God - All Powerful or powerless and weak?

I agree. In fact, I would say God does not have a gender.

I always thought that if there is an ultimate creator, that it is something we cannot comprehend, so I doubt it would have a gender. At least not something so basic as male/female. I think Onceler described it best on this thread. WHat he said is almost exactly what I have always thought. As I get older I do think there is something. Not because I am afraid of death; I used to fear it much more than I do now. But just because of experiences I have had that have really given me pause. But I really don't know. It seems (logically) likely that there is absolutely nothing.
I always thought that if there is an ultimate creator, that it is something we cannot comprehend, so I doubt it would have a gender. At least not something so basic as male/female. I think Onceler described it best on this thread. WHat he said is almost exactly what I have always thought. As I get older I do think there is something. Not because I am afraid of death; I used to fear it much more than I do now. But just because of experiences I have had that have really given me pause. But I really don't know. It seems (logically) likely that there is absolutely nothing.

I have had some serious issues with my faith over the years. I have never doubted that there is something greater than us, but I am having more and more difficulty reconcilling that with what I see from organized religions.

No, there should be no gender when referring to God. At least none unless you take a pagan's view of the duality of nature and have God/Goddess. But that is an entirely different topic.
I have had some serious issues with my faith over the years. I have never doubted that there is something greater than us, but I am having more and more difficulty reconcilling that with what I see from organized religions.

No, there should be no gender when referring to God. At least none unless you take a pagan's view of the duality of nature and have God/Goddess. But that is an entirely different topic.

We need to remember the God and organized religions are two VERY different things. Religions are man made and are an attempt to capitolize on the idea of God. They are really some of the worst about bluring what God really is.
More than a few religions certainly attribute genders to God or Gods.

See post #47 about Religions. They have a vested interest in blurring what God really is, in keeping humans feeling like they need the religion to have a connection with God.
We need to remember the God and organized religions are two VERY different things. Religions are man made and are an attempt to capitolize on the idea of God. They are really some of the worst about bluring what God really is.

Religions are also the only source 99% of the people have for information on God. Yes, the organized religions can screw stuff up. But unless God is going to repeat revelations and visions to every single person, there has to be a way to communicate the basics among the people.
I don't even like to use the word "God" - too many connotations.

It would be kind of nice if we could break free of most organized religion. A lot of our current concepts about God came from times that were superstitious, fearful and generally not well-informed about anything. We wouldn't trust medieval doctors with our health - why do we trust medieval clergymen with our spirituality?
Religions are also the only source 99% of the people have for information on God. Yes, the organized religions can screw stuff up. But unless God is going to repeat revelations and visions to every single person, there has to be a way to communicate the basics among the people.

I don't even like to use the word "God" - too many connotations.

It would be kind of nice if we could break free of most organized religion. A lot of our current concepts about God came from times that were superstitious, fearful and generally not well-informed about anything. We wouldn't trust medieval doctors with our health - why do we trust medieval clergymen with our spirituality?

I agree but what word is there... You can say Universe, but thats not really a fit. I sometimes call God, "the Universal" but people dont know what I mean.
Universities are either run by the particular religion, or they treat most religions as mythology.

Most religons are mythology, but most large universities, even the State schools have a religion department and its taught from a historical perspective. The classes I took were excellent, and that was in Alabama.
While universities clearly have a bias, the Churches themselves have a greater bias.
To "Care" more or less is a human concept.

Incorrect. One can say a tree doesn't care if you scream at it for instance and be accurate.

Your attempt to pretend that you have some higher idea that cannot be expressed in English is quite funny... One can express myriad ideas that are inhuman in English...

There is no evidence whatsoever that god has any interest at all in this "creation". This god thing couldn't possibly be seen to care any less about it.
Incorrect. One can say a tree doesn't "care" if you scream at it, for instance and be accurate. It isn't "human" to point out that there is no evidence whatsoever that god has any interest at all in this "creation". He couldn't possibly be seen to care any less about it.

One of my atheist friends has an interesting saying (quoting someone, I am sure).

"The difference between me and your God is that I would stop a child from being raped, if I could."
Incorrect. One can say a tree doesn't care if you scream at it for instance and be accurate.

Your attempt to pretend that you have some higher idea that cannot be expressed in English is quite funny... One can express myriad ideas that are inhuman in English...

There is no evidence whatsoever that god has any interest at all in this "creation". This god thing couldn't possibly be seen to care any less about it.
It's still a human concept. So is " interest". A tree does not "care" because caring is a human concept, not an arboreal concept.
Based on all I have seen and learned in life, god can only act thru humans. If he can act at all.
Therefore he is very weak, if he exists at all.

At best he is on a par with the devil as far as strengths go since the devil can also only act thru humans.