God. The Ultimate EVIL!

It wasn't a "rant." Just the facts. Also, yes I do post here. And I often get stupid replies. That doesn't mean I'm interested in getting them. I have my opinions and other people have theirs. Let the chips fall where they may.
I suggest that you stop making stupid posts then...
Attack me with euphemisms?

Read my thread.

Tell me what it says that you disagree with.

I sure as hell don't fear you doing so.

kurva maniyak!

You posted a bunch of crap written by various religious people. Blah, blah, blah. I made some simple statements in my thread. It doesn't take a bunch of bullshit to answer them. I don't care what some religious leaders wrote. I'm talking to YOU. YOU answer me. Just keep it short and to the point. As for the writings of religious leaders or writers wrote, don't you know how things work in that regard? Once they've suckered you into listening, they won! After that, the amount of crap they can spout is endless. And seeing how open it is to interpretation what they do say is, it gets even worse. Also, look at L. Ron Hubbard and scientology. He wrote a whole bunch of books about scientology. There is just no shutting those idiots up. If you want a book on religion that actually says something, look this book up. It is free to read. It is called "Our Holy Hell: The Causes, The Solutions." I know you never will. So I will just tell you what the title of the first four main chapters are. Ponder what they say. 1. Stupidity and lies of the old testament. 2. Evil of the old testament. 3. Stupidity and lies of the new testament. 4. Evil of the new testament.
One doesn't have to believe in god to not believe in free will.
A ball doesn't roll down a hill because of free will, but rather because of gravity.

For all we know, the entire universe and all that occurs within it could be no more than the random confluence of sub-atomic particles taking place in the eternity of space.
That doesn't leave room for a deity, except perhaps as a disinterested creator of sub atomic particles,
and it still doesn't leave room for free will either.

Whether or not a deity exists, fundamentalist believers tend to be the true ultimate evil.

At least you spout some interesting gibberish. How can anybody not believe in god and not believe in free will. If there is nobody controlling them, what would make their will other than free. Though having said that, I don't believe in god and I know people don't have free will. For one thing, if they had free will, neither humans or any other creature would probably exist. We are all driven by brain drugs that for the most part are beyond our control that cause us to want to procreate. Also, most people are brainwashed beyond all recognition. They prefer to lie and be lied to. Many will actually pay money to be lied to. I will also try to include a relevant video. I don't know if it will play. It is a song by Frank Zappa called, "I'm the slime." If it doesn't play and you've never heard it before, I suggest you seek it out and listen to it. Pay special attention to the lyrics.

At least you spout some interesting gibberish. How can anybody not believe in god and not believe in free will. If there is nobody controlling them, what would make their will other than free. Though having said that, I don't believe in god and I know people don't have free will. For one thing, if they had free will, neither humans or any other creature would probably exist. We are all driven by brain drugs that for the most part are beyond our control that cause us to want to procreate. Also, most people are brainwashed beyond all recognition. They prefer to lie and be lied to. Many will actually pay money to be lied to. I will also try to include a relevant video. I don't know if it will play. It is a song by Frank Zappa called, "I'm the slime." If it doesn't play and you've never heard it before, I suggest you seek it out and listen to it. Pay special attention to the lyrics.

While some believers cannot comprehend the non sequitur, the same goes for many atheists.

Consider the old saying "Just because you can doesn't mean you should".

Consider also the fundamental question "Why would an all powerful being create a finite universe?" Entertainment? Growing something like people have herb gardens? If so, is what is being grown physical or something else?

Back to your point. It's not a conflict to believe both in an all powerful entity and that the entity would allow free will because it chooses to do so.
While some believers cannot comprehend the non sequitur, the same goes for many atheists.

Consider the old saying "Just because you can doesn't mean you should".

Consider also the fundamental question "Why would an all powerful being create a finite universe?" Entertainment? Growing something like people have herb gardens? If so, is what is being grown physical or something else?

Back to your point. It's not a conflict to believe both in an all powerful entity and that the entity would allow free will because it chooses to do so.

You say a lot without saying anything. The point is if you believe in god, you believe that ultimately everything that happens is the will of god. There are zillions of examples in the bible of god controlling things. Talking directly to kings or prophets. Causing the people who built the tower of babble to stop being able to understand each other's language. Sending plagues. Causing wars and deciding who wins that war. Influencing who will be made king or not. Etc. etc. etc. And if what if somebody dies an untimely death. To give that death some meaning, a priest is likely to tell those who are grieving that it was god's will.
You say a lot without saying anything. The point is if you believe in god, you believe that ultimately everything that happens is the will of god. There are zillions of examples in the bible of god controlling things. Talking directly to kings or prophets. Causing the people who built the tower of babble to stop being able to understand each other's language. Sending plagues. Causing wars and deciding who wins that war. Influencing who will be made king or not. Etc. etc. etc. And if what if somebody dies an untimely death. To give that death some meaning, a priest is likely to tell those who are grieving that it was god's will.

Bullshit. You are creating a strawman scenario, knocking it down and declaring victory for yourself. My guess is you never finished college.

You created a scenario about an all powerful god and free will. I gave a plausible scenario showing a flaw in your thinking. Now you're having a hissy-fit. That's your problem, not mine.

Blabber all the bullshit you like but if you aren't mature enough to recognize my single point, you're not as smart as you believe yourself to be.
Bullshit. You are creating a strawman scenario, knocking it down and declaring victory for yourself. My guess is you never finished college.

You created a scenario about an all powerful god and free will. I gave a plausible scenario showing a flaw in your thinking. Now you're having a hissy-fit. That's your problem, not mine.

Blabber all the bullshit you like but if you aren't mature enough to recognize my single point, you're not as smart as you believe yourself to be.

If you believe that what you said had any meaning, it is only in your own delusional mind. Try sticking to the point. Also, I gave many examples of god supposedly controlling everything. Did you not understand it? Do you need more examples? Face it, believers believe that god controls their lives. That is the only point here. Not some "non-sequitur." Not what people may or may not do. Not some nugget of sensible philosophy. Not what god may have done and what his reasons for it may be. So I say again. God is the ultimate evil. Because if you believe in god, you believe that he controls what happens on this planet. Such as creating adam and eve. So if god is ultimately responsible for what happens, you personally can't be held accountable. It is god's will.
No. You haven't. That is apart from bullshit. I made some direct statements in my thread. Give me a direct reply to any of them. But keep it on topic.

well, your direct statements have been simply a statement of your beliefs.......I am not sure why you felt the need to start a thread to tell everyone what you believe......now that you have, I can freely share with you the fact I don't accept your beliefs to be the truth.....thank you for sharing......
You say a lot without saying anything. The point is if you believe in god, you believe that ultimately everything that happens is the will of god. There are zillions of examples in the bible of god controlling things. Talking directly to kings or prophets. Causing the people who built the tower of babble to stop being able to understand each other's language. Sending plagues. Causing wars and deciding who wins that war. Influencing who will be made king or not. Etc. etc. etc. And if what if somebody dies an untimely death. To give that death some meaning, a priest is likely to tell those who are grieving that it was god's will.
dude......are you simply going to ignore all the examples in the Bible of people NOT doing God's will?.......like maybe Adam and Eve being disobedient?........or Cain killing Abel......and that's before we get to chapter 5........
well, your direct statements have been simply a statement of your beliefs.......I am not sure why you felt the need to start a thread to tell everyone what you believe......now that you have, I can freely share with you the fact I don't accept your beliefs to be the truth.....thank you for sharing......

What I wrote wasn't a belief. It was a fact. I even gave an example of that fact that I had experienced first hand. The guy was a piece of shit. He used god as an excuse for being a piece of shit. Also, there are probably many members of the Mafia who are true believers. But somehow they still manage to justify doing what they do. Now if you don't agree with what I said, say why. We can hash it out. When you come out on the losing end, it's time to change your "beliefs." To set aside your herd mentality. To start thinking for yourself instead of letting others do it for you.
dude......are you simply going to ignore all the examples in the Bible of people NOT doing God's will?.......like maybe Adam and Eve being disobedient?........or Cain killing Abel......and that's before we get to chapter 5........

And when people didn't do what god wanted in the bible, did not god punish them? Also, it must ultimately be gods will that people screw up from time to time. Otherwise, he would have made them more intelligent. Also, what if instead of talking to moses as a burning bush far away from everybody else, he went right down to the multitude as a huge giant for everybody to see and say it directly to them what he supposedly said to moses. He could have also picked up a couple of sinners in his hands and crushed them in his hands in front of them. And tell them that he will cause sinners and those who don't do as he said from then on to die horribly. Don't you think that would have caused much less sinning? If anything, I think god likes sinners.
You posted a bunch of crap written by various religious people. Blah, blah, blah. ... If you want a book on religion that actually says something, look this book up. It is free to read. It is called "Our Holy Hell: The Causes, The Solutions." I know you never will. So I will just tell you what the title of the first four main chapters are. Ponder what they say. 1. Stupidity and lies of the old testament. 2. Evil of the old testament. 3. Stupidity and lies of the new testament. 4. Evil of the new testament.

Oh, I see, you are an Anti-Christ agent.

A repairman that looks at you machine and smashes it with a hammer. Ad then replies, 'I don't know how to fix those anyway'.

Scientology is NOT a religion, its a psychoanalysis methodology cult.
I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and, to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” I suppose we all thought that, one way or another. robert oppenheimer

And when people didn't do what god wanted in the bible, did not god punish them?

Riddle me that Joker.