these people are talking about is very harmfull and to me offensive. True God is so beyond these matters its an affront to the notion of God. ITs frustrating to me that these people allow the silly belife in the God of our childhood to hold us back from true progress.