Going out to many of our RW posters

oh fuck off....if you can't stand what you say, don't say it in the first place....

Once again his bullshit has been highlighted for all to see, so now it's time for the angry Rightie to hurl some of the choice epithets he knows his Lord and Savior must certainly approve of at one of the posters who have caught him in another lie.

PMP certainly is an inspiration to disciples of Christ the world over!
Once again his bullshit has been highlighted for all to see, so now it's time for the angry Rightie to hurl some of the choice epithets he knows his Lord and Savior must certainly approve of at one of the posters who have caught him in another lie.

PMP certainly is an inspiration to disciples of Christ the world over!

I see you found the thread without my help......now, after accusing me of being a liar are you capable of finding the OP without help?.......
Waaaaaait a second....find a post where I called Zimmerman's motivation or him in general, a racist.

You seemed to imply that all the rightwingers are racist when you posted, If your people don't want to be called racist.....stop behaving in a racist manner....and don't pull the "who me?" BS either.".
You seemed to imply that all the rightwingers are racist when you posted, If your people don't want to be called racist.....stop behaving in a racist manner....and don't pull the "who me?" BS either.".

C'mon winterborn....whether these posters are racists or they are just trying to be pricks because message boards are anonymous...you've seen the threads and the individual posts by a number of RW posters.....and I've NEVER said all.
I'm not "OK" with any personal attacks....even my own. I admit to doing it myself. I don't like when I do it.

But, you do it. And you may claim to not be OK with it, but you are an enabler. You look the other way while they do it. Then when you see someone respond in kind you say "Oh my look how mean the conservative is". I have seen this game played out many times. Rinse. Wash. Repeat.

I've been trying to stay neutral on the Zimmerman thing. I THINK that there's more culpability.on Zimmerman's part....but I can't prove it. The words of the other person on the cell phone with Martin are assumed to be false by you guys because she had to have someone write her testimony down and she couldn't read cursive. That doesn't mean she was lying. I think that should give any reasonable person pause....as should the 911 call from Zimmerman...and his own words where Martin was circling his vehicle....that right there is a threat and Zimmerman had a chance to escape from that threat...by turning the key and driving away.

I hear people asking why Martin didn't just go home etc....why is it you put more expectations on a teenager than you do an adult in a.position of responsibility?

I have said repeatedly that BOTH men could have made different decisions that night that would have led to this not occurring. Althoug, I do believe that at some point Mr Martin would have met the same fate given the trajectory his life path seemed to be on (drug use, burglary etc)

OK....that was off topic...so I'll get back on topic.

As a whole....you guys seem to be the masters of confrontation on these boards. You guys are brutal, relentless and show.no mercy to anyone who has a differing viewpoint.....I know for a fact that is how I often get sucked into the vitriol.

Yes, and that is only something from the righties here. The lefties are just meek innocent souls looking to buy Skittles and Iced Tea when us mean ole "White Hispanics" jump out from behind cars and SHOOT THEM. The lefties never do anything. Yeah, we get it.

Why? Is it because of AM RW radio? That you guys think that the way Rush, Hannity, Beck and Savage speak is legitimate and proper? From Fox on down to the AM radio guys I mentioned, the mode of communication is one of attack. Truth doesn't matter as.much as winning an argument. And when your "truth" doesn't jibe with facts.....call them a Commie and start railing about "state run media"(Straight out of the EIB playbook).

Congrats on achieving irony and ad hom in the same post.

Yes...my fellow libs can get just as bad sometimes, but most of us are more than willing to engage in reasonable conversation until the below the belt hits start coming....then a thread usually devolves.

Again with the Trayvon defense? You guys are just out looking for some Skittles and BAM! we just smack you upside the head. What a brutal existence you must live. I guess I will chalk up Right Wing Privilege to go along with my White Privilege. Basically your entire sentence can be summed up into a 6 year olds argument of "he started it"

I don't expect any of the extremists on either side to admit to any of this...including you....I am sure that you will point out individual threads that libs started that were designed to piss conservatives off. Which in turn, the libs can do the same with Conservatives' threads.

The difference is....Christian ethics and morals are supposed to be the Hallmark of the Conservative Ideology....THAT was the point of this thread....Christ taught to turn the other cheek....not to attack and twist the knife.

This has nothing to do with Christianity, but since you want to make it about that, the hallmark of Christianity is that we are all sinners. So I guess since most lefties aren't Christians and are professed atheists here they don't have to turn the other cheek. That's OK. I will keep smacking them in the same cheek if that is what they want
This has nothing to do with Christianity, but since you want to make it about that, the hallmark of Christianity is that we are all sinners. So I guess since most lefties aren't Christians and are professed atheists here they don't have to turn the other cheek. That's OK. I will keep smacking them in the same cheek if that is what they want

Render to no man, evil for evil-Romans 12:17
Because you're too big of a douche.

What did I tell everyone?

Ask a simple, courteous question and STILL get back nothing but vitriol.

And thank you 3DDD for demonstrating to everyone that remaining civil for even one single sentence is simply beyond your reach.

Just as I've claimed time and again.
Zapps, you really have no room to criticize anyone on this board except probably IHA, DS, Razor, Bravo, and a few others such as Asshate whenever he resurfaces. You are a complete jerk all the time.
Zapps, you really have no room to criticize anyone on this board except probably IHA, DS, Razor, Bravo, and a few others such as Asshate whenever he resurfaces. You are a complete jerk all the time.

I'm a complete jerk "all the time"?


And why can't I, might I ask?

That kinda looks like me asking a polite question...and NOT BEING A JERK...but maybe you know better.

Don't blame me for your inability to complete a single sentence without ridiculing me.

When all I get in response is vitriol...that's what you're going to get in return.

If you can play nice with me, I can do the same...why is that so hard for you supposedly intelligent Righties to understand?
Because I'm unaccustomed to seeing it? I mostly just see your interactions with Grind, PMP, SF, and Billy, but I guess you are occassionally civil even to them. But, if you actually see yourself as capable of this civility thing, I'm all for addressing you in a more upbeat fashion.