God. The Ultimate EVIL!

What the hell. Do I have to give you bible verses? I remember one part of the bible where one of jesus's disciple's asks him, (More or less) "Lord, how often shall my brother offend against me and I forgive him, until 7 times?" Jesus said, "No. Until 70 times 7." You also seem to forget when jesus was on the cross. One of the prisoners on the cross next to his brought up forgiveness. (Or some such crap) Jesus said, "Believe in me as your lord. And this day you will be in heaven with me."

Some examples of people forgiven does not mean all are forgiven. You cannot speak for God or for Jesus Christ. Compositional error fallacy.
The whole point of the christian religion is that god created and controls you.
Nope. God has specifically given Man the ability to choose for himself, in other words, free agency.
When people weren't acting like god wanted them to, he supposedly wiped out most of the life on earth in the "great flood."
And He provided a way for the righteous to survive, free of the evil that the rest of the world had become.
From what I have heard, there are believers in the Eastern Orthodox church who consider themselves to be the slaves of god.
Men are not slaves under God.
To be a slave, obviously there must be a master controlling you.
God is not controlling you. You have free agency. You have the ability to choose for yourself. You do not have the ability to be free of the consequences of that choice.
Disagreed. If you study religious history, specifically Christian history, you'd see it evolved over the past two thousand years. Compare it to the competition between Modern Man and Neanderthals; it would be silly to judge all humankind by our single line of naked apes.

How do you compare Judaism and Islam to Christianity? All are from the same Abrahamic roots.

Well start agreeing. You bring up nothing but bullshit. And bullshit doesn't evolve. It just turns into a different form of bullshit. Judaism sucks ass. Christianity sucks ass. Islam REALLY sucks ass!!! If you want to talk about origins, heed what this guy had to say.

Fight back 3.jpg
We cannot promote hate. We all lose when we do that! We must promote equality!

I'm not really just talking about racism either. I am also talking about Nationalism and pseudo-patriotism.

Go back and watch The Gangs Of New York, and hopefully you may see how a lot of that stuff started and why it is just wrong for America- a nation of immigrants.

It is interesting when a cultist can't see what harm their cult does. For many decades the government has been trying to do away with "hate" through brainwashing. Look at where it has gotten us. Mexicans flooding over our border and negroes out protesting and rioting because cops killed some negro criminal. Also, from a time before recorded history, similar people's have been living in their own countries. This caused them no problems. Also, look at it this way. What if the mixing of different species of human was a good thing. But we just didn't allow it. What is the worst that could happen. The same thing that has happened throughout history with homogeneous societies. Nothing. But what if we employed species mixing and it turned out to be a bad thing. (as it has shown itself to be) How do you put that genie back in the bottle.

Maybe I told you this before. Or maybe it was someone else. But what you call "racism" or "hatred" wouldn't even exist unless there was a highly necessary evolutionary reason for it. For most of the time that life has existed on earth, that is the way it has been. And it is probably the same way on every life bearing planet throughout infinity! Also, even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." How does it feel to know that you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you. Also, even basically brainless coral will fight it out with other coral to protect their own turf. How does it feel to know that you don't have the brains that a basically brainless coral has. Unfortunately, I'm thinking it feels pretty good to you.
Is that all you got out of my post? Fascinating. Of course you can question anything you like. My curiosity was piqued by your claims of superiority.

Lemme guess; you are a white American male in his 20-30s. Am I close?

Another viewpoint is the ancient story about the blind men and the elephant:

This is a long version: https://www.peacecorps.gov/educators/resources/story-blind-men-and-elephant/

This is the ADD version: https://americanliterature.com/author/james-baldwin/short-story/the-blind-men-and-the-elephant

All gibberish. Also, if you want to talk about the "superiority" issue, go to my thread, "The White supremacy. A study in offensiveness." Have at it there.
Arjuna said: The sun-god Vivasvän is senior by birth to You. How am I to understand that in the beginning You instructed this science to him?

The Personality of Godhead said: Many, many births both you and I have passed. I can remember all of them, but you cannot, O subduer of the enemy! Although I am unborn and My transcendental body never deteriorates, and although I am the Lord of all living entities, I still appear in every millennium in My original transcendental form.
Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion—at that time I descend Myself.

Purport by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:
In the Vedas also it is said that the Lord, although one without a second, manifests Himself in innumerable forms. ll those multiforms are understood by the pure, unalloyed devotees, but not by a simple study of the Vedas (vedesu durlabham adurlabham atma-bhaktau). Devotees like Arjuna are constant companions of the Lord, and whenever the Lord incarnates, the associate devotees also incarnate in order to serve the Lord in different capacities. Arjuna is one of these devotees, and in this verse it is understood that some millions of years ago when Lord Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-gita to the sun-god Vivasvan, Arjuna, in a different capacity, was also present. But the difference between the Lord and Arjuna is that the Lord remembered the incident whereas Arjuna could not remember. That is the difference between the part-and-parcel living entity and the Supreme Lord. The Lord says that He appears in His own body. He does not change His body, as the common living entity changes from one body to another. The conditioned soul may have one kind of body in the present birth, but he has a different body in the next birth. In the material world, the living entity has no fixed body but transmigrates from one body to another. The Lord, however, does not do so. Whenever He appears, He does so in the same original body, by His internal potency. In other words, Krishna appears in this material world in His original eternal form, with two hands, holding a flute. He appears exactly in His eternal body, uncontaminated by this material world.

The purpose of the Vedas is to establish such principles under the order of the Supreme Lord, and the Lord directly orders, at the end of the Gétä, that the highest principle of religion is to surrender unto Him only, and nothing more. The Vedic principles push one towards complete surrender unto Him; and whenever such principles are disturbed by the demoniac, the Lord appears. From the Bhägavatam we understand that Lord Buddha is the incarnation of Kåñëa who appeared when materialism was rampant and materialists were using the pretext of the authority of the Vedas. Although there are certain restrictive rules and regulations regarding animal sacrifice for particular purposes in the Vedas, people of demonic tendency still took to animal sacrifice without reference to the Vedic principles. Lord Buddha appeared to stop this nonsense and to establish the Vedic principles of nonviolence. Therefore each and every avatära, or incarnation of the Lord, has a particular mission, and they are all described in the revealed scriptures. No one should be accepted as an avatära unless he is referred to by scriptures. It is not a fact that the Lord appears only on Indian soil. He can manifest Himself anywhere and everywhere, and whenever He desires to appear. In each and every incarnation, He speaks as much about religion as can be understood by the particular people under their particular circumstances. But the mission is the same—to lead people to God consciousness and obedience to the principles of religion. Sometimes He descends personally, and sometimes He sends His bona fide representative in the form of His son, or servant, or Himself in some disguised form.
The principles of the Bhagavad-gita were spoken to Arjuna, and, for that matter, to other highly elevated persons, because he was highly advanced compared to ordinary persons in other parts of the world. Two plus two equals four is a mathematical principle that is true in the beginner’s arithmetic class and in the advanced class as well. Still, there are higher and lower mathematics. In all incarnations of the Lord, therefore, the same principles are taught, but they appear to be higher and lower in varied circumstances. The higher principles of religion begin with the acceptance of the four orders and the four statuses of social life, as will be explained later. The whole purpose of the mission of incarnations is to arouse "Consciousness of Krishna" (Krishna-bhakti-yoga) everywhere. Such consciousness is manifest and non-manifest only under different circumstances.

What makes you think I'm interested in what idiots wrote.
Nope. God has specifically given Man the ability to choose for himself, in other words, free agency.

And He provided a way for the righteous to survive, free of the evil that the rest of the world had become.

Men are not slaves under God.

God is not controlling you. You have free agency. You have the ability to choose for yourself. You do not have the ability to be free of the consequences of that choice.

Your last three replies to me have been bullshit. I have better things to do than to respond to bullshit.
Well start agreeing. You bring up nothing but bullshit. And bullshit doesn't evolve. It just turns into a different form of bullshit. Judaism sucks ass. Christianity sucks ass. Islam REALLY sucks ass!!! If you want to talk about origins, heed what this guy had to say.

View attachment 18175

Are you happy now? Did your rant make you feel better? Or was it like shooting up a drug; just a temporary relief until you could find a final solution for your pain?
What makes you think I'm interested in what idiots wrote.

The fact you post here.
Are you happy now? Did your rant make you feel better? Or was it like shooting up a drug; just a temporary relief until you could find a final solution for your pain?

The fact you post here.

It wasn't a "rant." Just the facts. Also, yes I do post here. And I often get stupid replies. That doesn't mean I'm interested in getting them. I have my opinions and other people have theirs. Let the chips fall where they may.
It wasn't a "rant." Just the facts. Also, yes I do post here. And I often get stupid replies. That doesn't mean I'm interested in getting them. I have my opinions and other people have theirs. Let the chips fall where they may.

Okey-dokey. Point noted. Have a good day, sir.
The same holds true for any belief in a higher being. Because being a higher being, most people would assume that it controls their lives. So that anything you may do is justifiable. Because ultimately, god is responsible. Not you. Such a deflection is EVIL. I actually met a true believer once who thought that any fucked up thing he did was ok. Because if god didn't want him to be fucked up, he wouldn't have created him to be fucked up.

One doesn't have to believe in god to not believe in free will.
A ball doesn't roll down a hill because of free will, but rather because of gravity.

For all we know, the entire universe and all that occurs within it could be no more than the random confluence of sub-atomic particles taking place in the eternity of space.
That doesn't leave room for a deity, except perhaps as a disinterested creator of sub atomic particles,
and it still doesn't leave room for free will either.

Whether or not a deity exists, fundamentalist believers tend to be the true ultimate evil.
The same holds true for any belief in a higher being. Because being a higher being, most people would assume that it controls their lives. So that anything you may do is justifiable. Because ultimately, god is responsible. Not you. Such a deflection is EVIL. I actually met a true believer once who thought that any fucked up thing he did was ok. Because if god didn't want him to be fucked up, he wouldn't have created him to be fucked up.

Blablabla, you ignorant twit.
Surely you don't think you're smart enough to realize what's really happening.
Perhaps you do, in which case you are sadly mistaken and suffering from Dunning-Kruger effect.
It wasn't a "rant." Just the facts. Also, yes I do post here. And I often get stupid replies. That doesn't mean I'm interested in getting them. I have my opinions and other people have theirs. Let the chips fall where they may.

Learn what 'fact' means. A fact does not mean Universal Truth. Buzzword fallacy.