Going out to many of our RW posters

That's because you're blind to your own hatred.....besides...many lefties aren't religious....and the sad thing is....most of them walked away BECAUSE of the judgmentalism and intolerance that the Christian Right shows.

That's not even getting into the idea that the Capitalism and greed that the right embraces so tightly flies in the face of Christ's teachings. You can't serve money and God.

I am a [mostly social] conservative and don't apologize for it. I do claim Christianity but not perfection. I believe in the educational and social aspect of the Democratic Party though I don't think we should have to work 6 months of the year to support it. (I just picked up my sister and brother-in-law this evening upon their return from Germany where he says they pay something like 50% income tax. I don't know if it is true or not but if it is that's just wrong. And gas is like $10+ per gallon.) That said, I do find myself wanting to apologize for some who also claim Christianity for their language (Col. 3:8), what I can't help but see as racism on occasion (Acts 17:26), lack of compassion for those less fortunate (James 2:15-16), to mention a few. Many do the name "Christian" a disservice by what they have to say on here (Eph. 4:1). I will be the first to admit that I am judgmental (John 7:24) and will point out what is right and wrong (I really try to pat the right on the back mostly and not be negative by harping in the wrong, but sometimes ...) but try to keep it at a minimum.

A bigger disappointment to me is that the voice of moderation is what is being silenced in D.C. and across this nation that I love. The squeaky wheel gets the grease they say, and right now the far right and the far left are squeaking the loudest.

So in some sense I do agree with you but really saw this as an opportunity to rant. Sorry 'bout that. :)
No, I just wanted to look all cool, like a HS student who is not part of the "in-crowd," claiming to be above all of the drama and doesn't care about being popular. :cool:
After viewing thread after thread of RW hate slewed on here the past couple of days....since the Zimmerman verdict...well, hell...it even goes a few.days before that...when we got a couple new.posters that conveniently showed up after a couple of bannings....

Anyway...to the point...There is no way on God's green Earth that you can call yourselves Christians. And before you even start...I know that there is stuff that comes out of our left wing posters that is vile too. But the truth is....many of our left wing posters are atheists or agnostics. The Republican party and Conservatism has aligned itself with Christian "values". But it seems to me that unless it involves gays or abortion...or people of a different religion. You don't really care about the faith at all....hell, even when you are discussing those hot topic issues...all you do is spew hate, intolerance and self righteousness.

I doubt that God is amused. You have abandoned God for a right wing agenda that is 100X more aligned with Greed, Power, hatred, bigotry and CONTROL than it is with God.

In short, I think you're worshiping a false PROFIT.

Well, I def am not a christian. :)

I have not personally attacked any poster on here, even though this is an issue I am insanely passionate about. I might have called people "dumb" or "Stupid" .. something along those lines, but that's basically as far as it goes, and those terms are as we know very tame around these parts.

I am not interested in pretending to believe something I don't in order to pacify others. I believe (... actually, KNOW) too many people on here that truly never paid attention to this case. Anyone that actually watched the case would not be able to say the prosecution did a good job. There was no real evidence presented against zimmerman. The majority of states witnesses either backed up his story or had to admit that his story was consistent with the evidence. The state actually changed their narrative 2 weeks into the trial. They were a joke.

The bottom line is, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Many have gotten this case dead wrong, and keep either saying things that have nothing to do with the law, or they say things that have nothing to do with the case.

I have never said one thing that was untrue about this case.

I hope everyone on this board can come to a better understanding. Both with regards to this case and to those that they disagree with.
That's because you're blind to your own hatred.....besides...many lefties aren't religious....and the sad thing is....most of them walked away BECAUSE of the judgmentalism and intolerance that the Christian Right shows.

That's not even getting into the idea that the Capitalism and greed that the right embraces so tightly flies in the face of Christ's teachings. You can't serve money and God.

So you guys chose money?
STY, if this thread doesn't apply to you - move on. If you haven't spewed hate, great. But if you recognize yourself in this thread, then please consider SP's remarks.
but of course, any liberal worthy of the name will assert that all righties are.......

It's part of your mantra....a false one. One that the Conglomerate uses for their advantage...they bait you with abortion and gays and other religions...then while you're focused on that, they suck the life out of this country and it's people. When you align yourselves with them, it's a huge mistake.