Good News About Baby Boomers

You aren't a Democrat. You're a DINO. may have been one at one time....but now you have some money in your pocket, and all of a sudden the ideals of fairness flew out the window.

The only things I've seen that you have in common with some Dems is that you don't like guns and you don't believe in're probably pro-choice too....

But those aren't the ideals of the Democratic platform....those a right wing talking points. The nature of Democrats is an ideal of fairness...that if you work hard you can succeed, that if you are working you should be able to have a family and keep them fed, clothed and sheltered.

The guns, abortions and God stuff is all fluff.

But do go on about me...the day you have to calm down a 230lb developmentally disabled person with explosive psychiatric issues without using your fists is the day you get to call me a janitor.
I'm a much more educated democrat than you
I'm the kind who knows economics like rightwingers know NRA talking points
That's why you make 40k and cry about corp America.
That is common stupidity

Once make this about me. Who's crying? I'm just stating facts. They take their profits and run, but when they get too greedy and fuck up, they expect middle America to foot the bill for them. It's pervasive throughout our country. It hits all the big factors in our daily lives...banking, education, health care, industry, trade. And our political structure.

Wealth is leaving this country by the trillions....but you're doing OK....that's all that matters.

Do yourself a "Greedy Bastards" by Dylan Ratigan.
Once make this about me. Who's crying? I'm just stating facts. They take their profits and run, but when they get too greedy and fuck up, they expect middle America to foot the bill for them. It's pervasive throughout our country. It hits all the big factors in our daily lives...banking, education, health care, industry, trade. And our political structure.

Wealth is leaving this country by the trillions....but you're doing OK....that's all that matters.

Do yourself a "Greedy Bastards" by Dylan Ratigan.
Your a crybaby, and ignorant
Wealth is being created not leaving
I'm smart enough to know we don't haven 400 million on food stamps you angry idiot

Didn't say that....I said hundreds of millions getting government help....I believe...that would include food stamps, Medicaid, subsidized housing, WIC, etc.

But at least you admit that you aren't educated and that your just a douche looking to flex your muscles and pick fights. You're no better than 911 or ILA.
You aren't a Democrat. You're a DINO. may have been one at one time....but now you have some money in your pocket, and all of a sudden the ideals of fairness flew out the window.

The only things I've seen that you have in common with some Dems is that you don't like guns and you don't believe in're probably pro-choice too....

But those aren't the ideals of the Democratic platform....those a right wing talking points. The nature of Democrats is an ideal of fairness...that if you work hard you can succeed, that if you are working you should be able to have a family and keep them fed, clothed and sheltered.

The guns, abortions and God stuff is all fluff.

But do go on about me...the day you have to calm down a 230lb developmentally disabled person with explosive psychiatric issues without using your fists is the day you get to call me a janitor.

Is that how you justify the monstrous stances your party has taken on issues ranging from slavery to abortion?
Oh yeah...blame it on programs designed to help....not the million upon millions of jobs that left this country for sweatshops in other countries....not the going on $3 Trillion dollars that are safely tucked away and isn't getting invested HERE....all so fat cats can try to sate their neverending thirst for MORE.

Learn 2 Read.

I did not say that taxpayer money being used to fund the modern innovation of entitlement programs was a bad thing. You have been whining about it, blaming rich people for the existence of poverty in the US. While many people have argued entitlements such as food stamps and unemployment make the problem worse, I did not make that argument.

What I said was simply this: Since the poverty has always existed in this country--even back in the 50s when corporations were all good, virtuous, moral, and patriotic--the need for entitlements existed before the modern era of international conglomerates and will continue to exist in the future. Since we choose to have them, we are going to pay for them with tax dollars. You can bitch about it to your little Democrat's content, but your money is going to entitlements, because poverty is eternal.

Now, if you want to stick it to corporate America, some reforms can be instituted that I think most Americans would support. Can place a graduated luxury tax on all corporate bonuses beginning at some arbitrary six-figure number. This will have zero impact on business, and it will make us all feel better about ourselves (Win-Win). More importantly, here is a great proposal to overhauling our dysfunctional corporate tax code:

Normally, you only hear leftists arguing for the VAT, but here's a conservative doing it quite effectively.
Is that how you justify the monstrous stances your party has taken on issues ranging from slavery to abortion?

Stance on slavery? mean BEFORE Dems grew up and Republicans decided to fill the void? Well, fine....I'll take that responsibility for a stance that "my party" took 150 years ago.

As far as abortion? My party's stance is the correct one. That abortion is legal and constitutional....and it should be a woman's choice.
Aren't you worried that history will once again demonize the Dems as mass murderers? I suppose in 100 years, the GOP will be blamed for it, and the Dems will steal the pro-life thunder...
Aren't you worried that history will once again demonize the Dems as mass murderers? I suppose in 100 years, the GOP will be blamed for it, and the Dems will steal the pro-life thunder...

No...I'm worried about plenty of things...but my party affiliation isn't one of them.

I worry that our economy can't take the strain of so many people being unemployed and underpaid, stuck in shitty jobs.

I worry about our water supply...because our farmlands feed the country and help to feed the world.

Those are just two...but two huge concerns... what my party did 150 years ago? Is nothing compared to what Corporatism and excess consumption is doing to us.
No...I'm worried about plenty of things...but my party affiliation isn't one of them.

I worry that our economy can't take the strain of so many people being unemployed and underpaid, stuck in shitty jobs.

I worry about our water supply...because our farmlands feed the country and help to feed the world.

Those are just two...but two huge concerns... what my party did 150 years ago? Is nothing compared to what Corporatism and excess consumption is doing to us.

No, it's a concern for those who died and are now suffering for it. What your party does now will have similar consequences.
You can be very pro corporations and anti CEO pay!
You simpleton
We feed the world moron, agriculture is no problem!
You must be pretty content, cause your outrage is faux!