
Many if not most self professed cristians are ignorant

Jesus did not mention it which indicates to me that He did not consider homosexuality to be a concern

He wasn’t here to point out specific sins but to preach that now salvation was through Him and the sin didn’t matter

Is homosexuality a sin? I don’t know, that is up to the individual to determine but I do know that I have no authority to look down on someone when I am riddled with my own sin

I know many homosexuals that are very wonderful people and Jesus knew this also which may be why He never condemned them

Jesus liked hanging out with the dudes.
Why would God deny two (or more) consenting adults loving each other?
Well, those who find the Christian God to be very much as you are, i.e. a complete asshole, would say that that is exactly what one should expect who believes in a cruel deity who hates us all, who created us just to throw 80% of humanity into eternal torture. Further, that we should expect assholes such as you who live to emulate such a sadistic deity to behave as an asshole on JPP by following the example of the sadistic deity you worship.

I'm just saying that there are those on JPP who would claim that.
Homosexuality wasn't even important enough to put in the Ten Commandments.

As sins go, it's not even as bad as lying, adultery, coveting. Trump's life has been based on lying and adultery, and a lot of gay -hating MAGAs on this board lie relentlessly and without remorse

Sin is sin, there aren’t levels to them
Yes, teach all you Christians that he did not marry but you should! So, do not be like Jesus.
My understanding is that Jesus had a basic idea that he was probably going to be dying so that humanity could be saved, and that he felt it might be best to not leave a widow.
My understanding is that Jesus had a basic idea that he was probably going to be dying so that humanity could be saved, and that he felt it might be best to not leave a widow.

Of course He knew, He knew before He came here

Jesus has always existed, as long as God has
Bottom line. The three points that I made earlier still stand.

(1) Jesus (while on Earth in human flesh) described the construct of marriage, as recorded in the book of Matthew. While not specifically mentioning homosexuality, one can logically put 2 and 2 together and conclude that homosexuality is not included within his description of marriage.

(2) Jesus said a wholeeeeeee bunch of other stuff that was not recorded in the Gospels. The book of John concludes with this little factoid. Nobody alive today has any clue what Jesus may or may not have said specifically about homosexuality while he was here on Earth.

(3) The entirety of the Bible is "god-breathed", meaning that the ultimate author of the entirety of the Bible is God (which includes Jesus). Thus, the Leviticus passage that outright stands against homosexuality is the Word of God (Jesus). Jesus, while in human flesh, testified to the legitimacy of every little jot and tittle of the OT.

So should we go over all the Leviticus laws and apply them to todays living?
Leviticus 19:28?
Of course He knew, He knew before He came here

Jesus has always existed, as long as God has

Another Christian suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming schizoid behavioral disorder of "man is God" as "Christ existed before God" in that Christiananality pedophilia Peter Principle pyramid scheme like "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover" in that survival of the fittest fascists tradition....
Another Christian suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming schizoid behavioral disorder of "man is God" as "Christ existed before God" in that Christiananality pedophilia Peter Principle pyramid scheme like "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover" in that survival of the fittest fascists tradition....

Could you rephrase that?